Aria Wintersong
Aria Wintersong is a wandering sellsword, almost always accompanied by Kuporo, her moogle retainer.
Petite for a highlander, she can easily be mistaken as a tall and athletic midlander woman. Her complexion is an unhealthy pallor and the skin around her eyelids is red. Her pale blonde hair is unkempt and covers part of her face. She maintains a perpetually solemn and melancholy demeanor.
Tending to habitually side with the underdogs of any conflict, she is known to involve herself in the plights of strangers. However, she isolates herself from others on a personal level, unwilling to form long-term attachments and commitments.
She is not above fighting fire with fire, and sees such actions as a necessity for the greater good.
Combat Style
Aria relies on aggression and power to overwhelm or off-balance her opponents with a hateful flurry of slashes and thrusts. Every strike is coldly intended as a killing blow, even when lethal force is unnecessary. When an ally is in peril, she will often break formation and cast strategy aside to attack the threat, intending to either draw it's attention or end it's life before it can slay her comrade.