Ezrah Kiam

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Ezrah Kiam
Ul'dan Mercenary
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Ul'dah
Age 27
Height 5’9”
Nameday 25th Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon
Guardian Nymeia, the Spinner
Sexuality Heterosexual
Marital Status Single


Born under another name in another land, Ezrah is a naturalized citizen of Eorzea who has put a great deal of effort into remaking himself. Under the guidance of his mentor Ronik Argonar, Ezrah learned the mercenaries trade within the city-state of Ul'dah by taking various contracts from the Immortal Flames as well as private contracts for guards and escorts through the dangerous Thanalan desert that surrounds the city.
After Ronik retired from the company, Ezrah adopted the role of commander, and has spent the past couple of years trying to keep the company together. After five years of establishing himself and his group as reliable retainers, his concerns have grown over the ever present Garlean forces as well as troubling rumors from the North.


Ezrah is a tanned Hyur male who stands 5 fulms and 9 ilms tall. He has a lean, athletic build shaped by his time in the military and as a mercenary. His black hair is roughly cut, short stubble grows on his chin and above his lips, and his eyes are emerald green. His left cheek is marked by a jagged burned scar that’s he’s carried for the past five years.
As a contractor for the Immortal Flames, he possesses a blue soldier’s coat he’ll ware when the need arises, but otherwise he typically wares a set of steel armor plates over chain mail when he goes into combat. Around town he wears loose clothing of Ul’dan fashion, unless the weather calls for something a bit warmer. He doesn't typically ware any baubles or trinkets on his fingers, neck, or ears.


Ezrah is generally agreeable. He doesn't take offense easily and usually tries to keep a level head. He keeps his problems and opinions to himself unless he’s asked. When asked, he is honest and direct with his opinion, wanting to be absolutely understood. He has a love of absurd humor and will often laugh or make light of situations he finds strange. As a general rule, Ezrah is dishonest about his past. He will lie if asked about his childhood or family, but he feels he has good reason. As with most lies, there is always a seed of truth regarding most of what he says, and he's been telling the same story for years, so it's become second nature to him.


He’s trained in a variety of martial areas and can wield a sword, spear, or dagger with competence, but his skills in magic on the other hand are nearly non-existent. He is most proficient wielding a sword and shield, and typically caries a thin steel sword nearly a yalm in length. The sword originally belonged to the mercenary commander Ronik Argonar and has been recast several times over its decades of use.


  • Ezrah maintains a relatively simple suit of steel plates over chain mail bound together with leather patches along his sides. This suit has been repaired several times, and signs of mending of the chain, stitching of the leather, and forged patching of the armor are apparent to anyone with an eye for such details. Despite the worn appearance, Ezrah takes pride in his gear, and he treats it well, knowing it has saved his life on numerous occasions.
  • The sword Ezrah carries looks a bit long to be wielded with one hand, as if it was made for a larger person, which it was. Originally wielded by his company's founder, the Arganar Blade is a tempered steel sword nearly a yalm in length and sharp along both edges. Its tang is encased in an ashwood handle fitted with iron facets, but the guard and pommel are both forged steel. The blade itself has been broken and reforged a few times in its life, and each time the blade has come back stronger. Ezrah treasures this sword, as it was a gift from not only his commander, but from the man who took him in after he traveled to Ul'dah. He keeps the blade honed and oiled, carefully storing it in a leather scabbard when not in use.
  • The shield Ezrah typically uses is larger than he had been used to. He claimed it from a supply cache the Flames had set aside to reward independent contractors, and it carries a bit more decoration than Ezrah would prefer, but at its core it's a solid shield with a steel outer layer folded over oak and leather. It bares many marks from use, and many signs of repair over the years.
  • When the need calls for it, Ezrah is trained as a pikeman as well. He prefers an iron-tipped ashwood spear, and often carries one strapped to the saddle of his chocobo, Scratch.
  • Not wanting to ever be caught empty-handed, Ezrah keeps a pair of steel daggers tucked into the sides of his boots. More often than not, he uses them to idly carve bits of wood into poorly made shapes, but they have been used in combat before.


