Sypher Corinth

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Gridania-transparent.png Sypher Corinth
Sypher profile.png
"One can not choose his birth or his family, But the way he lives his life is his to mold."
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Unknown
Citizenship Gridania
Pronunciation Sai-fer Kor-rinth
Age 24
Height/Weight 5', 8 / 144 ponz.
Job Freelance Mercenary
Class Hand to Hand Specialist and Lance Specialist.
Relationship Status Single



Sypher is a self proclaimed alley cat with dreams of grandeur. From his time roaming the streets of Ul'dah to his time as an adventurer, what was simply him running after his next adrenaline rush has become a full time job as well as a life long deterrent of the mundane. He's been called everything in the book from a loose cannon to a no good walking disaster, but no name would could ever phase him so long as when he leaves this world for the next that he not be remembered as boring.


On first inspection Sypher seems like nothing more than any desert Keeper male prowling for a female to warm his bed. This is only but the tip of the ice burg. His physique is one built for hitting hard compared to that of other Miqo'te males. Other things that stand out from a glance is his hair which isn't a result of dye but rather a mix between genetics and good fortune. During childhood his hair was actually a fiery red but as he grew older, his hair grew darker giving it the disproportionate look it has today. His eyes are also slightly peculiar or so he's been told. They are a dim amethyst that are


If anyone were to have a conversation as the bar with Sypher, they might not get the feral impressions that he leaves on most when they encounter him in the field. Much the opposite actually as while relaxing he is the definition of a lazy cat. Preferring the jolly atmosphere of the bar to anything high society could offer him; finding him outside of work is usually as simple as visiting the quicksand anytime in the late afternoon.

What his travelling companions are more used to seeing though is a black panther with enough power to straighten out the tangled Morbol's of Mor Dhona without breaking a sweat. He enjoys the challenge and a wild look overcomes his feature when ever the heat of a battle is on him. Not that he ever pushes his companions to keep up with him or puts his life on the line for one of these thrills, but anyone whose fought beside him knows that the the rush is his primary objective with the money being a close second.

Growing from battles though has left the male feeling mature beyond his years and he is sometimes even mistaken for older when around others for the first time. His charismatic personality has earned him something of a reputation around his home town of Ul'dah. This has gotten him more than his share of travelling and combat partners as well as challenges by Nunh's thinking him some backwater cat like them. His name has even spread through some of his clients which has helped him always stay with work and coin aplenty.


If he were to be asked directly, his answer as to his occupation would be a Professional Freelance Mercenary. Not so much a Soldier of Fortune who is only interested in gil collected per time invested, but a real professional with ethics and a moral although flexible code in which he applies to his work. To him, it was always a matter of how the job made you feel at the end of the day then how rich it made you.

He's found though that some times following the gil didn't always mean getting a thrill and that feeling good after a job well done didn't even mean getting a lot of gil for it. He's done everything from babysitting to moving hay and working fields for elderly couples, to even guard work for cities and personal bodyguard work for nobles and entitled researchers. All in all he's happy about his choices as an adventurer and continues to lead a work life that in his words will leave him with the least regrets.



  • Traveling. While business is the main objective, he simply enjoys being on the move.
  • Drinking. Like most adventurer's After a long day of work most like to sit back with their favorite tonic and unwind.
  • Interesting conversation. While not the brightest and with no real passion for studies, Sypher still enjoys engaging others about their passions and learning from it.
  • Listening. While in the tavern Sypher developed a talent for following a lot of different conversations at once.
  • Challenges. Rather than settle into a routine, Sypher enjoys the unexpected and even lets his guard down a bit in the field to enjoy the rush from being blindsided.


  • Back Water Miqo'te. Sypher isn't so blind to think them all one in the same, but most come off as rude and trapped in the traditions of an outdated culture.
  • Destructive passiveness. While he isn't the typ to sit back and watch one person abuse another, he is also a firm believer that people deserve what they are willing to endure. So if someone is to passive to escape when goes to save them then they simply don't want to be saved.
  • Recklessness. Not to contradict how he seeks thrills while out in the field, Sypher doesn't seek out death sentences. Life is meant to be enjoyed not wasted.
  • Meaningless Confrontation. Sure dealing with a fight or even starting one in his line of work is simply business, but when there is no coin to be made then he'd rather not spill blood over trivial things.


  • Sypher, despite having no interest in the family group his mother left before birthing him, actually takes his name from a rather odd Keeper clan who's children take there names from music pieces rather then their predecessors.
  • Sypher actually takes his eye color and the mix of red in his hair from his father. Originally a red head, most of it has grown black as he grew and it was cut.
  • After moving away from home, Sypher has been unable to settle himself, as if some unknown power demands that he always be looking for his next job.



Innocent Mischief

Post Calamity

Vagabond Or Meverick

Current occurrences


Satomi Hakase :
Grundy Byrde :
Auriaune Fournier :
Sheena L'aveene :
X'ami Tyata


Common Rumors

Moderate Rumors

Rare Rumors

PC Rumors




