"An empty hand is akin to an empty heart -- ever does it long for a companion." - former Tanners' Guild guildmaster, Saiverin Vaireloque
"Gladiators haven't a care whence steel comes, nor archers timber. 'Tis no concern of ours - so long as their gil is good." - esteemed naturalist Pilfa Dalfa, in his cups.
For crafters, the art of synthesis is at the very core of their way of life, driving their industry. They employ a veritable arsenal of tools in working everything from the most delicate cloth to the most resilient metal. Through their labors, the traditions of Eorzea are kept alive, and her culture preserved. Harvesters of nature's bounty utilize an array of tools in their work with all forms of plants and minerals. Their trade encompasses knowledge of all of Hydaelyn's natural resources, be it in cultivated garden or the great outdoors. As a cornerstone of Eorzea's economy, their impact on her inhabitants can hardly be overstated.
[hide]Alchemists Guild
Armorers' Guild
Blacksmith's Guild
Botanists Guild
Carpenters Guild
Culinarians' Guild
Fishermans Guild
Goldsmith's Guild
Leatherworkers Guild
Miners Guild
Weavers Guild
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