Titus Artorius

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Ishgard.jpg Titus Artorius
Head of Divine Vengeance
Titus profile.png
"It is with order that we build the foundation of power."
OOC Character Information
Main Job(s): Paladin
Main Tradeskill: Blacksmith
Preferred Role: Defender
Server: Balmung
Alignment: Lawful Good
Reputation: By the books, unyielding
Occupation: Adventurer
Education: Formally Educated
Marital Status: Presumed Single
Sexuality: Irrelivent
Guardian: Halone, The Fury
Free Company
Divine Vengeance
Items Carried
Sword and shield of Holy radiance
Race: Hyur
Clan: Midlander
Age: 27 (?)
Height: 6 Fulm, 2 Ilm
Weight: 178 ponze - pound
Eyes: Golden
Hair: Blonde with a honey hue
Complexion: Fair skinned
Physical Build: Athletic, well toned
Notable Features: Numerous scars across his body
   Martial Prowess
   Magic Affinity

When darkness all but swallows the land whole. It is our duty to be the light, the beacon for which the denizens may look upon and find guidance.

Basic Info

W o r k i n P r o g r e s s


His comrades
Contests of strength
Learning new combat styles


Those that would lie and cheat
Those consumed by greed
Those who prey upon the weak
Undeserved praise


Alignment: Lawful Good
Vice(s): Looking at beautiful women
Favorite Food: Rare steak
Favorite Drink: Expensive wines
Favorite Color: Gold

Appearance & Personality

Beautifully handsome may be the best, if not only way to describe Titus. With golden hair that seems groomed to perfection, it is evident that he takes some pride in his appearance. His eyes also share the golden hue of his hair, deep set and long lashed they peer out to the world with an ever present stern look of judgement and determination, constantly analyzing the world around him. They frame a semi faded scar that sweeps just above his left brow, downwards across his nose and into his right cheek it has been there a while as only the indented scar tissue remains, the gore of the wound long since fading and adding a sense of battle hardened distinguishment to an otherwise boyish face.
Recently he has taken to wearing an armored coat and suit of Alligan make, one such surviving relic from the long lost empire. Light and durable he seems to favor it over the bulky armors he has worn in the past. It is clear to see that despite being slimer in the shoulders and back it does still however cling tightly to him when he reaches for things. 


Enigmatic on his origins Titus keeps his past a closely guarded secret allowing his actions in the here and now to speak for him.



Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC (Don't be a dick)!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"I could swear I have seen him fight with his bare hands and a lance as well? Thought he was some Paladin or something." - Gridanian Wood Wailer
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"With armor and a face like that, you just know he had to come from Ul'dahn money. Probably a spoiled princeling." - Yellowjacket
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
"I could swear I have seen him in a battle of some kind.. maybe it was someone else? I don't know it was years ago." Ul'Dahn Citizen
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)


Romantic Interest Platonic Love Close Friend Good Standing Poor Standing

Bellona Bloodrose - Ever has she been my companion since the formation of my adventuring troupe. Wherever I am she is as well, If i did not know better I would think her my shadow.

Nalukai Manoa - My second in command and one of my greatest friends. Steadfast and trustworthy. Despite her past and her "job" She is one of the only people I can truly count on.

Barnabaix Haurtefell - Pirate, liar and scoundrel. I don't like his type and I don't think I ever will. Women seem to love him though, maybe he's a primal and tempering them. That would be the only way I could explain so many drooling masses. Never the less, Nalukai vouches for him.. tentatively though.



Template by Bancroft Gairn