Difference between revisions of "Adelpo Manelpo"

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(6 intermediate revisions by one other user not shown)
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<div style="padding:10px 12px;font-size: 20px; color: #d22510;"><b><u>This profile template is a WIP, please do not edit, alter, nor use as a base/grab the icons without asking.</u></b></div>
<div style="display:none; position:absolute; z-index:100; right:40px; top:8px;" class="metadata topicon" id="comanche">
<div style="display:none; position:absolute; z-index:100; right:40px; top:8px;" class="metadata topicon" id="comanche">
Line 36: Line 34:
|&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Lalafell
|&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Lalafell
|&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Dunesfolk
|&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Dunesfolk
|&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Male
|&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Bigender
|<div style="font-family:Georgia; padding:5px 5px;color:#dda63f;letter-spacing:0.1em;">☬ Age</div>
|<div style="font-family:Georgia; padding:5px 5px;color:#dda63f;letter-spacing:0.1em;">☬ Age</div>
Line 218: Line 216:
<div style="border:1px white; -webkit-column-break-inside: avoid; page-break-inside: avoid; break-inside: avoid; vertical-align: top;">
<div style="border:1px white; -webkit-column-break-inside: avoid; page-break-inside: avoid; break-inside: avoid; vertical-align: top;">
<div style="padding:0px 30px; font-size:14px;color:#4f4f4f;font-family:Georgia;">▼ <b>MAJOR</b></div>
<div style="padding:0px 30px; font-size:14px;color:#4f4f4f;font-family:Georgia;">▼ <b>MAJOR</b></div>
: <font style="color:#4f4f4f;" size="3">■</font> <b>SKILL</b> - Skill description.
: <font style="color:#4f4f4f;" size="3">■</font> <b>GOLDSMITHING</b> - The man learnt with guild, and with his father. He is a talented goldsmith, as well as a competent gemologist.
: <font style="color:#4f4f4f;" size="3">■</font> <b>SKILL</b> - Skill description.
: <font style="color:#4f4f4f;" size="3">■</font> <b>HAGGLING</b> - The man is an Ul'dahn dunesfolk merchant. Can hardly say more about it.
: <font style="color:#4f4f4f;" size="3">■</font> <b>SKILL</b> - Skill description.
: <font style="color:#4f4f4f;" size="3">■</font><font style="color:#000000" size="3">[🔒]</font> <b>???</b> <font style="color:#f2f5f7"><b>THE ECHO (SEEING)</b> - During random encounters, Adelpo might see into the past of the characters he touches or interacts with.</font>
: <font style="color:#4f4f4f;" size="3">■</font><font style="color:#dda63f" size="3">[🌟]</font> <b>SKILL</b> - Skill description.
: <font style="color:#4f4f4f;" size="3">■</font><font style="color:#000000" size="3">[🔒]</font> <b>???</b> <font style="color:#f2f5f7"><b>THE ECHO (TALKING)</b> - Adelpo understands and can speak most languages, though he cannot write them.</font>
: <font style="color:#4f4f4f;" size="3">■</font><font style="color:#000000" size="3">[🔒]</font> <b>???</b> <font style="color:#f2f5f7"><b>SKILL</b> - Skill description.</font>
: <font style="color:#4f4f4f;" size="3">■</font><font style="color:#000000" size="3">[🔒]</font> <b>???</b> <font style="color:#f2f5f7"><b>THE ECHO (IMMUNITY)</b> - Adelpo is immune to possession and primal tempering.</font>
<div style="border:1px white; -webkit-column-break-inside: avoid; page-break-inside: avoid; break-inside: avoid; vertical-align: top;">
<div style="border:1px white; -webkit-column-break-inside: avoid; page-break-inside: avoid; break-inside: avoid; vertical-align: top;">
