T'yrus Tia

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 T’yrus Tia
“The Sagolii Condor”
Gender Male
Race Miqo’te
Clan Seeker of the Sun, T tribe
Citizenship Thanalan
Place of Birth Southern Thanalan
Guardian Azeyma
Nameday 7th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon
Age 35
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Standing just over five fulms, four ilms, T’yrus Tia is of a very typical build in relation to most of his kind. He carries a lean, lithe frame littered with corded muscle; one built for a blend of both speed and strength that he’s used to advantage countless times in the past. The combination of his dark skin and bleach blond hair suggest that he’s spent a lifetime on the sands and beneath the sun. Born in Southern Thanalan, life outside and in a desert climate did much to shape the way he looks currently.

He carries the typical traits of his kind: his ears and tail are of the same color as his hair, and a pair of long canines sit amongst a row of pearly white teeth. There is no mistaking it; this individual is a Miqo’te, and his appearance heavily leans toward the fact that he is a Seeker of the Sun. A member of the T tribe, the totem of the Condor has been seen throughout his life.


Despite a past that would rightfully make a man quite bitter and solemn, T’yrus appears to be a very charismatic, optimistic individual. His adult years have been heavily shaped by the other races of Eorzea, and as such, he appears very much refined and well-mannered. Long has he shed tendencies picked up in the desert as a kit.

Boastful and haughty at times, T’yrus often talks of his heroics and never forsakes an opportunity to regale a tale of excitement and adventure. Whether these tales of his are true or not is up to the discretion of the individual he speaks with. Still, with a magnetic presence and a certain traditional charm, he is an individual often suited for casual social situations and adventures.

Peeling back the first layer of his personality, T’yrus is a very deep individual with a past marred with conflict and disappointment. Only those who he considers close friends will truly know such things; despite his friendly nature, he keeps most at an arm’s length when it comes to personal matters.



As a free paladin, T’yrus totes a sword at his side and a shield at his back. Typically a shortsword or bastard sword, he considers himself very proficient with the weapon and will often show off his skills in a graceful display of equal parts athleticism and natural ability.

Despite this, T’yrus considers himself very versatile when it comes to weaponry. Aside from a traditional sword that most gladiators and free paladins claim as their weapon, T’yrus often chooses the use of a macuahuitl. Typically a wooden sword lined with prismatic blades that T’yrus claims can maim most anything – man or beast – it is an ode to a far more savage time in his life. During his time as a gladiator in the coliseum, his favored combination of weapons was always a macuahuitl combined with a smallshield.

Even with a suit of plate and chainmail on, T’yrus considers himself a very swift individual and that relies on grace and speed far more than brute strength. With a weapon like a macuihuitl that relies far more on slashing instead of thrusting, T’yrus is very skilled in counter-attacking to leave a grievous wound.



  • Friendly conversation, meeting new people, making acquaintances with unique individuals and potential business partners.
  • Alcohol. Though he won’t admit it, T’yrus is what some might consider a borderline alcoholic. A habit that was created some years ago to numb the pain of fighting, T’yrus frequently imbibes.
  • The finer things in life. After living in squalor for a portion of his formative years, T’yrus often indulges in things he would have never had the gil for years ago. Whether it be fine silks and cloths, exquisite meals, or well-aged wine, T’yrus attempts to live a life he always wished for. This is, perhaps, why he’s always looking to make some gil so long as his morals are not compromised in doing so.


  • Amalj’aa, and most beastmen tribes in general. T’yrus has faced a myriad of threats in his life; both as a youngling on the sands of Southern Thanalan, and on the Bloodsands of the Coliseum. He shares no love for most beasts, and often makes a show of dispatching of them if given the opportunity. It is hard to tell where his true hatred for them lies, and it is not likely something he would divulge so easily.
  • Cowards, for lack of a more polite term. While a free paladin and an individual that will defend those that cannot defend themselves, T’yrus loathes those that can defend themselves, but refuse to out of cowardice.
  • Complacency. With a short attention span and an occasional flare for dramatics, T’yrus hates remaining in one place for too long. If an individual is boring him, he will make it known through words or actions.


