Astrid Douglass

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Gridania-transparent.png Astrid Douglass
Astrid book.jpg
"Are you stupid or something?"
Gender Female
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Gridania
Age 22
Height 5' 8"
Weight 120-130lbs
Profession Escort / Alchemist
Patron Deity Thaliak
Server Balmung

Astrid Douglass is a Midlander Hyur who currently lives in Gridania. She possesses a large passion for aetheric study and a very polite demeanor... which gives way to a sharp, sarcastic wit when she is enraged.

((This bio is still a huge WIP and all of the info here is subject to change at any time. Thank you!))


Astrid is a slightly taller than average female Hyur. Her skin could be considered fair, with a rosy tint. Her eyes are vivid blue-green color and very reminiscent of the ocean in areas with warmer climates. She sports a head of pure white hair that slowly fades into an ashen shade. There is a mole on the lower right side of her face beneath her lip. Astrid has a thin, yet curvy build. Her legs and arms are slightly toned from years of swimming and sword training, though this may not be immediately apparent since she often wears robes or armor that keep her well-covered.




"The contract that has been forged between us is now absolute, milady. I will protect you with my very life."

Noble. Loyal. Just.

These three traits are what every knight must possess. While Astrid is not a knightess in the literal sense, this does not stop her from living by the philosophy that "right makes might". Motivated largely by the pursuit of knowledge and the enforcement of justice, this is a woman who moves not unless it will better the world in some way, no matter how small the action may be. This goes double if the protection or purification of nature is involved. Astrid does her best to showcase herself as a proud scholarly woman who is not afraid to stand up to someone or get dirty in a fight. She rarely speaks her mind on impulse. Few things that she does or says are without purpose. Being wasteful is something that annoys her greatly, especially when it comes to her own time and energy. If anyone knows the perfect balance between work and play, it's Astrid.

"You lack intellect. And, worse yet, happen to be a grand bore. Be gone."

While she comes off as very polite in the initial encounter, Astrid has an unexpectedly nasty side when angered. She will begin to belittle and heavily criticize whatever poor soul is the source of her fury. However, these fits of extreme vanity seem to deeply embarass her. She almost always immediately apologizes once she has calmed down.

Delving into the complexities of aether, and all of the magical disciplines associated with it, brings her joy and hours of entertainment. Astrid has a deep-rooted obsession with understanding all that she can about magic and seeks to push beyond the limits of what aether can do. As she began her magical studies as a conjurer, Astrid is also deeply intertwined with nature. Astrid will take the time to strengthen this bond at random intervals, either by meditating, practicing her conjury, tending to her garden, or even simply talking a walk (which usually turns into something that is more of a hike).

Finally, Astrid is on a more blatant quest for self-improvement than most people. There seems to be something in her past that she cannot get away from. She seeks salvation for this occurrence in the form of constant training. It is likely that the frosty personality that surfaces when she is infuriated comes from a lack of self-worth.



  • Tea
  • Battle
  • Seafood
  • Reading
  • Exploration
  • Magic & Aetheric Theory
  • Water (Swimming, bathing, being caught in the rain, etc.)


  • Idiots
  • Herself
  • Wastefulness
  • Any lack of respect for nature
  • Excessively loud people or places
  • Spoiled and/or self-entitled people
  • Being looked down upon/treated differently for being a woman


"Go! Take him and run. I care not if we are under attack. I am not leaving until I can heal them!"

Astrid has aptitude for both magical and melee combat. While she cannot cast a proper fireball or summon a strike of lightening, she has an amazingly high affinity for water and ice spells. Her healing is very potent due to how comfortable she is with nature and pulling aether from it. Her swordmanship skills are surprisingly polished for someone who was born a mage, but she is much slower than other gladiators. What Astrid lacks in speed is made up for with a very sturdy defense. She is also has a knack for arcanima.

Astrid tends to get along with all sorts of people due to her empathetic nature and instinctual love of helping those in need. She is capable of staying calm and level-headed in even the most hectic scenarios, showcasing an nearly unbreakable will that most would consider to be obstinance.


"Sleep? Now? Absolutely not. Until I can confirm that you will be completely out of harm's way, bat an eyelash I shall not."

Astrid picks up a lot of details others think are well-hidden, but she can be quite oblivious to certain things herself. If someone genuinely likes her (either romantically or platonically), she will be the last to figure it out at times. When flirting, nine times out of ten, it's accidental. More importantly, Astrid is known for being too self-sacrificing. She will beat herself into the ground in order to please and/or protect others, entirely neglecting her own needs in the process. Also, while Astrid is skilled in both magical and melee combat, her movements are rather sluggish.

Then there are her issues with bloodlust... Could it be that Astrid simply becomes carried away in longer battles, overcome with everything that is happening? Is it derived from a latent fear of hurting or killing others that she is unwilling to admit? Or is the real reason something more sinister?


Theme Songs

"In the Middle of the Night" by Within Temptation (Main Theme)

OOC Inspirations

Utena Tenjou - Revolutionary Girl Utena

TV Tropes

Blood Knight

Magic Knight

Heroic BSOD

The Berserker

Sarcastic Devotee

Badass Bookworm

Knight in Sour Armor