Agrias Lockhart
Agrias is by trade a Dark Knight. Though his knowledge spans across many jobs, he is most comfortable with a two handed sword and a suite of armor. His knowledge and recollection of his past runs parallel with the others in Eorzea. Though deep down he knows to himself to be slightly different, perhaps beyond this world itself. Hailing from limsa lominsa he considered his options wisely choosing to open an oddity shop called the “Eternal Star Company. “ a local business located in Plot 40, 10 Ward, Mist. There with a oddly crew they take upon jobs of all aspects of Eorzea.. Including those from outside of her if the task called for it.
Heavily equipped and well ready for battle, Agrias is drenched in black as night armor and a two handed sword he’s named Dagon.. The Hyur stands tall, with long black hair that usually masks the scar that runs across his face. He wears a black blindfold tightly fastened fully covering his sight. Agrias shows no other amediate scars, but does show tribal tattooing upon his bare skin if one can get that close to him. The tattoo can glow a subtle soft purple or blue depending on the situation he is in, but never bright enough to cause attention in daylight and not strong enough to pierce through his clothing at night.
Aspects That Stand Out:
Agrias can be a bit of a smart ass, His witty attitude and rambunctious nature has landed him in more than a few hand to hand combats which he has maybe only won a handful. He is enjoys the finer things of life, wine, food, woman and isn’t afraid to show it. Though, his bright nature is can be followed by a darker demeanor. Agrias happy go lucky at times attitude is facet to the darkness that builds inside him. The Hyur can be very moody, easily annoyed, and down right mean if he isn’t cut from what keeps him occupied, like wine and woman.
There isn’t really a sign, the swift winds kind of carry you away. At least that’s all that is really known. The translation is soft and welcoming, but soon the cold air rushes upon the skin and new life is born. That’s what happens when you die. No one really knows what caused, or how Aurora and Ilyea met their end, but one thing was for sure, that their end was never an end at all. But a constant beginning. Life or death,that many would consider it to be a curse. But, for these two love struck hero’s, it was a blessing. “ what do we do now?” A warm breeze within the depths of the void brushed against his face “open your eyes” a soft voice echoed through his mind “ I can’t, it’s to bright” he beckoned to the voice.. “And if I do, where will I be?” He spoke with a worried tone and quickly the soft voice responded.. “our new home” Slowly, the soul opened his eyes and as expected he was met with bright light that made him squint for relief. Slowly, his eyes adjusted.. “ A crystal?” The object was massive, as large and vast as moon, or a planet, with crystalline particles and satellites circling it. The sight suspended in empty darkness. The soft feminine voice seemed to come from the gargantuan crystal, cracks and scores littered the crystal with caverns as deep as mountains gouged from its face. “ what happened?” He spoke “ I.. was hurt.. “ the crystal spoke with displeasure “ Calistus entered through a rift and struck out at me.. creating these cracks and caverns “ a long pause was had between the two.. “ what is your name?” The crystal spoke, curious of the beings nature. The spirit responded “ I...don’t know what my name is.” He thought... The crystal spoke up “ then I shall call you spirit “ the crystal hummed “ then what do I call you?” The crystal responded “ you can call me...Spark”
Soul screamed “ spark! Tell me! Will Calistus return? Will he be back to kill you? To destroy you? ” The fear up the face of the all white apparition showed deeply. Soul thought the crystal was beautiful, brilliant, and stunning and didn’t want anything else to happen to it... Spark responded.. “ calm now.. thus is the way of life, we all must die.. “ the crystal hues brightened and subsided.. “ thus like the body, I will forever be under attack, but my defense will help me last.. “ her tone dipped deep and a feeling of sorrow enveloped.. “ though Calistus is as primal as nature itself, soon, death will come.. this is why you need to continue.. you hold the key to rid us of this infestation. “ Soul took in a deep breath.. “ Do I.. fight? “ He crossed his arms over his chest, closing his eyes.. Soul took in a the hot wet air and exhaled… Spark spoke.. “ And live.. “ Her voice was shaking.. “Soul… Im so sorry.. “ She shook her head.. “ I must go now… and so should you.. “ Soul shook his head.. “ NO! Stop! “ The massive crystal started to fade and an ominous voice echoed, the feeling of death and all corruption was building.. “ You will die… “ Soul started to panic, looking around but unable to see.. “ What is happening? I can’t see! “ Spark spoke calmly.. “ We all must go, Soul… Meet with your guardian.. She awaits in a place called Eorzea.. There you will find another spark.. One that will help guide you… I’m so sorry, Soul…” The apparition turned around but was unable to see due to the blinding nature of spark she had given him wonderful information.. But at the cost of his eyesight. A sharp pain and a loud thud entered into shouls heart.. Callistus, had taken a piece of spark and stabbed him in the chest, leaving it to bleed him out.. A piece of spark held tight in his souls chest as he started to fade.. Callistus screamed with rage unable to finish off soul… but his unnatural black eyes looked up to spark, ready to finish.. What he began..
Month 0Large wooden chapel doors opened and the screaming of an infant was louder and louder.. Priests from the chapel kneeled around the Hyur baby.. “ An infant… “ One spoke.. Another replied.. “ Blind it seems.. Should we end him quickly? “ A priest spoke.. Another shook his head.. “ No.. Ill tend to this one.. “ They all agreed.. “ Fine.. but he is your responsibility… “ The priest that spoke up nodded.. “ He will be entered into priesthood under the name Agrias.. “
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