Hirokuli Zerokuli

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 Hirokuli Zerokuli
[[Image:Lalafell.png|240 x 345px]]
Ronin Warrior
Gender Male
Race Lalafell
Clan Dunesfolk
Citizenship Eorzean
Age 23
Religion Oschon the Wanderer
Orientation Heterosexual
Occupation Adventerer
Server Gilgamesh
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Hirokuli (or Hiro [He-row]) as he is called by his friends is a young and spirited Lalafell Pugilist. Starting out from a family of 13 brothers and sisters, he is used to a large family and constantly being surrounded by people. Growing up on the tail end of his parents breeding campaign he was subjected to physical labor by his older siblings and constant teasing and the pressures of being "low man on totem pole". However, due to his upbringing young Hiro is near impervious to mental subjugation and once he sets his mind on something, he is going to do just that.
He is physically shaped just like any member of the Lalafell race with the exception of his muscular constitution. Constant labor and chores have toned his muscles to a very peculiar hardness. In the terms of his 4th oldest brother Jarakuli, "hitting him is like trying to punch a mountain face". He is not bulky nor abnormally huge in his peoples standards, just much more solidly built. His body type quite naturally drove him to more and more physically demanding roles, such as the pursuit of the Pugilist way of life. Even as a novice he could usually just shrug off blows from monsters several times bigger than himself, and the training only enhanced his speed and tone even more. His eyes on becoming one of the most acclaimed Monks in the world, Hiro is constantly training both his body and his mind daily trying to reach his goal.


Like most members of the Lalafell race, Hirokuli is tiny, almost diminutive. Standing just above 3" tall it would be quite easily to dismiss him as just another child or Lalafell. However Hiro has one particular trait that tends to stand out and that is his eyes. His right one a brilliant silver color, and his left a shimmering gold, his eyes seem to give off their own inner "light" of sorts with how luminous they are. Many a female (and even some males) have been caught by his gaze and quickly avert the stare. This is mostly due to the fact that, according to one storeowner in Ul'dah said, "its almost as though he can see right into your soul, and know what you are thinking and feeling". This is of course not true at all, as Hiro has no powers of mind reading. His natural azure hair is lowlighted with black dye constantly due to his own personal tastes.


Hirokuli is open, friendly, knowledgeable and a little sarcastic. He knows the power his eyes have on other people and knows full well that people do not like to look him in the eyes because of it. So he will challenge people to staring competitions and secretly delight in the micro-expressions of terror shot his way. He will then laugh not in mockery, just in jest and proceed to buy the lad or lass a drink, or five.
Hiro enjoys his drink well and has before tried to master the apparent "art" of "Drunken Boxing". However, according to his brothers, it was just an excuse to drink during his growing up, and perhaps, an excuse to inflict some light bruising on the older siblings who put him to work daily. He knows well his own limitations and what he can and cannot do, but that only drives him to take on challenges slightly exceeding those to see how far he can push himself. Happy, fiercely loyal to his friends and family, honest and a little wild, Hiro isn't usually the life of a party, but he sure does at to it.



Hiro is a mainly a Pugilist, however he has dabbled a bit in the spear, bow and sword. He prefers hand to hand fighting though, calling it "the true test of intention". Hiro believes anyone who is willing to go up-close and personal with an opponent is just trying to find their own personal "Way of Life" just like he is. He doesn't enjoy hurting his fellow denizens of Eorzea, yet will occasionally jump into a friendly dual if he knows the person well enough. Against monsters or any chaotic destructive entity that knows only how to take life, he will charge in willingly and fight to the death, not because he believes he must save someone, though that has been known to happen. Mostly, he does it because he enjoys the challenge of fighting for his own convictions against an opposing force with convictions directly conflicting his own.



  • Enjoys hard liquors in place of watered down ale.
  • Tattoos and meaningful markings on his body and the stories behind other peoples.
  • Training to complete his art.


  • Negativity in outlook in life.
  • People spreading rumors about him being a mind reader due to his eyes.
  • Wishy-washy people.


  • Dabbles in Alchemy.
  • Enjoys child-like games such as tag, hide and seek and "kick-the-can".
  • Likes to carve wood wind instruments such as Clarinets and Ocarinas during his rest periods and teaching himself how to play.


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  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras pellentesque felis mi, et consequat felis ullamcorper quis. Phasellus sed placerat justo. Cras id semper lectus. Suspendisse pulvinar diam eget ante vehicula, at fermentum velit pulvinar. Vivamus rutrum, elit eu pellentesque suscipit, nunc dui ultricies sapien, quis semper lacus elit dapibus augue. Morbi semper metus venenatis quam sodales fermentum. Cras odio nibh, aliquam at porta vel, ultrices ut sem. In id viverra purus. Maecenas malesuada ipsum nec erat egestas, ac ornare ligula tincidunt. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras pellentesque felis mi, et consequat felis ullamcorper quis. Phasellus sed placerat justo. Cras id semper lectus. Suspendisse pulvinar diam eget ante vehicula, at fermentum velit pulvinar. Vivamus rutrum, elit eu pellentesque suscipit, nunc dui ultricies sapien, quis semper lacus elit dapibus augue. Morbi semper metus venenatis quam sodales fermentum. Cras odio nibh, aliquam at porta vel, ultrices ut sem. In id viverra purus. Maecenas malesuada ipsum nec erat egestas, ac ornare ligula tincidunt. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras pellentesque felis mi, et consequat felis ullamcorper quis. Phasellus sed placerat justo. Cras id semper lectus. Suspendisse pulvinar diam eget ante vehicula, at fermentum velit pulvinar. Vivamus rutrum, elit eu pellentesque suscipit, nunc dui ultricies sapien, quis semper lacus elit dapibus augue. Morbi semper metus venenatis quam sodales fermentum. Cras odio nibh, aliquam at porta vel, ultrices ut sem. In id viverra purus. Maecenas malesuada ipsum nec erat egestas, ac ornare ligula tincidunt. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.


Common Rumors

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Moderate Rumors

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  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Rare Rumors

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  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

PC Rumors

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  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras pellentesque felis mi, et consequat felis ullamcorper quis. Phasellus sed placerat justo. Cras id semper lectus. Suspendisse pulvinar diam eget ante vehicula, at fermentum velit pulvinar. Vivamus rutrum, elit eu pellentesque suscipit, nunc dui ultricies sapien, quis semper lacus elit dapibus augue. Morbi semper metus venenatis quam sodales fermentum. Cras odio nibh, aliquam at porta vel, ultrices ut sem. In id viverra purus. Maecenas malesuada ipsum nec erat egestas, ac ornare ligula tincidunt. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.


This Template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea