A'lohi Tia

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If anyone were to ask him to describe his childhood, A’lohi would use words like ‘mundane’, ‘boring’, or even ‘privileged’. Not that he’s ashamed of his past at all, but he definitely realizes that his own life story is not the most interesting thing to talk about, especially in comparison to the tales his mother could likely tell.

A’lohi Tia was born and raised in Limsa Lominsa, to an ex-pirate and a tribeswoman turned ex-adventurer from the Sagolii. His parents, having come from a much rougher lifestyle, wanted to see a better life for A’lohi than the ones they’d led. A’lohi’s father enlisted in the Maelstrom, while his mother stayed home to teach him the ways of the world. Though hunting and physical activity outside of fishing didn’t appeal to him much, A’lohi took a vested interest in his mother’s fantastic tales of adventure in the deserts of Sagolii.

It was until he was seventeen years old that A’lohi dreamed of becoming an adventurer like his mother, helping people, hunting for monsters and treasure, and the like. During a fishing trip with his father’s company, their boat was attacked by Serpent Reavers. A’lohi was separated from his father and rushed to a lifeboat with a small handful of others that were lucky enough to make it. The boat was destroyed, and A’lohi’s father, along with the others that did not survive the attack, were presumed dead.

If that had not dampened A’lohi’s thirst for adventure enough, the disaster that the calamity brought two years after had all but crushed it, and instead of leaving Limsa Lominsa for a life of adventure, he spent several years in Ul’dah, studying thaumaturgy to come back and ultimately become a gate checker of the Arcanist’s guild for the Lominsan government. It was not the kind of life he’d wanted for himself, but at least it was safe, he could make sure his mother was healthy, and he was helping people in some small way, at the very least.


A’lohi Tia is a miqo’te on the smaller side. Standing at a modest 5’2”, he definitely does not cut an imposing frame, either. A’lohi is, like his personality, soft. Thin arms and legs with just enough fat on him to lack any kind of muscle definition or protruding bones. According to some, he’s skinny enough for it to be worrisome. A’lohi’s skin is a darker shade of brown and smattered with freckles, most densely collecting around his cheeks, shoulders, thighs, and torso. Above his lip on the left side is a beauty mark, and he wears oval wireframe glasses. His hair is yellow-blonde, medium in length, and longer at the front than the back. He's often seen wearing blues and golds, usually opting for a slightly more opulent style than he actually seems able to afford. He simply enjoys dressing as if he has money.
Aspects That Stand Out:
His tail is very short, and it curls up against his back. If one were to pull it all the way down, A'lohi's tail would reach just below his butt. Think of a shiba inu's tail
His body type is 'noodle'. There's very little of his body adding to his silhouette. 90% of it is his clothes doing the work.
Rings. A'lohi wears a lot of rings. They're used mostly like fidget toys so he's able to deal with his nervous tendencies.

Name - A'lohi Tia
Race - Miqo'te, Seeker of the Sun
Age - 27 Years (as of 4.0)
Name Day - 14th Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon (Feb 14)
Deity - Azeyma

Alias: Lola, (A)Loha, Kitten
Citizenship: Limsan
Occupation: Adventurer, Arcanist
Hair color: Yellow-Blonde
Eye color: Light Brown
Complexion: Medium-Dark Brown
Piercings: None
Marks or tattoos: Freckles. Too many freckles.
Alignment: Lawful Good
Key Items: Ruby Carbuncle Summoning Charm
Favorite Food: Fried Fish / Sweets
Favorite Drink: Pineapple Cocktail
Favorite Color: Woad Blue
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