Flynt Reddard

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Revision as of 21:30, 18 January 2015 by Flynt The Hyena (talk | contribs)
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 Flynt Reddard
Flynt Reddard 01 17 2015 04 02 52 wiki.jpg
The Hyena
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Born Tipan, legally Eorzean
Place of Birth Marr's Pass, Tipa Peninsula
Guardian N/A
Nameday 1/9 (Age: 27 )
Marital Status Single
Occupation Pit fighter, Extortionist (retired), Imperial Shadow (deserted)

Basic Info

Flynt Reddard 01 02 2015 20 35 33 wiki.jpg


Height: 5'8

Weight: 195lbs

Complexion: Fair, often unclean

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Auburn, one eye glossed by a nuclear cataract

Particular Traits: Nuclear cataract obstructs his vision through one eye.

Voice: Voice Claim

Clothing Style: Practical, lightweight

Laterality: Right-dominant



  • Amassing copious amounts of gil through various means.
  • Hoarding assorted things, namely boots and seized Grand Company arms.


  • Boots
  • Gambling
  • Mint
  • Collecting assorted arms and materia.


  • Clerics
  • Traditional Miqo'te
  • The paranormal (Voidsent, conjured spirits, etc.)
  • Wasting his fortune


  • Color: Scarlet
  • Food: Marmot steak
  • Drinks: Mint water
  • Scent: Sulphuric scents, Goldbile, Petrichor
  • Place: Fesca's Wash, Hullbreaker Isle, The Bowl of Embers/Southern Thanalan, and contrary to his fears; the township Amdapor.
  • Festival: N/A


  • Flynt has grown sick of his villainous ways, retiring from crime to hone his abilities as a warrior under the Ul'Dahn colosseum's employ. He now wishes to become the best pit fighter, achieving a positive reputation among the locals to atone for his cruelty.


Nonreligious due to his upbringing in Garlemald.


True Neutral, Flynt simply doesn't care enough to choose sides, but a hefty pay may sway his opinion.


Flynt Reddard 01 04 2015 16 41 39 wiki.jpg

Not strictly formal, nor too lax, Flynt is a business casual sort of character. His personality is adjusted to suit the comforts of the associate, but will remain laid back in most cases. Flynt has a terrible mean-streak when opposed or offended, taking a violent and dominant position to assert authority to ultimately retain his image.


  • Covetous
  • Racist to a degree
  • Exhibits vampiric/cannibalistic tendencies


Flynt is mortified by the concept of necromancy.


  • Can play the piano
  • Able to track via scent


Flynt has a Garlean-standard education, comparable to a moderate-level university degree.


Final Fantasy Characters: Layle (Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers)

Other Game Characters: Revolver Ocelot (Metal Gear franchise), Patches the Hyena (Demon/Dark Souls)

Anime Characters: Mugen (Samurai Champloo), Kamina (Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann)

Other Media: Lestat de Lioncourt

TV Tropes

  • Kick the Dog
  • Pragmatic Fighter
  • Catch me Fighting Dirty

Abilities and Skills

Flynt Reddard 01 04 2015 15 47 33 wiki.jpg


  • Augus/Augus XLR: Two mechanical companions, the minor being a storage-based miniature Vanguard servant, the XLR model being the recalibrated Reaper.
  • A rope: Why a rope? You never know when you'll need a rope. Don't ask questions.


  • Solus & Galvus: Two rather heavy machetes used in his colosseum bouts. (Portrayed as Flame Lieutenant's Machetes)
  • Airghet & Lahm: Two stiletto knives primarily used as wands to channel artificial ninjutsu. (Portrayed as Garuda's Plumes)


  • Flynt is unable to conduct aether naturally.
  • The Negative Rainbow: An artificial set of corrupted aethric crystals to compensate for his inability to conduct magic (Or in this case, ninjutsus).

Limit Breaks

  • LVL 3: A Dog's New Tricks: A varying move that mimics the trademark 'special move' of a character from other mediums. (Eg. Kamina's Giga Drill Break, Ippo's Double Dempsey Roll, Joseph Joestar's Ripple Overdrive, etc.)
  • LVL 2: Shooting Star: Flynt adjusts himself for a volley of Raitons, unloading crystal charges until the target has the consistency of swiss cheese.
  • LVL 1: Rabbit Punch: A crowd favorite; Flynt strikes the back of the neck with a fell swoop, anthropomorphic victims may suffer whiplash, if not spinal damage.

Family and Relationships


  • Vallus Reddard (Father, whereabouts unknown, presumably still in Marr's Pass)
  • Christine Metis (Mother, whereabouts unknown, presumably still in Marr's Pass)
  • Rudus Tel Agni (Father in Law, deceased)


  • Akama Kharn (Trusted friend)
  • Surilian Blu (Employer)
  • Herah Viqqoh (Apprentice, partner in crime.)
  • Avalyn Piper (Dearly beloved acquaintance)


  • Wandering Tonberry Free Company
  • Twin Serpent Fang Free Company


  • S'Honji Hayakawa (Holds a grudge against)


  • Twin Serpent Fang Free Company
  • The Speakeasy

Music Themes

NPC Rumors

  • "It's been heard that The Hyena still conducts under the table hit jobs" - Flame Private
  • "Some say Flynt feasts upon fallen foes that have forced his hand in a show of domination" - Colosseum Crowd Goer

Player Rumors

  • "Rumor has it that he tried to kill a contestant in the Grindstone, by nearly decapitating the poor woman."

Note: This section is editable by anyone. Just keep in mind that the rumors here may be both true or false.


Name and Lifestyle


  • The Hyena: A name given to Flynt by an Immortal Flames Patrolman during his time in the syndicate, now carried over to be his colosseum monicker.
  • Ol' Trusty Flynt: An alias, however he is anything but. Coined by himself to sound more appealing.

Current Residence

The Serpent's Flask, suite 8

Before Dalamud's Fall

Birth and childhood (0-10)

Raised to become a miner in Marr's Pass until the age of fourteen, moved to Garlemald with childhood sweetheart.

Teen Years

Received a formal education in Garlemald until the age of 24, where he returned yet again to Tipa. After the passing of his then wife, the troubled Flynt seeked refuge in Eorzea where people like him are abundant.

After Dalamud's Fall

Flynt was not present during the Calamity.


Flynt had status among the thieves and rogues of La Noscea and Thanalan, but grew tired after some time and wished to live a more honest life.

A Realm Reborn (Present, 23)

Flynt, now the prize fighter "The Hyena of the Arena", lives in a spare room of the Serpent's Flask tavern in the Goblet, where he spends most his downtime when not competing in pitched fights around the city-state.

Wanted for Interesting Roleplay

  • Rivals, other competitors, fans, etc. (to expand upon the colosseum plot)