Airell Pirepe
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Basic Info
- Pirepe is a layabout and a scoundrel. Or at least, she tries to be. Her ideal lifestyle is one of travelling to new lands and unknown cities, wishing for her reputation telling of the sharpness of her blade and the wit and guile she expresses in every waking moment. She lives for the drama of being on the run, perhaps from something, but nothing she knows of quite yet, it's too soon to tell whatever it may be. In the end, Pirepe exhibits kindness and a good heart despite her intentions.
- Though the sword may be something of a noble's weapon, Airell makes a show of her ability with the sword. After all, she's done her best to be the vigilante of her dreams back home in Gridania, but had to flee in worries that the local bandits may be out for her neck after a few botched robberies. Her dagger and sword never leave her side when she is out, and don't seem to leave her side when she isn't. It isn't often she is found with much more than those two blades, anyways.
Appearance & Personality
- Airell stands taller than the standard Midlander Hyur, but some of her height is lost in her relaxed posture. She's commonly wearing dark red with black leather boots, gloves, and belt. She wears her remarkably unremarkable set of sword and dagger on her belt, and can be identified by her blue eyes, freckles, and the scar along the bridge of her nose.
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus ullamcorper aliquam libero, quis rutrum enim suscipit at. Sed hendrerit odio sit amet nunc faucibus lacinia. Nunc bibendum ligula sed sapien viverra, ut aliquet lacus aliquam. Aliquam pellentesque nunc in sodales tristique. In libero risus, euismod et felis nec, tincidunt dictum nisi. Morbi ut bibendum orci. Curabitur ultricies felis bibendum venenatis consectetur. Maecenas vel diam commodo, porta ligula at, auctor ante.
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus ullamcorper aliquam libero, quis rutrum enim suscipit at. Sed hendrerit odio sit amet nunc faucibus lacinia. Nunc bibendum ligula sed sapien viverra, ut aliquet lacus aliquam. Aliquam pellentesque nunc in sodales tristique. In libero risus, euismod et felis nec, tincidunt dictum nisi. Morbi ut bibendum orci. Curabitur ultricies felis bibendum venenatis consectetur. Maecenas vel diam commodo, porta ligula at, auctor ante.
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus ullamcorper aliquam libero, quis rutrum enim suscipit at. Sed hendrerit odio sit amet nunc faucibus lacinia. Nunc bibendum ligula sed sapien viverra, ut aliquet lacus aliquam. Aliquam pellentesque nunc in sodales tristique. In libero risus, euismod et felis nec, tincidunt dictum nisi. Morbi ut bibendum orci. Curabitur ultricies felis bibendum venenatis consectetur. Maecenas vel diam commodo, porta ligula at, auctor ante.
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- Template by Bancroft Gairn