Gogojo Gojo

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Now where did I put that godsdamned screwdriver...?



NAME... Gogojo Gojo.

NICKNAMES... Gogo, Jo, Grease Monkey.

RACE & CLAN... Miqo'te. Seeker of the Sun.

GENDER... Cisgender Female.

AGE & NAMEDAY... Twenty-two cycles. ~7th Sun, 5th Umbral Moon, 1555.

ORIENTATION... Bisexual.




BIRTHPLACE... Somewhere in Thanalan.


OCCUPATION... Tinkerer and mercenary.

PATRON DEITY... Azeyma the Warden. Mildly religious.

HEIGHT & WEIGHT... 5 fulms 1 ilm. Approximately 125 pz.

ALIGNMENT... Neutral Good.


Gogojo’s wiki is very much in progress at the moment but I plan to work on it here and there as I feel inspired to do so. Feel free to send me a tell in-game if you feel so inclined. Walk-ups are kind of impractical at the moment as I’m currently levelling her and therefore rarely IC unless asked, but I would love to make roleplay contacts as I don’t really have any in-game yet. I don’t bite, I promise! I just need a bit of a heads up before any RP happens is all.  :)
That being said, all the usual rules apply—I’m not cool with meta-gaming, don’t be OOCly creepy, etc. etc.

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Gogojo has features that are entirely typical of a Seeker, from her slitted eyes to her short tail with a darker tuft at the end. Her life in the harsh desert sun has imparted on her a tan complexion and light, sand-colored hair, and her eyes themselves bear the very color of the sun. The only feature that stands out is the ragged, raised scar running along her right cheek.
Standing at five fulms and one ilm, Gogojo is of average height for a miqo’te, and years of dedication to training with daggers have blessed her with a well-muscled but lean frame. It is rare that she is seen without a thin layer of dust covering her and her clothing, especially her face where smudges of oil are commonly found, even if only faint. A few minor, faint scars litter her body, namely on her knees and arms, but beyond that she has no other identifying marks or even any tattoos. Typically the only adornment she wears are two gold rings in each ear, and the only makeup worn is the kohl lining her eyes and the some sort of dark stain used on her lips.
Her style of dress can best be described as “unrefined”. She wears what is practical for her work and the climate, which often means shorts, a sleeveless top, boots, and a bandana and goggles to protect her face in the event of a sandstorm. The miqo’te is certainly not the best at cleaning up per se—while she enjoys picking out more formal, feminine attire whenever such occasions arise, she is absolutely terrible at it and often has to have someone else pick it out for her lest she pick out the frilliest, brightest dress available.


A well-rolled cigarette.
Fruit (especially apricots and plums)
Animals and most insects


Seeker culture
People who bore easily
People who are assholes for the sake of being an asshole
Heavy clothing


Eyes: Bright amber.
Hair: Light flax. Short in back, longer in front w/ bangs.
Skin: Sun-tanned.
Body type: Lean, athletic.
Voice: Perky, sometimes rushed.
Bearing: Jaunty.
Notable features: Rough, raised scar on right cheek.
Makeup: Kohl-lined eyes. Dark stained lips.



Work. Getting enough money to pay for new gear is of the utmost importance to her at the moment.
Amalj'aa. She hates them. They killed her family. Because of this she is especially keen on taking on any adventuring work that involves picking them off, and she does so gladly.
Friendships. She loves making friends wherever she goes. They provide her with ampl distraction furing her off hours from reminders and thoughts about the family she lost years ago.


Clever. The learning and understanding of new concepts usually come fairly easy to her, though this is probably helped along at least marginally by her desire to learn and take in all sorts of information in the first place.
Engineering. She is particularly skilled when it comes to working with machinery and any kind of advanced technology (advanced by Eorzean standards, at least). Despite the taboos surrounding it, she does also have limited knowledge of Magitek technology as well.
Daggers. From a young age she was trained to use daggers in combat, and since then she has made it a point to hone this skill on a daily basis.
Friendly. Gogo is nothing if not friendly. She's never been known to shy away from strangers looking for conversation, and she herself actively seeks such connections.
Hard-working. Sure the miqo'te has her lazy days, but you'd never find her slacking on the job. She aims to please in all work she takes on.
Allocentric. In most cases Gogo is one to think of others long before she thinks of herself, and won't think twice about helping a friend in need.


Uneducated. She can only barely read and takes a good bit of time to even decipher so much as a written sentence.
Reckless. Gogo is quick to jump to someone's defense, but this is often without first properly sizing up her opponent.
Tactless. She is no stranger to asking prying questions of those she's only just met, as well as making blunt comments that, though they are well-intentioned, often offend or take by surprise.
Stubborn. When her mind is set on something there's little to be done to dissuade her from her course of action.
Criticism. Constructive criticism concerning her work is no problem, but any criticism of her as a person is usually tuned out.
Impatient. Especially when it comes to learning more difficult skills and concepts (which currently means reading and writing).


Smoking. A habit she picked up following the death of her family, smoking calms her and helps her concentrate on her work.
Scatterbrained. It is not uncommon for her to forget where she left something that she had put down only moments before, or to unintentionally tune out during a conversation while her mind is chasing a stray thought, only to ask a question that might have already been answered.
Restless. She has a tendency to always be bouncing a leg or tapping her fingers, especially when engrossed in her repair work.
Insomnia. A good night's sleep has become increasingly aware since the death of her family...though it could be at least in part due to the relatively large amounts of coffee she drinks.


