Kohrae Crimsonscale

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Revision as of 10:16, 4 August 2013 by Deirdre (talk | contribs) (Appearance)
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PLEASE NOTE: This Wiki is constantly changing and updating. Last update made: August 4th, 2013. Review at your own risk, this wiki does contain spoilers that are for OOC purposes only. FOR ANYONE WHO INTERACTED WITH KOHRAE PREVIOUS TO ARR: Due to the OOC death of the woman I created Kohrae to RP with, and did in the beginning of FFXIV, I will be retconning anything involving Kohrae at the time. This is for multiple reasons, but mainly because the premise of the character, and the information possibly gathered about him, was not in line with the lore, as he was mainly an offside personal RP character. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Ul'dah-transparent.png Kohrae Crimsonscale
"Lay waste to your enemies and lie in the bed of your making."
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Highlander
Citizenship Ul'dah
Religion Thaliak, the Scholar
Age 38
Nameday 28th Sun of the 2nd Astral Moon, 1539
Height/Weight 6 fulms 7 ilms, 288 ponz
Occupation Mercenary
Server Balmung

Kohrae Crimsonscale is a Highlander Male specializing in the art of the heavy blade and shield. He is currently a traveling mercenary who will do just about anything for the right amount of gil. Kohrae is a scholar, and takes enjoyment in tomes and studies, stemming from his extensive tutoring in youth, and comes from a very privileged family, though by looking at him you would hardly be able to tell.



Given Name: Kohrae Crimsonscale '[ Ko-Ray ● Crim-Sun-Scale]': Kohrae's name itself means many things including; 'God's Peace', 'Helmet' and 'Dweller of a Hollow'. His last name is not his family name, given to him for his extensive battlefield experience and it's often bloody outcome. That, coupled with his intricate scale tattoo's, created his surname.
Aliases/Nicknames: Crimson: Kohrae will often go by his nickname 'Crimson', given to him because of his brutality on the battlefield, which would often be covered in blood. Niohoggr '[Nee-Oh-Hog-Err]' : The other nickname given to Kohrae because of the intricate tattooing on his back of dragon-like scales. The name itself means 'malice striker' and extends from the dragon name Nidhoggr, who Kohrae deeply idolizes. Koh: The shortened version of his full name. This is more often a friendly term, he will scoff but respond to it regardless.
Current Residence: Ul’dah, The Goblet
Marital Status: Single
Sexuality: Homosexual
Religion: Follower of Thaliak, the Scholar. On a deeper note, Kohrae worships Bahamut the Wyrm King and the other dragons, holding Nidhoggr in the highest of regards.


(Art by Deirdre)
Height: 6 fulms, 7 ilms – Tall for his kin, Kohrae rivals most Elezen in height. He will always stand tall, with his shoulders back.
Weight: 288 ponz – His bulky form is thickly built with muscle, toned and worked over many cycles. His weight causes him to be a slower mover, but the force behind his actions is immense.
Body: Kohrae is all bulk and muscle. He is thickly built, toned corded muscle blanketing his frame with wide shoulders, making him look almost Roegaydn. His body is, for the most part, evenly powerful, though his upper-body can take more of a beating than his lower.
Complexion: Tanned, rough skin is covered in scars ranging in sizes. His flesh is a battleground of its own, littered with long forgotten battles, and long dead opponents. The most prominent scar is off center from the middle of his chest, a large 'X'. On his left cheek he bears simple tattoos, sliding up his cheek and forehead. On his back is a more intricate design, stemming from his tailbone and widening like a fan as it moves up, tattooed scales like that of a dragon, claw their way up and creep over his shoulder-blades, just past the nape of his neck. Each scale is shaded perfectly, quite a long and painful process.
Face: Square jaw, thin lips and narrowed eyes give Kohrae and angry appearance even before his personality kicks in.
Hair: Kohrae's hair is done up in tight braids, long when loose and bleached blonde by the sun. The strands are straight, do not curl and rarely muss, no hint of greying yet.
Fashion: Preferring armour over traditional clothing, Kohrae is most often found wearing full plate accented by chain, or leather harnesses accompanied by heavy gauntlets and greaves. When alone or relaxing, he will often don light cotton pants, or is otherwise naked. Kohrae must be forced or bribed to wear any sort of elegant attire, but when he does he looks very striking. Aside from the clothing, Kohrae will always be found with piercings, preferring to have multiple in his ears.