<div style="padding:0px 30px; font-size:14px;color:#9d9d9d;font-family:Georgia;">▼ <b>MINOR</b></div>
<div style="padding:0px 30px; font-size:14px;color:#9d9d9d;font-family:Georgia;">▼ <b>MINOR</b></div>
: <font style="color:#9d9d9d;" size="3">■</font> <b>SKILL</b> - Skill description.
: <font style="color:#9d9d9d;" size="3">■</font> <b>MINING</b> - Skill description.
: <font style="color:#9d9d9d;" size="3">■</font> <b>SKILL</b> - Skill description.
: <font style="color:#9d9d9d;" size="3">■</font> <b>ALCHEMY (LEAN: TRANSMUTATION)</b> - Skill description.
: <font style="color:#9d9d9d" size="3">■</font> <b>SKILL</b> - Skill description.
: <font style="color:#9d9d9d" size="3">■</font><font style="color:#dda63f" size="3">[🌟]</font> <b>SKILL</b> - Skill description.
: <font style="color:#9d9d9d" size="3">■</font><font style="color:#000000" size="3">[🔒]</font> <b>???</b> <font style="color:#f2f5f7"><b>SKILL</b> - Skill description.</font>
<div style="border:1px white; -webkit-column-break-inside: avoid; page-break-inside: avoid; break-inside: avoid; vertical-align: top;">
<div style="border:1px white; -webkit-column-break-inside: avoid; page-break-inside: avoid; break-inside: avoid; vertical-align: top;">
<div style="padding:0px 30px; font-size:14px;color:#d6694d;font-family:Georgia;">▼ <b>POOR</b></div>
<div style="padding:0px 30px; font-size:14px;color:#d6694d;font-family:Georgia;">▼ <b>POOR</b></div>
: <font style="color:#d6694d;" size="3">■</font> <b>SKILL</b> - Skill description.
: <font style="color:#d6694d;" size="3">■</font> <b>COMBAT (MAGICAL)</b> - Skill description.
: <font style="color:#d6694d;" size="3">■</font> <b>SKILL</b> - Skill description.
: <font style="color:#d6694d;" size="3">■</font> <b>COMBAT (PHYSICAL)</b> - Skill description.
: <font style="color:#d6694d" size="3">■</font> <b>SKILL</b> - Skill description.
: <font style="color:#d6694d" size="3">■</font> <b>SKILL</b> - Skill description.
: <font style="color:#d6694d" size="3">■</font><font style="color:#000000" size="3">[🔒]</font> <font style="color:#f2f5f7"><b>SKILL</b> - Skill description.</font>
: <font style="color:#d6694d" size="3">■</font><font style="color:#000000" size="3">[🔒]</font> <font style="color:#f2f5f7"><b>SKILL</b> - Skill description.</font>
Line 611: Line 605:
ADELavatar.png|<span style="color:#dda63f">Headshot screen for others to use in their relationships cards.</span>
ADELMugshot.png|<span style="color:#dda63f">Headshot screen for others to use in their relationships cards.</span>
holder.png|<span style="color:#dda63f">Caption here.</span>
holder.png|<span style="color:#dda63f">Caption here.</span>
holder.png|<span style="color:#dda63f">Caption here.</span>
holder.png|<span style="color:#dda63f">Caption here.</span>
Line 617: Line 611:
===<div style="padding:10px 12px; background: #006356;font-size:20px;color:#dda63f; letter-spacing:0.1em; font-family:Georgia;color:#ffb447;font-family:Georgia;text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px black">[[File:Whitetrinket.png]]❂ CONTACT INFORMATION ❂</div>===
===<div style="padding:10px 12px; background: #006356;font-size:20px;color:#dda63f; letter-spacing:0.1em; font-family:Georgia;color:#ffb447;font-family:Georgia;text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px black">❂ CONTACT INFORMATION ❂</div>===
<div style=";padding:15px 50px; font-size:16px;color:#dda63f; letter-spacing:0.1em; font-family:Georgia">📧 ─ CONTACT</div>
<div style=";padding:15px 50px; font-size:16px;color:#dda63f; letter-spacing:0.1em; font-family:Georgia">📧 ─ CONTACT</div>