From a young age Gogo was trained in the use of daggers, and to this day it is daggers she continues to favor. The miqo’te is swift on her feet and practical in her movements, only using showier techniques to distract long enough to deal her blows. While she is notoriously bad about jumping into a fight without first assessing the situation properly, she is relatively skilled at thinking on her feet and sizing up her opponent in the heat of battle.
Though she has speed on her side, strength is another story entirely. Gogojo is relatively weak and could never hope to overpower an opponent. Should they manage to get in a strong blow, she’s most assuredly out of the fight. Her usual strategy in dealing with stronger opponents is to avoid being hit at any and all costs while squeezing in smaller but more frequent blows of her own.
Gogo is also relatively decent in hand-to-hand combat, though her level of skill in this field certainly doesn’t reach the same heights as her skill with daggers. While she isn’t afraid to get into an occasional brawl, she doesn’t actively seek them out either. Insult her loved ones however, and you can certainly bet she’ll throw some punches without so much as a warning.


When her family was still alive and their merchant caravan still whole, Gogojo worked first and foremost as a traveling engineer and repairman, repurposing Garlean technology and repairing the guns and machinery of her clients. She currently employs herself full-time as a dagger-for-hire, both to sate her need for amalj’aa blood as well as to save money to replace the equipment she lost when the beastmen successfully raided her family’s caravan years back.
Ultimately her dream would be to work for The Garlond Ironworks or even just as an engineer employed by the Ul’dahn government, but Gogojo sees her inability to read or write as an obstacle to this. She had little access to books as a kid and all of her education was practical and vocationally-based rather than formal. While she is not entirely illiterate, deciphering even a sentence takes her a not-insignificant amount of time, and she is aware that learning the finer points of her work will require a better handle on the skill. Because of this, one of her current hobbies includes actively working to learn how to read and write.
She also keeps to some sort of fitness routine, even if it is only a few basic strength exercises and a quick run first thing in the morning. Her routine is more involved when not actively out fulfilling mercenary work, and always includes some practice with her daggers to keep herself from getting rusty with them.


(Currently only in the form of key details about her past—eventually I might write up a more detailed history. Maybe. Maybe not. We’ll see.  :o)
She was found abandoned in the middle of the deserts of Thanalan and taken in by a dunesfolk couple, Gegera Gera and Yuyusi Yusi (or “Ma” and “Mom” as they became to the girl). Because they didn’t know enough about miqo’te naming conventions to feel comfortable naming her accordingly, they instead gave her the lalafell name “Gogojo Gojo” instead.
Gogo’s adopted parents were the leaders of a Thanalan-based merchant caravan—or at least they were the closest things to leaders the caravan had. The caravan consisted of about 50 people overall.
Defending themselves from amalj’aa attacks was a fact of life for the caravan, especially because of their supply of crystals. There were a fair number of guards that travelled with them, sure, but generally everyone knew how to defend themselves in some way, shape, or form—especially Gogojo, whose parents insisted she be trained from an early age in the use of daggers. One of the guards, a miqo’te by the name of U’dhamya Negoh, was her mentor in this area.
By the time she was about nine years old she had taken a particular interest in the work of a particular hellsguard man by the name of Red Bear, who specialized in repairing and repurposing Magitek and other sorts of machinery. After bugging him enough, he took her in and began to teach her the ropes of his trade, allowing her to assist him as he needed it. By the time she was 16 she was working right alongside him.
During the Calamity their caravan laid low, mostly doing what they could simply to survive while they did what they could to stay away from Ul’dah and any other settlements. Gogojo was 17 at the time.
When she was 18 Gogo was off gathering scrap material with a caravan guard. When she went to catch up with the caravan, she discovered it had been raided and many had been killed, including her parents. In her rage she snatched up two of their clients’ guns and took off hot on their trail. When she finally caught up with them she managed to fell two of the beastmen and injured another before she was caught. At some point she had acquired a gash on her right cheek from one of their blades, a wound that was at some point in her captivity improperly healed by crudely cauterizing it, leaving a jagged, rough scar. She was one of the luckier ones however, as many of the captives from the caravan who had survived the initial attack died from their wounds.
It wasn’t until the fourth day that they were rescued when a group of Immortal Flames soldiers staged an attack on the amalj’aa caravan.
Following the skirmish, her and the other captives were taken to the nearest town for questioning and to have their wounds properly tended to. Gogojo was released shortly thereafter with hardly an idea as to where to go from there.




◢ Common Rumors - Use as desired!
“She’s about the friendliest lass I ever did meet, but she’ll talk your ear off if you let her!”
“I’ve seen that one going and coming from the Arrzaneth Ossuary. What could she be up to?”

◢ Uncommon Rumors - Use sparingly or ask first!
-“Girl’s got a hell of a thing for guns. Pretty sure if you bought her one she’d damn near marry you on the spot.”
“She don’t drink much, but boy when she does she gets right affectionate.”
“Don’t insult her family. Just don’t. She might be small, but she’s damned fierce and’s got one hell of a left hook to boot.”

◢ Rare Rumors - Ask before using!
“A miqo’te lass wid’ a dunesfolk name? Mus’ be Gege and Yusi’s daughter—may they rest in peace…”
“I ain’t ne’er seen one what takes such joy in killin’ as that one when she’s got‘er knife at the throat of one o’ them beastmen.”

◢ Player Character Rumors - Throw in some of your own!


Romantic Attraction Physical Attraction Platonic Love Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure




Template adapted from Bancroft Gairn, with edits by Xheja Rajhera. Feel free to use / adapt the template as long as you leave all credits & links back in place, please! Some inspiration for the various sections of this particular wiki was also taken from Brynhilde Wulf.

Outside Links:
Character Inspiration: Abby Sciuto from NCIS
Themes: "No Heaven" by DJ Champion [], "Ain't No Rest for the Wicked" by Cage the Elephant []