Qhora Bajihri

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Qhora Bajihri
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Ul'dah
Occupation Finder, Mercenary
Free Company The Grim Echo
Server Balmung


Qhora runs an odd sort of racket in Ul'dah's black market. She specializes in handling tasks the more moral populace won't touch, mainly "finding" objects that have found themselves in someone else's possession. She'll work for the highest bidder and has more than once found herself getting paid multiple times to retrieve the same item from various people in sequence. She also works as an information broker, which takes her to places she wouldn't otherwise show herself, taking advantage of her relish for being unpopular and unrecognized. For those who can afford it, she will also "take out the trash," as she puts it. She refuses to refer to the work in more direct terms.


  • Nicknames/Aliases: Q, That Bitch
  • Age: 22
  • Date of Birth: 13th Sun 1st Astral Moon
  • Sexuality: It's complicated
  • Marital Status: Unavailable
  • Religion: Unimpressed Individualist (Favors Halone)
  • Alignment: Lawful Evil (She follows an internal sense of wrong that needs to be righted combined with comfort-based hedonism rather than any organization or code.)


  • Height: 5'1" On the short side of miqo, but not tiny.
  • Body: Dark skin, nearly black. Wiry, all angles.
  • Face: Oddly round relative to her stringy body with pinchable cheeks she doesn't much care for.
  • Hair: Black. She keeps it cut short and messy.
  • Clothing: She likes to wear black and deep blue, preferring leather, but she's far from fashion conscious.


  • Demeanor: Cold. There's often anger right below the surface.
  • Quirks: Generally a loner. She'll take a shine to people who insult others (including herself) in her presence, though, especially if they manage to get a rise out of their targets.
  • Intelligence: She's smart, and generally acts deliberately, but when she makes mistakes they tend to be a result of being pushed into impulsiveness.


  • Style: Qhora takes her cues from Limsa Lominsa's rogues with whom she worked for a time before moving back to Ul'dah.
  • Strengths: She's fast and tough. She can take a smack and get up and keep fighting, with a tenacity belied by her relatively small frame.
  • Weaknesses: She has a sort of endurance, but she doesn't have out right strength. If she can't get mobile in order to get in a lot of fast hits in specific weak points, she's in a tough situation.


  • Fish
  • Solitude
  • Vicious Wit
  • Travel
  • Darkness
  • Poison


  • Women, girls, females
  • Crowds
  • Heroes
  • Victims


  • Fishing
  • Stealth


  • Favorite food: Eel Pie
  • Favorite color: Royal Blue



She says she's an orphan, but people who've heard her get angry or slip up and discuss her past may have noted that she has severe mommy issues and harbors a lot of family-related hatred right up front, which doesn't fit with someone who's never known her family.

She also claims to have be the sole survivor of a less than successful Ul'dahn street gang who operated before the Calamity.

Other Characters

( = Trusted, = Positive, ● = Neutral, = Negative, ≈ = Complicated )

Sindl Arahn ( ≈ )

Qhora clings to Sindl like she's drowning and he's the only life preserver in the middle of a landless sea, like he's what's keeping her alive. What exactly is going on between them is difficult to determine as both avoid the subject and neither are above lying about it, but the fact that there's something is hard to miss. She sees past his friendly exterior to something harder at his core that she needs to rely on and to be around.

M'sato Tia ( ● )

One of the few people she's met that hasn't immediately earned her hatred, she initially respected M'sato's sharp, vicious wit. The more she learned about him, the more that fell apart. The result is a difficult balance between admiration of the venomous exterior he's often shown in front of her and outright hatred of what she sees to be his soft, weak core that comes forward in quieter moments. In that sense, she sees him as Sindl's opposite.

Kai'ir Bajihri ( )

Qhora wants to not hate Kai'ir, and tries to cheer him on when he's trying to extricate himself from lady problems, but she finds the way he constantly gets into lady problems so weak and pathetic that she wishes he'd just jump off a bridge so he'd at least have a problem that didn't involve ladies.

Armi Alliando ( ≈ )

Technically never having met, over time Qhora learned about the history between Armi, Sindl, and M'sato, which has resulted in a cold but dismissive view of the girl on Qhora's part. To hear Qhora talk, she hates Armi, but the truth isn't anywhere near that simple.

Other Things

RP Hooks

What does your character do?

She's a shady mercenary type, willing to do unpleasant things of the theft and violence variety for the highest bidder. She keeps a clientele that prefer not to have questions asked of their methods and motives, thus don't ask questions of her either.

What does your character want?

Comfort, so a profit. She also tends to seek out violence, especially if it's low risk to herself, like opportunity for poison. She's a sadist, not a masochist.

What does your character avoid?

Social contact, except in the context of a job. Women, generally. Sex - at this point in her life she finds the very concept repulsive outside very specific circumstances. Physical touch outside the realm of violence.

What do you want to build on?

Contract and mercenary work. Need to steal something from someone else? Need to eavesdrop on someone without leaving a trail back to yourself? Need someone disposed of and can't chance getting caught? Opportunities for her to revel in her growing amorality.


Character Tropes


Modified from Deirdre Ta'ea's template.