Latest revision as of 16:19, 10 March 2017

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ligula ex, placerat ut arcu sed, aliquam faucibus neque. Nullam quis elementum risus. Donec eget lorem eu lacus malesuada faucibus. Donec bibendum lacinia interdum. Fusce faucibus eget enim sit amet tincidunt. Suspendisse eros nunc, ultrices sit amet tincidunt et, sagittis et neque. Integer malesuada libero pellentesque, luctus ante ut, imperdiet lectus. Curabitur vitae consequat lectus, et volutpat dui. Praesent sodales tortor ut turpis interdum tincidunt.

Donec vulputate egestas vulputate. Vivamus vitae purus eget eros porta tempor nec vitae ex. Aliquam dolor erat, mollis at scelerisque nec, pretium sed diam. Aliquam dignissim eget justo et elementum. Curabitur maximus malesuada magna, vitae lobortis nibh. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Phasellus sagittis varius purus non condimentum. Pellentesque ornare eros vel elit facilisis varius. Proin facilisis nulla pulvinar quam viverra gravida. Fusce consequat at nunc ut bibendum. Morbi id dictum orci. Nulla suscipit quis quam sit amet blandit. Morbi hendrerit eleifend est, in condimentum mauris. Aliquam rhoncus orci ut odio convallis feugiat.

☬ Race

☬ Clan

☬ Gender

     Lalafell      Dunesfolk      Bigender
☬ Age

☬ Height

☬ Weight

     26 yrs      3 fulms 1 ilms      30 ponzes
☬ Hair Color

☬ Eye Color

     Mint green      Mint green
☬ Complexion

☬ Marks or Tattoos

     Dark brown      Unknown







Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ligula ex, placerat ut arcu sed, aliquam faucibus neque. Nullam quis elementum risus. Donec eget lorem eu lacus malesuada faucibus. Donec bibendum lacinia interdum. Fusce faucibus eget enim sit amet tincidunt. Suspendisse eros nunc, ultrices sit amet tincidunt et, sagittis et neque. Integer malesuada libero pellentesque, luctus ante ut, imperdiet lectus. Curabitur vitae consequat lectus, et volutpat dui. Praesent sodales tortor ut turpis interdum tincidunt.


★☆☆ COMMON RUMORS - Use to your heart's content.

"Hanging with the wrong crowd, that one." Ul'dahn merchant.

"He sold me a necklace that talks! I SWEAR! I'm not the only one hearing it, am I?" Ul'dahn Madam.

"His stall is full of crap, if you want my opinion. Stolen crap, at that." Cynical adventurer.

★★☆ UNCOMMON RUMORS - Use sparingly, or ask before using or mentioning them IRP.

"His father was one of the best goldsmiths Ul'dah ever had. Not sure how the man died, really, but I heard it was a sad thing. Shame Adelpo never returned to the guild after that." Goldsmiths' Guild almuni.

"Adelpo's Doman is incredible! I wonder where he learnt it?" Doman Immigrant.

"I don't think he does what he does because he likes it. But he sure is knowledgeable when it comes to old rarities. Better than most auctioneers I know. The man's no historian, though." Gridanian scholar.

★★★ RARE RUMORS - Ask before using, or mentioning them IRP.

"Insert the rumor here, if you please." NPC's identity.
"Insert the rumor here, if you please." NPC's identity.
"Insert the rumor here, if you please." NPC's identity.

◊◊◊ PLAYER CHARACTERS RUMORS - Feel free to add your own!

"What your own character thinks of this character." Your character's name, and title/occupation (optional).
"What your own character thinks of this character." Your character's name, and title/occupation (optional).
"What your own character thinks of this character." Your character's name, and title/occupation (optional).


Location, Zone (high probability)
Location, Zone (medium probability)
Location, Zone (low probability)
[🔒] ??? Location, Zone (high probability)


Organization, Company or Guild (Role or Title)
Organization, Company or Guild (Role or Title)
Organization, Company or Guild (Role or Title)
[🔒] ??? Organization, Company or Guild (Role or Title)

♛ ─ MIND
► This thing.
► This thing.
► This thing.
► This thing.
► This thing.


► This thing.
► This thing.
► This thing.
► This thing.
► This thing.

► This thing.
► This thing.
► This thing.


► This thing.
► This thing.
► This thing.

─ Keys ─
[🌟] : Skill received upon roleplay development.

[🔒] : Spoiler alert! A skill or non-skill the character conceals. Nobody is supposed to know about it. Select the text to reveal it.

GOLDSMITHING - The man learnt with guild, and with his father. He is a talented goldsmith, as well as a competent gemologist.
HAGGLING - The man is an Ul'dahn dunesfolk merchant. Can hardly say more about it.
[🔒] ??? THE ECHO (SEEING) - During random encounters, Adelpo might see into the past of the characters he touches or interacts with.
[🔒] ??? THE ECHO (TALKING) - Adelpo understands and can speak most languages, though he cannot write them.
[🔒] ??? THE ECHO (IMMUNITY) - Adelpo is immune to possession and primal tempering.
MINING - Skill description.
ALCHEMY (LEAN: TRANSMUTATION) - Skill description.
COMBAT (MAGICAL) - Skill description.
COMBAT (PHYSICAL) - Skill description.
SKILL - Skill description.
[🔒] SKILL - Skill description.



“???” ─To Character's Name, during (roleplay scene).
“???” ─To Character's Name, during (roleplay scene).
“???” ─To Character's Name, during (roleplay scene).


 ??? ─ Who knows.
 ??? ─ Who knows.
 ??? ─ Who knows.


 ??? ─ Context.
 ??? ─ Context.
 ??? ─ Context.


 ??? ─ Who knows.
 ??? ─ Who knows.
 ??? ─ Who knows.


─ Icons & Their Meaning ─

FAMILY.png Family or Blood Ties
FRIENDSHIP.png Friendship
ROMANCE.png Romantically involved
HATE.png Hated
FEAR.png Feared
TEACHER.png Teacher or Mentor
STUDENT.png Student or Apprentice
WHEREABOUTS UNKNOWN.png Whereabouts Unknown or Hasn't seen them in a while

PATRON.png Employer or Patron
COLLEAGUE.png Colleague
BUSINESS PARTNER.png Business Partner
ATTRACTION.png Attraction or Muse
MARRIAGE.png Marriage*
RIVALRY.png Rivalry
DECEASED.png Deceased
UNKNOWN.png Unknown or Hidden Feelings**
0 placeholder.png Placeholder

2 positive.png Positive standing
3 neutral.png Neutral standing
1 negative.png Negative standing
Marriage*: Married in the eyes of the law/the twelve/according to the tribe's customs. This does not mean the characters are romantically involved.
Unknown or Hidden Feelings**: This character has one of all the keys above, but the character isn't fully aware of it yet, in denial, or overlooking it
FRIENDSHIP.png Positive, Friends & Allies
PH 100.png

Character Name ─ Title

0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png

SUMMARY: Additional information about the character. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vestibulum tincidunt nunc, at mattis nisl viverra at. Aliquam sit amet hendrerit turpis, quis varius mi. Mauris ultricies at arcu et tincidunt. Etiam venenatis sapien et ex accumsan, a ornare diam posuere.
PH 100.png

Character Name ─ Title (ALIVE)

0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png

SUMMARY: Additional information about the character. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vestibulum tincidunt nunc, at mattis nisl viverra at. Aliquam sit amet hendrerit turpis, quis varius mi. Mauris ultricies at arcu et tincidunt. Etiam venenatis sapien et ex accumsan, a ornare diam posuere.
PH 100.png

Character Name ─ Title

0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png

SUMMARY: Additional information about the character. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vestibulum tincidunt nunc, at mattis nisl viverra at. Aliquam sit amet hendrerit turpis, quis varius mi. Mauris ultricies at arcu et tincidunt. Etiam venenatis sapien et ex accumsan, a ornare diam posuere.
PH 100.png

