T'yrus Tia
T'yrus (pronounced Tuh-eye-riss), is a Miqo'te born in the deserts of the Sagolii. Once a member of the Condor Tribe in Southern Thanalan, T'yrus was taken into the hands of the coliseum and trained in the Bloodsands. A successful gladiator for several years under nicknames like, "The Sagolii Condor," "Sword of the Sands," "T'yrus the Great," and "The Sagolii Nightmare," T'yrus retired not long before the calamity. Now what most would consider a full-time adventurer, T'yrus leads a life that he had never been given: a life of freedom. Though nothing remains of his former tribe (to his knowledge), he still keeps many traditions alive. He is typically found roaming Ul'dah and the surrounding territories of Thanalan, but appears to have some tie to Limsa Lominsa as well.
▼ Vital Records
▼ Physical Traits
▼ Other
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- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam a lacus quis metus scelerisque tristique eu id magna. Aenean a lectus et diam sagittis rhoncus. Nam finibus ullamcorper aliquet. Aliquam fringilla auctor nulla, ac venenatis enim commodo eget. Nulla facilisi. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras malesuada eu dui consectetur imperdiet. Vivamus nec egestas quam, ac tincidunt tortor. Praesent lobortis dui et bibendum sodales. Praesent rhoncus pretium quam, tempor placerat magna aliquet quis.
- Nunc at pharetra eros, at aliquam erat. Praesent nec consequat mauris. Etiam urna leo, porttitor nec ullamcorper at, aliquet at est. Nunc enim neque, gravida sit amet euismod eu, cursus quis metus. Fusce aliquet, urna eu posuere sollicitudin, quam eros iaculis massa, ut cursus nunc ex at elit. Curabitur id rutrum est. Quisque eleifend nec nisi a vulputate. Sed volutpat nunc quis fringilla congue.
- Sed mattis posuere tellus, sit amet fringilla quam pharetra ut. Etiam suscipit turpis nisi, non venenatis nulla iaculis nec. Nunc porttitor est ultricies, volutpat nisl id, venenatis leo. Sed rutrum bibendum nunc ac tempus. Aenean bibendum vitae nisi nec bibendum. Nam placerat sollicitudin nisl nec fringilla. Nam mattis sagittis nisi quis ultrices. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nullam magna quam, scelerisque vel urna ac, viverra euismod tellus.
- Unavailable.
- Unavailable.
- Unavailable.
- ■ SKILL NAME - Skill description.
- ■ SKILL NAME - Skill description.
- ■ SKILL NAME - Skill description.
(Make sure to check the 'color keys' tab.)
Nhdava’a Lbaaloh ⌠ Color Keys ⌡ Dava the Mute
► Nhdava’a Lbaaloh is a Miqo’te, and a Keeper of the Moon. A bard by trade, the man appears to be a mute. It is unclear how he and T’yrus came to be friends, but the two seem to have a very friendly, amiable relationship. When the two are together, T’yrus almost certainly serves as a mouthpiece for the silent artist. Rumor has it that he's written several songs about T'yrus' exploits in the bloodsands. |
|- |► Arae'sae Evlo is an acquaintance made during a trip to the Twelveswood. The two met by happenstance while wandering in the city of Gridania, and spent time regaling one another interesting stories. They appear to be cut from different cloths, but very similar in certain aspects. The two continue to run into one another by chance throughout Eorzea, and always make time to chat.