The Blood-Dragon Company was originally founded by Ronik Argonar as Ronik's Blood-Moon Argonauts several years before the Calamity. Ronik gathered a select group in individuals to help keep border settlements in Thanalan safe from Amalj'aa raids and, later, Garlean incursion. Originally the group consisted of displaced Highlanders like himself, typically Ala Mhigan refugees, looking for work, but soon his numbers included ranging Miqo'te from around Thanalan and the Black Shroud as well as savvy Lalafells from the city proper looking for excitement and a chance to travel beyond the stone walls of Ul'dah.
It was during this time that the Blood-Moons raided a coven of cultists experimenting with aether along the border of Mor Dona. Reports from the border settlements said people had been going missing along the road, and when Ronik's company came upon the cultists, the only living victim they could find was a young Miqo'te with dark skin and fair hair chained to the wall surrounded by half a dozen robbed men, all dead. Refusing to speak of what happened, Ronik took the young man in, hoping to find some way to help.

Battle of Carteneau

When the call went out from the Flames for all able bodied men to march against the Garleans at Carteneau, the Blood-Moon Argonauts were amongst the number. Many of their number fell on the field, by both the sword and by the flames unleashed by Dalamud. Afterwards, only Ronik and a handfull of others remained. Returning to Thanalan the group came upon the town of Waymeet bestroyed by Amalj'aa. Within the inn, they discovered two lone survivors, the barkeep and another refugee named Ezrah. Together, they returned to Ul'dah with worries of what the future would hold.

Arrival of the Ishgardians



  • The rain.
  • Spiced Ul’dan wine.
  • Music played by locals on the streets or at festivals.
  • Listening to people's stories.


  • The cold.
  • Politics.
  • Courtly or fancy gatherings.


  • Enjoys carving wooden figures with a small knife, but they're generally rough and discarded once he feels he's butchered the wood enough.


  • Strives to keep his commitments and promises.
  • Guards his reputation and strives to maintain it.
  • Will lie about his past when asked, which he thinks is necessary.


  • Aelfric Cassen - Ezrah's father, worked as a trader until his death.
  • Yuri "Lilly" Tsukano - Ezrah's mother, born in Doma and married young to a foreign trader. She is also deceased.
  • Graciea "Grace" Cassen - Ezrah's older sister, whereabouts unknown, likely still within the Empire.


  • Nina Rune - A young woman from Gridania whom Ezrah has been trying to get closer with.
  • Makaib'a Miaoko– His right hand man in his mercenary group. Ezrah values his friend’s discretion and efficiency.
  • The Zed Brothers, Z’hotin and Z’agota – Two trouble-making Miqo'te who have made their home in the Black Shroud.
  • Raus "Ghost-eyes" Delacroix– An Elezen from Ishgard who’s been living in the Shroud since his family was exiled from their homeland over internal politics.
  • Nanomi Nomi – The lalafellin woman who keeps his bunch of mercenaries supplied and fed.
  • Chester Liddel– A young man from Limsa Lominsa who has a talent for the arcane. He’d be a real asset if he could be pulled away from his many distractions.

Common Rumors

  • “Isn't he that Ul’dan merc always complaining about the weather in the common room?” – Server from Dragonhead
  • “He’s always first to volunteer for recon runs. He really knows his way around the patrols.” – Flame Officer, Camp Bluefog
  • “Yah, I think I saw him wearing a Flame coat waiting in the tavern down the road for someone. Kept to himself mostly.” – Bras Blade patrolling Central Thanalan

Moderate Rumors

  • “I wonder who he’s always meeting with at this hour? My wife said she saw some Miqo'te skulking around, I hope he isn’t got caught up in something illicit!” - Barkeep
  • “I offered to make him something for that burn on his face, but he didn't seem interested.” Lalafellin alchemist
  • “He didn't leave a man alive! We were just ordered to intercept the scouting party, but he put every last Garlian to the sword. Afterwards, he kept to himself, but asked me how could any of them keep fighting for a monster… he was well into his cups by then.” – Ul’dan mercenary, Northern Thanalan

Rare Rumors

  • “I don’t remember seeing him around before the Calamity.” Ul’dan local
  • “He said he was from a town sacked by Amalj'aa. Not many survived apparently, and the others were tempered… poor bastards.” – Waitress, Ul'dah
  • “We was all getting’ blessed before headin' into the field, but he seemed a bit irritated. Boy needs to learn to make time for the Twelve.” – Older Merc, Revenant’s Toll