Character Name ─ Title

0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png

SUMMARY: Additional information about the character. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vestibulum tincidunt nunc, at mattis nisl viverra at. Aliquam sit amet hendrerit turpis, quis varius mi. Mauris ultricies at arcu et tincidunt. Etiam venenatis sapien et ex accumsan, a ornare diam posuere.
COLLEAGUE.png Neutral, Colleagues & Acquaintances
PH 100.png

Character Name ─ Title

0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png

SUMMARY: Additional information about the character. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vestibulum tincidunt nunc, at mattis nisl viverra at. Aliquam sit amet hendrerit turpis, quis varius mi. Mauris ultricies at arcu et tincidunt. Etiam venenatis sapien et ex accumsan, a ornare diam posuere.
PH 100.png

Character Name ─ Title

0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png

SUMMARY: Additional information about the character. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vestibulum tincidunt nunc, at mattis nisl viverra at. Aliquam sit amet hendrerit turpis, quis varius mi. Mauris ultricies at arcu et tincidunt. Etiam venenatis sapien et ex accumsan, a ornare diam posuere.
PH 100.png

Character Name ─ Title

0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png

SUMMARY: Additional information about the character. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vestibulum tincidunt nunc, at mattis nisl viverra at. Aliquam sit amet hendrerit turpis, quis varius mi. Mauris ultricies at arcu et tincidunt. Etiam venenatis sapien et ex accumsan, a ornare diam posuere.
PH 100.png

Character Name ─ Title

0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png

SUMMARY: Additional information about the character. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vestibulum tincidunt nunc, at mattis nisl viverra at. Aliquam sit amet hendrerit turpis, quis varius mi. Mauris ultricies at arcu et tincidunt. Etiam venenatis sapien et ex accumsan, a ornare diam posuere.
HATE.png Negative, Foes & Rivals
PH 100.png

Character Name ─ Title

0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png

SUMMARY: Additional information about the character. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vestibulum tincidunt nunc, at mattis nisl viverra at. Aliquam sit amet hendrerit turpis, quis varius mi. Mauris ultricies at arcu et tincidunt. Etiam venenatis sapien et ex accumsan, a ornare diam posuere.
PH 100.png

Character Name ─ Title

0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png

SUMMARY: Additional information about the character. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vestibulum tincidunt nunc, at mattis nisl viverra at. Aliquam sit amet hendrerit turpis, quis varius mi. Mauris ultricies at arcu et tincidunt. Etiam venenatis sapien et ex accumsan, a ornare diam posuere.
PH 100.png

Character Name ─ Title

0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png

SUMMARY: Additional information about the character. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vestibulum tincidunt nunc, at mattis nisl viverra at. Aliquam sit amet hendrerit turpis, quis varius mi. Mauris ultricies at arcu et tincidunt. Etiam venenatis sapien et ex accumsan, a ornare diam posuere.
PH 100.png

Character Name ─ Title

0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png

SUMMARY: Additional information about the character. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vestibulum tincidunt nunc, at mattis nisl viverra at. Aliquam sit amet hendrerit turpis, quis varius mi. Mauris ultricies at arcu et tincidunt. Etiam venenatis sapien et ex accumsan, a ornare diam posuere.





SKYPE: Information goes here.
DISCORD: Information goes here.
E-MAIL: Information goes here.
RPC PROFILE: Information goes here.
TUMBLR: Information goes here.
LODESTONE: Information goes here.

Adelpo Manelpo
Adelposaladji Manelposaladji, son of Aladdinsadidji




Nophica Icon.png
Nophica, the Matron


FULL NAME: Adelposaladji Manelposaladji
ALIASES: Adelpo Manelpo, Manny, Elpo
RACE & CLAN: Lalafell, Dunesfolk
AGE: 26
NAMEDAY: Unknown
PLACE OF BIRTH: The Black Shroud, Gridania
OCCUPATION: Antique dealer
LATERALITY: Left-handed
FAVORITE COLOR: Morbol green
FAVORITE DRINK: Orange juice
VIRTUE(S): Frugality, Helpfulness, Temperance
VICE(S): Indolence, Moroseness, Cupidity