!|- |► Lucaell Tareth'eian is a young Hyur woman that ranks high among T'yrus' most favored company. Though the two are clearly different, T'yrus sees some of himself within her, and seeks to aid her when he can. The two have an amiable, albeit flirtatious relationship, simply due to how the two look at life and the passions one should have for it. |}
N'aindee Kae ⌠ Color Keys ⌡ Dee the Sweet
► N'aindee Kae is a recent acquaintance of T'yrus. The two met in Ul'dah and appear to have some chemistry - by all accounts, they seem to be "friends with occasional benefits". Her penchant for surrounding herself with Elezen seems to annoy T'yrus to some degree, but he is quite patient with those that he is fond of. |
|- |► Meyla Sarka is a very intriguing individual that T'yrus came upon by chance. Though she appears quite aloof, T'yrus is interested in learning more about her - and potentially training her in what he knows about hand-to-hand combat, considering the issues that she detailed to him. |}
!|- |► Olaf Silverblade is an Ala Mhigan Hyur that seems to have some minor Doman influence, though T'yrus is unaware of how or why. The two have very little in common, but know eachother through the gladiator's time in the bloodsands, and particularly, his time fighting in the pits of Halatali. A mind for business and a penchant for gambling, Olaf made a fair deal of coin by betting on fighters - and one of his chief sources of good luck was T'yrus himself. |}
!|- |► Summary of the relationship. |}
Character Name ⌠ Color Keys ⌡ Character's Nicknames
► Summary of the relationship. |
- ♥ Affection: The character is having a particular feeling of want and desire for this specific character. It might be simply friendly, romantic or physical, two of these options, or all three. It might not be reciprocal.
- ♥ In a relationship: The character is romantically involved with this character. The characters might not like each other. It is reciprocal, or at least the person explicitly made them believe it was.
- ♥ Muse: The character is attracted to this character. It usually is not be reciprocal.
- ♥ Potential Muse: The character is slightly attracted. It is not reciprocal.
- ♥ Platonic Love/Family: The character considers this person family, and that goes above friendship. It is usually reciprocal.
- ♦ Friend: The character considers this person her friend. It is reciprocal, or at least the person explicitly made her believe it was.
- ♦ Friendly Acquaintance: The character considers this person mostly friendly, or as an ally. It may not be reciprocal.
- ● Good Standing: The character has no specific feelings about this character. They left a good impression, though.
- ● Neutral: The character has no specific feelings about this character.
- ● Bad Standing: The character has no specific feelings about this character. They left a bad impression, though.
- ♠ Dislike: The character doesn't want to consider this person a friend, and will talk if needed, but try to avoid them. It may not be reciprocal.
- ♠ Hate: The character consider this person an annoyance, and will try to avoid them. Conflict can happen. It is often reciprocal.
- ♠ Fear: The character is terrified by this character, and will try to avoid them at all cost. It can not be reciprocal.
- ♠ Rivalry: The character considers this person a rival, and will try to initiate conflict every time they gets to meet them. It is reciprocal, or at least the person explicitly made them believe it was.
- ♣ Family Member: This character is related by blood to the character.
- ♦ Colleague: This character is one of the character's colleagues.
- ? Hidden Feelings/Unknown: This character has one of all the color keys above, but the character isn't fully aware of it yet, in denial, or overlooking it.
- ✖ Deceased: This character has passed away.
(Knowledge accessible to all with IC research done on the character unless stated otherwise.)
- ■ “T’yrus? Aye, I know ‘em. Not a Sultansworn, that’s for certain; but he’s a free paladin, nonetheless. Crazy lad got his wish to wear fancy armor, at least.” – Coliseum Worker
- ■ "Dark skin, blond hair? Handsome one, he is. Can’t be pinned down, I hear. Hard to get a hold of. Wish he wasn’t!” – Friendly Taverngoer
- ■ "Seen him around, mhm. A bit touched, he is! Refers to himself in the third person!” – Ul’dah Resident
- ■ I knew I recognized him somewhere, he fought in the coliseum quite some moons ago. Once saw him cleave a beastman in half with that strange sword of his. I swear!” – Coliseum Frequenter
- ■ " He's a big dreamer. An idiot, if y’ask me. Got some real delusions of grandeur. Go back t’the desert, ya nutter!” – Ul’dah Drunk
- ■ “Won a right bit of coin betting on him in those pits in Thanalan. A shame it was lost after the calamity, could've likely made a whole deal more!” – Elderly Coliseum Patron
- ■ "He looks so familiarrrr to me. T’yrus Tia, you said? Not Nunh? Maybe I’m thinking of the wrong perrrrson.” – Miqo’te Tribesman in the Sagolii
- ■ "Feel free to add yours!" - Character Name
- ■ "Feel free to add yours!" - Character Name
- ■ "Feel free to add yours!" - Character Name