Voice: Low and guttural, though when speaking for a long period his words smooth out, indicating cycles of professional schooling hidden beyond his outwardly rough personality.
Demeanor: Brash, aggressive and cocksure, Kohrae often finds himself the leader and prefers it no other way. He cares little for others and shows that in his disregard for them, and will become snippy if he is not in control. Hiding behind the leather mask there is an air of refinement, drilled in to him from cycles of tutoring and a spoiled childhood. When he opens up though he is much calmer and less outwardly aggressive, even tamed. He does not hide this side of him, though it rarely appears in the battlefield.
Quirks: Kohrae will flirt with women outwardly though he finds them unappealing. When actually attracted to someone he will hide it until he can steadily assert enough dominance to feel comfortable. This is also true outside of relationships, Kohrae needs to feel in control and dominant or he is more prone to flight.
Intelligence: Cycles of schooling in the finest institutes have granted this rough man with all the knowledge tomes can provide. In addition to this, Kohrae has been lectured by some of the brightest minds in and around Eorzea on various topics. He considers himself well learned, equally so outside of books. Preferring to spend time outside of the classroom on the streets, the middle-aged Highlander is also well versed on the life outside the boundaries of text.



Style: Kohrae is largely an offensive fighter. Intelligent with many years of combat, Kohrae will read the field before acting appropriately, never irrational or flurried.
Specialization: Preferring the feel of a two handed weapon, such as a great-sword or axe, Kohrae chooses close combat from ranged. He will also opt for a sword and shield at times, reducing the power behind his swings in turn for defense.
Strengths: Extremely close combat is one of Kohraes advantages. Using his size and brute strength he often can overcome opponents purely with that. The power behind his blows is staggering, and often one strike will seal the fate of an opponent. His endurance and tolerance levels are also very high.
Weaknesses: Kohrae is weakest against fast moving opponents smart enough to penetrate his heavily armoured form.
Armour: Rarely seen without full plate, Kohrae often wears that with a chain or leather underlay. He prefers the feel of heavy material and will never be found in cloth on the battlefield.



Male Hyurs


Regal Living/Finery


People Watching


Favourite Food/Drink: Crab and Mead
Favourite Creatures: Dragons/Wryms
Least Favourite Food: Tomatoes
Least Favourite Creature: Marmots



Father: Horaise Longpick – (67 Cycles - Ul'dah) - A Highlander nobleman from Ul'dah, Horaise was born in to money just like many others in his family. He is the current owner of a lucrative mining business in Ul'dah. In his youth he spent much of his time learning the mining trade and has little experience on the battlefield. He prefers to remain within the city walls when possible and is a huge womanizer, said to have many bastards running around. Kohrae is the only child Horaise has ever acknowledged as his.
Mother: Joriane Le'deu – (57 Cycles – Limsa Lominsa) - A whore from Limsa Lominsa, Joriane met the nobleman Horaise during one of his first visits to the brothel she lived in. Often 'entertaining' him on his visits, Joriane gave many of her prime years to the man, even more so after she became pregnant with his child. Initially shunned for the conception, once she birthed the boy she was paid very well and removed of the child. Because of the struggles of the birth, she could no longer whore for a living, and used the money she received from the nobleman to purchase the whorehouse she worked in, and now runs it. Joriane is of Highlander blood, but because of her last name it is rumoured she has an Elezen in her lineage. In actuality, Joriane was once married to an Elezen man, and simply kept his last name after he disappeared.


Common Rumours (Easily overheard)
"Doesn't talk much, that one. Only glares. Typical Highlander, such men belong out in the field and not within the city walls!" - Grumpy Midlander
"See him often with a mug of ale in his hand and a woman on his lap. Never looks happy about either, though!" - Attentive Sunseeker
Moderate Rumours (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"Him? He's the son of that fellow what runs that mining business. Don't seem like no noble to me, though." - Disgruntled Dunesfolk
"That brother 'o mine, ain't never seen such a thing in battle! It's like that sword is 'n extension of his arm! He'll run out there bellowin' 'n return drippin' in blood. S'why anyone who respect's 'im calls 'im Crimson! Now fetch me another ale, I've got some good tales ta tell!" - Drunk Highlander
Rare Rumours (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
"I'm a maid in his house, and I tell you the sheer volume of tomes he possesses is staggering! Whenever he returns to the estate, reading is all he does!" - Keeper Maid
"Such a ladies man, but I never see him take one up... is it just a show?" - Plainsfolk Innkeeper
PC Rumours (Rumours written by other Player Characters. If you wish to write a rumour, just go ahead and do so, make sure it's IC!)


Template credit goes to Bancroft Gairn <3
My main character is Deirdre Ta'ea, Kohrae is my alt. If you have any questions/ concerns, please contact me.
The actor who would play Kohrae is Vin Diesel
TV Tropes: Gayngst, Genius Bruiser
If you would like to RP, please send me a /tell in game or email ([email protected]). I am open for any kind of plot, relation or encounter!