Kumiko Malaguld

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Kumiko Malaguld
Gender Female
Race Au Ra
Clan Xaela (Raen in Appearance)
Citizenship Ul'dah
Age 22
Alignment True Neutral
Occupation Adventurer
Height 4 fulm 9 ilm
Guardian Dusk Mother
Relatives None as far as she knows

Basic Info

Lace and Flowers
Theater, particularly costumes
Tea & Spiced cider
Wary of Dotharl
Not always having the right words
Coming off as rude
Fish-based meals
Being unfairly judged
General uncertainty around her own species
Unscrupulous businessmen
Haggling for a better deal
Giving Eorzeans diplomatic explanations for things
Attentive to fine details
Looks perpetually pleasant
Supportive of others (for better or worse really)
Tea selection

Possessive of others
Vertically inept
Evasive on her own past & suspicious of those who ask
Highly insecure
Being alone
Easily picked up and/or tossed
Miserly with funds
Not that great of a horsebird rider

Appearance and Personality


Like a lot of female Au Ra, Kumiko is more on the short end of things than the tall. Standing only at about 4'9", this generally puts her at a disadvantage if you want her to fetch something from the top shelf. She's also scrawny enough that most would probably think she subsists on air. This is perhaps for the best since she's fond of any and all shoulder carries from taller, stronger friends that she's offered. Like any Raen, her scales are of the paler variety, in a creamy off-white color; in stark contrast, her hair and skin are both much darker.

Her eyes are a silvery grey with light grey limbal rings, which can look a tad off-putting in low light or after dark. Despite the desert heat, she's fond of keeping her hair long, just vain enough to tolerate the discomfort for the sake of appearances. While she certainly knows how to dress reasonably on an adventuring contract, if Kumiko had her way (and had the cash) there'd be a lot more cute dresses and clothes accented with lace or dyed pretty colors in her life.


To Be Added



On one hand, Kumiko could count every detail she has ever known about her father. The first was, naturally, that he was a Raen. The second was he was of significantly lower social standing than her mother. Thirdly, it was his own wits that saw to their safe arrival with a Malaguld clan, and the last was apparently her own name. Unfortunately, that was where his luck ran out -- she was scarce more than a toddler when he perished on the steppes. While she's never missed him the way a child might miss a parent they knew and loved, she does recognize what he meant to her mother and is grateful to what she was given by him.


Childhood and Youth
Garlean Invasion and the Calamity
End of Seventh Umbral Era to Present



Not all rumours are necessarily true.

◢ Common Rumours (Easily overheard)
"Smile as sweet as honey and the fortitude to haggle for half a day." [Ul'dahn Merchant]
"Never had anyone ask me for dancing lessons before." [Miqo'te Dancer]
"Thought the Adventurer's Guild was having a laugh when they sent someone smaller'n me as an escort." [Traveling Merchant]
◢ Moderate Rumours (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"Oh that one. Real lady-like manner of speaking, you'd think she had some fancy upbringing." [Quick Sand Patron]
"Always seems like she's looking her own shoulder, huh?" [Barmaid]
"The FACE she made when she ate a Rolanberry Shaved Ice too quickly." [Costa del Sol visitor]
◢ Rare Rumours (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
"Real quiet about her past." [Traveler]
"Won't take any job in Northern Thanalan. Looked kind of scared at the idea." [Adventurer's Guild Member]
◢ PC Rumours (Who said that? Really?)
Romantic Interest    Family/Close Relationship    Friends    Acquaintance    Dislike  


Tumblr: http://fireattunement.tumblr.com/
Lodestone Page
Playlist: Princess Crocodile
TV Tropes:
OOC Info: I am open to RPing more mature or complex themes if I get to know you first so that I feel comfortable. I don't ERP; if sexual themes are unavoidable, I really prefer fade to black. Open to walk-ups if you send a /tell please. I'm also totally open for RPing a pre-existing relationship between two characters barring any kind of romantic pairing -- let's be comrades! Or something.
Layout created by Bancroft Gairn. Thank you, you are very kind for sharing!