  • Showmanship. While he considers fighting for sport to be behind him - and perhaps beneath him, at this point – T’yrus is a charismatic individual that enjoys making a show of things. Even something mundane, like cooking or cleaning, will be turned into a spectacle if he has an audience he wishes to impress.
  • Adventuring. T’yrus is an explorer at heart and often refers to himself as a, “Professional Adventurer”. He often finds an excuse to travel from one place or another, just to see the sights and spend some gil on interesting prospects.
  • Storytelling. Even if he fabricates a tale on the spot, T’yrus often regales lavish and extraordinary feats just to impress and wow fellow acquaintances and adventurers. He is a skilled orator and prides himself on telling a convincing story, even one so embellished that it cannot possible be true.


  • T’yrus fought for several years in the Coliseum as a Gladiator, not a slave. As most Gladiators have an alternate name they go by in the bloodsands, T’yrus was known as, “The Sagolii Condor”. Unless someone were a frequenter of the Coliseum at that time, however, it would be hard to recognize him – he was almost always wearing a protective mask that covered his face from the nose up.
  • Despite his interests in fine clothes, he is almost always seen wearing a suit of plate and chainmail. He seems fascinated by the idea of wearing such fancy armor, and considers it a part of his personality.
  • T’yrus has one single tattoo on his entire form. On the width of his back from shoulderblade to shoulderblade is a bird of prey with its wings spread to each side.



Most of T’yrus’ tribe was scattered in the deserts of Southern Thanalan after numerous attacks by both beastmen and bandits. Some perished, some joined other tribes, and others, like T’yrus, ventured on to grander things. T’yrus currently has no mates, children, or immediate family – but there is a good chance that members of the T or U tribe in Southern Thanalan would recognize him, if they can remember him as a young adult.


  • B’trix Niji is a recent acquaintance met in La Noscea, and a potential business connection. The two appear to get along well, and have a politely flirtatious friendship in nature. B’trix intends to introduce T’yrus to the proprietor of the company she works for, Ange’a Si’dereal, to perhaps connect the two professionally.
  • V’arae Tia is a new acquaintance met during a trip to Gridania. The two met by happenstance while wandering in the city, and spent time regaling one another interesting stories. They appear to be cut from different cloths, but very similar in certain aspects. When T’yrus returns to Gridania next, the two have agreed to meet and share further stories over a few rounds.
  • Nhdava’a Lbaaloh is a Miqo’te, and a Keeper of the Moon. A bard by trade, the man appears to be a mute. It is unclear how he and T’yrus came to be friends, but the two seem to have a very friendly, amiable relationship. When the two are together, T’yrus almost certainly serves as a mouthpiece for the silent artist.


Common Rumors

  • “T’yrus? Aye, I know ‘em. Not a Sultansworn, that’s for certain; but he’s a free paladin, nonetheless. Crazy lad got his wish to wear fancy armor, at least.” – Coliseum Worker
  • “Dark skin, blond hair? Handsome one, he is. Can’t be pinned down, I hear. Hard to get a hold of. Wish he wasn’t!” – Friendly Taverngoer
  • “Seen him around, mhm. A bit touched, he is! Refers to himself in the third person!” – Ul’dah Resident

Moderate Rumors

  • “That one gets around, he does! Always up for the chase, but never seems to seal the deal. Might just be the type that enjoys the hunt, hm?” – Quicksand Waitress
  • “I knew I recognized him somewhere, he fought in the coliseum quite some moons ago. Once saw him cleave a beastman in half with that strange sword of his. I swear!” – Coliseum Frequenter
  • “Big dreamer. An idiot, if y’ask me. Got some real delusions of grandeur. Go back t’the desert, ya nutter!” – Ul’dah Drunk

Rare Rumors

  • “Oi, saw the poor lad sittin’ just outside the city limits with a bottle of wine in his lap. Seems he gets in a real mood a few times a cycle and drinks his sorrow away. Then again, who doesn’t?!” – Quicksand Regular
  • “That’s The Sagolii Condor you’re asking me about, have some respect! It’s not often you see a man fight himself out of the sort of debt he found himself in.” – Elderly Coliseum Patron
  • “He looks so familiarrrr to me. T’yrus Tia, you said? Not Nunh? Maybe I’m thinking of the wrong perrrrson.” – Miqo’te Tribesman in the Sagolii

PC Rumors




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