PC Rumors

Unknown to anyone living
Ezrah was born Eric Cassin in the village of Oshah, located in a border province of the Garlean Empire in the year 1550. His father worked as a trade merchant in their town until he fell to the Garleans as they took hold of the provence. Upon reaching the age of maturity, he was conscripted into the occupying Garlean military where he served for four years as a scout and infantryman.
Known to a few
After witnessing the events at Carteneau, and receiving the injury to his face, he became entirely disillusioned and abandoned what was left of his company. He adopted another name and journeyed south with a company of mercenaries and refugees until he came across the village Waymeet on the western border of the Shroud near northern Thanalan ravaged by Amalj'aa. He took up arms once again to help get the few survivors safe to Ul'dah, where he settled himself in and started his life over. He joined up with a small band of sellswords led by an aging Highlander named Ronik Argonar called the Bloodmoon Argonauts. Soon they merged a company of exiled Ishgardians known as the Dragonwatch Exiles led by a woman named Simone Reveille, and operated under the name of Blood-Dragon Company ever after. After a few successful years earning Ul’dan gold, the old man retired and command of the unit passed to Ezrah, as did Ronik's sword.
Recently, his company has been dwindling in number. Many members went their separate ways after an unfortunate change in the Flames policies towards contractors while others fell to Beastmen and Garleans while on the job. Now, their numbers are few, and rumors of trouble on the horizon have Ezrah concerned.

These are the entries made in Ezrah's leather bound journal beginning on the 10th Sun of the Third Astral Moon, roughly six years since the Calamity.

