Artorias Zyat

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(work in progress)

Artorias Zyat
Arnus Rem Zaius


Artorias by nature, is a calculating and quick to judge individual. Being open to others for far too long in his adolescence left him with disappointment and betrayal of beliefs and thus, spawned hatred and retaliatory tendencies. He is often open to talking to others but will easily and quickly form an opinion of them. Often he will appear to be anywhere from polite to brazen. Abrasiveness is often looming close behind him if something he sees goes against his morality or nature. He will rarely speak out against this, if the person performing this irksome action is a stranger to him, but he will often remember and have that memory instilled for the eventuality of their meeting. Though at times, his former self makes tiny appearances in the form of kindness or encouragement. This calm, demeanor and soft tone usually flourish when in the company of hard working and selfless individuals for a cause that aligns either with or within the parameters mirroring his own. At moments he becomes rather self centered when bashing heads with someone else and becomes over confident in his declarations and claims, even if he internally has doubts about its legitimacy. Programmed to despise failure, ruthless by his past influences, all of this has caused him to do anything he can do to prove himself right, even if it comes off at times as petty or desperate, just to calm internal doubts and self loathing for putting himself between a rock and a hard place. Though he is often one to reflect on past mistakes and accept them for his fault and carry that chip on his shoulder, possibly longer than one should.


Age: 25

Build: Lithe, muscle toned.

Height: 5' 7"

Skin: Ash Gray

Hair & Fur: Black w/ White Highlights.

Facial Hair: Short chin beard.

Eyes: Indigo

Distinguishing Features:

Noticeable scars:

  • Cross cut shaped scar on left cheek, scar over his right eye.

Other marks:

  • Two sharp black tattoos, two a-side stretching from jaw-line to cheek
  • Dark gray, curved eye markings, symmetrical.

Attire & Voice

Artorias wears a combination of armoured, hard leather materials with stylish attire. Typically giving off a tough and daring look while also being not too reinforced to become a social pariah. He usually favours darker colors; grays, blacks and silvers versus anything with 'color' or intensity. Upon closer inspection of Artorias, one would see wear and tear of the material, evident that his gear is not tailored often or repaired by anyone with the practical means of doing so, how ever he doesn't come off as a person of ill financial fortune. He harbors a strong dislike for hats and even more for helmets, evident through received scars of battle and well kept hair. Lacking on his body often is jewelry, finding it cumbersome and without any practical purpose, though ironically not feeling the same way for helmets. How ever his ears are often pierced with silver hoops, a recommendation from someone lost to him long ago, though an opinion he appreciates to this day. Artorias rarely wears his armor in public and social environments, reserving it purely for when he is going to fight. As such he is typically a threat when not dressed in anything that isn't considered 'casual'. His armor consists of armor on his limbs and a plated heavy coat that serves as protection as good as a cuirass but with better balance and weight than the aforementioned piece of protection.

Artorias speaks in a often calm, collected and educated voice. How ever these traits easily begin to bleed into arrogant, disdainful and even sarcastic as topics arise. Not being one to hide his opinion, it easily comes off in the sharp tongued statements he recites. His accent doesn't harbor any underlying mannerisms of elongated emphasis' on 'R's or any quips. Priding himself on not being a 'tribal runt', he easily matches the intelligent demeanor of a lord or nobleman. When frustrated, his voice is rarely raised to yelling, more so a deep, growling tone of disdain and contempt.