Aelyn Day
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Gender | Female |
Race | Hyur |
Clan | Midlander |
Citizenship | Ishgard |
Server | Balmung & Mateus |
Tumblr | Seldom Updated |
Availability | Early Evening GMT |
Quick Facts
Given Name: Aelyn Day
Pronunciation: [A-lin Day]
Nameday: 10th Sun of the 2nd Astral Moon.
Age: 31
Place of Birth: Ishgard
Current Residence: Rents an apartment in Mist
Grand Company Allegiance: Immortal Flames, by proxy of Machina & Magitek
Previous Employment: Scion of the Seventh Dawn
Current Employment: Wandering Echo-stricken adventurer, mercenary for Machina & Magitek
Religion & Philosophy: Devoted to Halone above all others, as would be expected of an Ishgardian. She keeps her piety to herself unless it becomes useful to divulge
Handedness: Right-handed
Physical Characteristics
Height: Slightly taller than average, 5'6" A life of hard training, both mental and physical have shaped Aelyn into what she is today. She possesses an athletic, though distinctly feminine build, leading her to be sometimes mistaken for a stunted Highlander. Her pale skin and fondness of the cold, however, are quick to dissuade such assumptions. Her hair is unruly, a defiant shock of orange amidst the dull browns, blacks and silvers of Ishgard, leading many to believe that she did not belong. Her eyes, however, mimic perfectly the cutting, icy gales of the highlands in their hue, and her cold gaze drives the point ever further home. A smattering of freckles adorns her cheeks. |
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Alignment: Lawful Good Aelyn is very reserved. She shows little to no emotion in conversation, speaking without inflection, save for the odd hint of curiosity in subjects she takes interest in. The mask she wears is helpful in this regard, concealing the more emotive parts of her face - cheeks, eyes and brow. She is incredibly verbose, and enjoys using archaic and uncommon words and phrases to illustrate her points. This does lead to a minor amount of frustration when she is not understood and must repeat herself using simpler terms. Aelyn does not suffer fools lightly, and quickly seeks to be out of their company. Any who share her interests in magitek and arcanima are always welcome, and she views no question on these subjects as a stupid one, save for being forced to repeat herself ad infinatum. When angered or slighted, Aelyn can slip into a childlike scorn, wherein her already limited communication becomes even more scarce until it becomes apparent that it may cause detriment to the situation at hand. She is unaccustomed to being wrong, and while she aims to take corrections gracefully, she often does not succeed.
Preferred Trade: Engineering One in hundreds, Aelyn is afflicted with the Echo. Owing to this, she possess abilities beyond that of a normal Spoken, including the ability to understand the intent behind words, regardless of language; brief, incoherent visions of both past and future; protection from primal influences; and the ability to linger far longer than normal on the brink of death. In what amounts to a unique permutation of her affliction, Aelyn has a vast reserve of aether. To those with the ability to sense aether, she would give a signature several times stronger than that of the ordinary man. This aether has been channelled over years of research into a countermeasure against exhaustion and nigh-fatal injury - should Aelyn fall unconscious in battle, her aether surges, resuscitating her. This is taxing on her body, and leaves her in a state of weariness and nausea for several suns following, during which this power ceases function. Alongside her supernatural abilities, Aelyn is an accomplished machinist. While not an inventor or tinkerer in her own right, she employs devices constructed by the Skysteel Manufactory and Machina & Magitek as if they were extensions of her own form. In doing so, her deeds are etched into the fresh soul crystal she carries with her, which she hopes to one day pass onto a successor, as did warriors of old. Equally, she possesses exceptional skill in Arcanima, owing to a logical mind suited to calculations and geometry, as well as a plentiful reserve of aether. She was unable to complete her guild training, but has since struck out to research the aetherial arts on her own, albeit slowly. Arcanima has become more of a hobby to her now, though she employs various geometries in combat, such as Physick, Energy Drain, and the more powerful Adloquium. Combined together - the Echo, her prowess in Arcanima, and her affinity for machinistry - Aelyn is a formidable foe upon the battlefield, and as such has faced some of the worst nightmares that the common man could dream of. The Echo's unique ability to shield the wearer and nearby allies from the effects of primal influence make those who bare it - Aelyn included - a valued commodity when it comes to dispatching manifestations of Primals themselves. Aelyn has faced a handful of Primals in her time, and emerged victorious through each, though the struggles have left their marks on her. |
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Trivia & Allusions
Possible Spoilers Below! Expand at own risk! | |
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