10th Sun of the Third Astral Moon
The following is written on paper smudged by stray water marks
Got my papers today, I’m officially a member of the Harbinger’s company. After what happened with the Flames at Bluefog, I’m glad to be free of my contract and a few malms away.
It may take a few days for my affects to find their way to me here from the old office, but I decided to go on ahead and see the headquarters for the first time, unfortunately the sky opened up on me as soon as I got off the ferry.
Got to the building easy enough, trying to keep my papers as dry as possible, but it didn’t seem to make much of a difference. The main hall seemed empty when I arrived, though I heard some commotion upstairs, sounded like someone was being tended to. I got my papers drying on the table just in case I need them when things settle down.
Found a bunk room that was free and figured it’d be fine if I settled in. This place is much nicer than the office we operated out of in Ul'dah! I’ll have to write M. and let him know what all’s happened, and where he can find me if things don’t go well on his end.
Hopefully this storm will pass, and I can get a chance to take in everything. In the meantime, I think I’m going to head downstairs to the cantina and see what I can scrounge together for dinner.
12th Sun of the Third Astral Moon
Got my apartment settled finally. It came with some basic furniture already, which was a welcome sight, but my effects from the Ul'dan office finally made it here. The remaining effects of Ronik’s Argonauts are secured in in the office, hopefully they’ll of use at some point.
I left word for M. at the usual location, hopefully he’ll get it. I’m not sure how he’ll take the news, but he’s adaptive, and he'll get the word to the others.
I mingled a bit in the downstairs tavern and got to meet a few of my new comrades.
17th Sun of the Third Astral Moon
All’s quiet.
I’ve not heard back from M. I know he’s most likely fine, keeping a silent eye on things, but I’d still at least like something. Possibly more worrisome is the lack of word I’ve received from Ghost-eyes in Coerthas. I’m sure, with the increase in dravanian aggression, he’s been busy, but that makes his silence all the more unnerving.
It’s been all quiet here as well, for me at least. I’ve managed to meet more of my new comrades, and the groundskeeper was kind enough to fill me in on how things are done around here to some extent. Still, sitting at the bar, drinking coffee in my chambers, M. would find himself with the rare occasion to give me quite the ear-full. And he’d be right.
Tomorrow, I'm going to set out South to see if I can rendez-vous with M, or at least get an idea on why there’s been no word from him.
Early night tonight, early day tomorrow. I hope all is well.
18th Sun of the Third Astral Moon
Started out before dawn for Thanalan. The manor was still quiet, as was the road through the forest. Dawn pierced the canopy and I thought about the stories I had heard about the Shroud, and the spirits that held dominion over it for so long. Such was their power that many who chose to live under the trees had moved under the earth as well, if what I’m told is true. If so, what happened? Did the calamity weaken their hold, or did they change their feelings on mankind living amongst the woods? Unlikely.
Breaching the forest’s edge is a most unique experience, the cool and the stillness trapped by the woods gives way to the wind and the sun. I've always liked the heat, and it reminds me of my journey south after Cartineau, but I things were different then as well. Not all change is for the better. I took lunch at Drybone, and heard a lot of rumors from the miners who worked there. Merchants, too, passing supplies west to Ul'dah talked of an increase in Brass Blade activity, but they all seemed nervous to speak with specifics.
Ul'dah brought more of the same, but with less hospitality I fear. Miners and merchants gave way to solders, grim and terse, especially to strangers. No sign of M. amongst them, and my inquiries were dismissed out of hand. Some of the sell-swords were a bit more open to talk, but they didn’t have anything worth telling. Orobino confirmed my guess that my messages had been picked up in the usual spot, but none had been delivered.
Moving north with a caravan to the Coffer soon. Keep the wagon safe for the price of room and board, although neither is likely to be much in that outpost. A cot and a block of cheese, cured pork if I’m fortunate. Hopefully I’ll get some news, something to make this trip worthwhile.
19th Sun of the Third Astral Moon
I’ve made a terrible mistake.
Leaving the company, thinking things would sort themselves out while I made a place for myself elsewhere. I already have a place, and I’ll not let some shady politics cast that into doubt again.
I received word from Orobino that old friends are coming out, looking for us. I’m heading back Ul'dah, once more, to the castle of gold and sand.
I’ll send word to the Harbingers, have my effects removed and shipped back south to the old storage room they know all too well. Maybe I’ll get a chance to fight at their side one day, but it will be as a Blood-Dragon Argonaut, as it always should have been.
Renewed focus, we’ll need it in the days to come.
20th Sun of the Third Astral Moon
Not often do I have the chance to share a drink with both fate and irony.
Last night, upon reaching the Quicksands, I chanced to encounter one of the Harbingers I had made myself acquainted with in my brief stay within their ranks. W'zota Tia, of the Wolf tribe naturally. An accomplished fighter, if his boasting is any indication, and an accomplished drinker by my own witnessing. I’ve not had the opportunity to speak with many Miqo’te about their lives with their own kind. M.’s naturally quiet about most things, and his original people’s definitely amongst them. Even the Zeds chose not to share much about their time amongst the Ziz. As is their right, of course. I should be the last to begrudge someone for keeping a bit of their past to themselves.
But, he shared some interesting stories of his tribe’s struggle with the Garleans near Ala Mhigo. He was even in his cups enough to sing a battle song used to scare the troops before the attack, and I must admit, I’d hate to be on the receiving end of such a tune.
There was a woman as well, one from Ala Mhigo who had been conscripted in her youth but had not found freedom and a will to fight her former masters. To speak so freely about being a former soldier for the Empire, in the heart of Ul'dah. I found it encouraging, if not a little humbling.
Cheers to both fate and irony, may we all be in our cups.
21st Sun of the Third Astral Moon
Finally, we’re making some headway.
I was sitting in the Quicksands waiting to hear from Orobino about his search for M. when the man himself graced me with his presence.
He filled me in on the bad news. Ghost-eyes had made North, to Coerthas, about a month ago it would see. That line up with the rumors I heard around here – other exiles speaking of a “Pilgrimage of Halone”. No doubt the increase in dragon attacks has many Ishgardians thinking of home, and maybe hoping for a chance to earn back their place. M. and I are setting out soon in hopes of finding Raus before his head is decorating a pike along the Steps of Faith.
I should also look into the brothers. It was their job to keep an eye on Raus, and they have once again failed in that charge. M. suggests I find them work with the Adders, hopefully something that’ll keep them engaged.
Another thing M. reminded me of, my commitment to Nina. It’s been far too long since I’ve written here, and longer still since I’ve seen her. I was hoping, once things calmed down around here, to take Scratch and seek her out again in the Shroud, but it seems that is still to be a while yet, so a letter will have to do. I’ll pen it tonight, before making ready for the airship ride tomorrow.