Barbarccia Valadis
Disclaimer : While all the information on this page is public, it merely serves to record and show tidbits of information in the character's life and is by no means common knowledge or to be utilized in a manner that would compromise the integrity of roleplay. The page will be updated as events happen and should you feel the need to be added or would like to engage in roleplay, please contact me ingame.
Barbarccia Valadis, a somewhat recent upstart within the eyes of the public. With the recent passing of her father, she had seized control of the estate and her namesake quickly making a name for herself among the nobility of Ul'dah society. She is well educated, quite intelligent, and backed by a vast fortune supplemented by a trading company she had inherited. Quick to bore, and eager to push things to their limit, Barbarccia carries herself with confidence and proper form. She can oft be seen in elegant attires and very expensive jewelry, one thing she is not is subtle, but with a virtual private army at their back, who would be? She is always eager to meet new faces, and to add gifted individuals to her inner circle; rogues, knaves, and the dishonest beware.
♦ General
- Given Name: Reina Valridah [Ray-Nah Vhal-Ree-dah] The name holds a grand significance among the sept to which she was born. Given to her by her grandmother, it was carried as an omen of one who would bring change, riches, and fortune to those around her.
- Adopted Name: Barbarccia Valadis [Bhar-Bhar-Chi-Ah Vhal-Lih-diss] One the youth had a chance meeting with a very important man and a game of high stakes was played. The girl was taken in as a squire and daughter. She renounced her past and quickly adopted a less tribal first name before eventually earning the rights to the last. Being an avid reader, she selected the name of a mythical creature and donned it onto herself.
- Nick Names: Names utilized by others against her will, or Aliases.
- Titles: Barbarccia tends to be many different things to many different people. She enjoys withholding much of her past from people so that they may not invoke those thoughts into an expectation. She has thus made a habit of not sharing her past feats or titles that she has earned. These are some of thoes titles.
- Residence: The Valadis Estate [Goblet, Ward 8, Plot 43, North Subdivision] A dubious mansion tucked away deep, deep in the goblet. People that go in rarely are seen leaving the gates, some assume that the house may be haunted.
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- Martial Status: In a relationship.
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- Sexuality: Bisexual, heavily leaning homosexual.
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- Religion/Philosophy : She was raised from a young age to be very spiritual... ultimately it may have been this outside influence that drew her away from losing herself to faith. Once she became more independant she adopted the common god of Ul'dah. Nald'thal. She can be seen leaving tributes and asking her diety for better fortune as she believes herself to be a rather unlucky person. She does not carry her piety on her shoulder, but her faith can be seen as supersticious at best.
- She is a girl with a strong sense of justice and a firm, almost entirely black and white morality. Her friends are people she can trust, her enemies are people she can not. She believes that through mutual respect and understanding, everyone would be able to co-exist peacefully. She has very little tolerance for things she views as weak or wrong, and tends to be very vocal about it.
♦ Appearance
- Height: 5 fulms, 8 ilms - Barbarccia isn't particularly tall for a Highlander. She's always been rather small among her peers, but recently that has come around. She has recently come to appreciate not having to look up at people and has even become more confident as a result. She tends to enjoy looking down on people, especially those people she can physically intimidate.
- Weight: 128 ponz - She's never been very muscular, nor very built. She has a very curvy form, and besides her natural shapely and built from, she makes no real effort to build her frame. Her chest, and rear are fairly ample in size, and despite her small height, she manages to be a little on the heavier side, even if she works feverishly to watch her side.
- Body: The first thing one would notice is that she's most definitely built like a woman. She's quite young, and the youthfulness of her form is readily visible. She has some natural definition to her frame, mostly built due to her day to day travels and her constant need to work. Her curves are quite bold, bosoms being quite readily prevalent even if one is not even looking to stare at them. Her waist line is quite fit, and her legs are long with a fair bit of form to them, the perfect accent to her rear. Despite her use of typically heavy clothing, her form is almost impossible to hide.
- Complexion: Her skin is a rich mocha, kissed by the sun. She does not appear to have any blemishes to her form from top to bottom, nor a single scar to be seen. The skin doesn't have any signs of aging and in fact is quite youthful along every area that it counts. She used to have a birth mark beneath her left eye, but that since has disappeared for one reason or another.
- Face: Barbarccia has a sharp angular chin, her cheeks a little puffed due to her lifestyle. It has a softness to her features, something not often seen on others among her race. Her eyes have a brilliant sheen to them glowing brightly almost as if they could pierce the darkness it's self. She has a natural darkening around her eyes, although it's most probably to blame on her terrible sleeping habits. Lips are rich and bold with a natural red tint to them, black lines line across her cheeks, a symbol of her past and the important people in it.
- Hair: Her pride and joy. She loves to tend to her appearance and her hair is a big part of this. She has a taste for flair and extravagance making sure that there is always a sheen to it. Her natural hair color is a rich dusky brown, but as of late she has taken to religiously dying her hair a bright blonde so that she can stand out. She's particular to having long hair, but seems to change to something shorter every so often or when trying to look more important. At it's fully length, she likes tying it into twin tails, or simply letting it flow depending on her attire. She has been noted to having the habit of changing her style quite frequently.
- Fashion: Barbarccia has a huge taste for the finer things in life. She loves flair, extravagance, and really exuding her status to make sure to turn heads in any room. She is known to wear large regal robes of bright reflective colors, or to wear fancy lavish attires to informal gatherings. Even in private she tends to wear clothing that are a bit more on the extravagant side that often lead others to feel as if they are under dressed. Due to her rather poor vision, she is almost always seen wearing some manner of eye wear to compensate for this weakness although even there she makes an effort to stand out.
♦ Behaviour
- Voice: She has a very girly and light voice, one that lends it's self to many tones. On it's own she sounds a fair bit bubbly with a northerner's noble accent. She seems to accentuate and stress the wrong letter in words sometimes, and has the tendency to hold the last note of a word here and there. [Not written in text.] People have a hard time taking her serious, but her proven tact and her her confidence and boldness has led her to be able to get her point across better in more recent days.
- Demeanor: Barbarccia carries herself with immense confidence. Every step she takes is measured and calculated and she tends to move to the tone of her own beat. She has great poise, making an effort to never slouch, her chest held high and held out helping accentuate her form. She seems to be rather expressive with her body, and yet each motion seems to be very controlled and almost trained. She tends to keep this persona up unless she's stressed. Her actual mannerisms can be rather quick, and a bit more on the angry side, but as of late people have had a much more difficult time getting underneath her skin.
- Quirks: The woman tends to stare... oh how does she. She has the inquisitive nature of a researcher and tends to watch people for extended periods of time trying to understand them and pick them apart. She often tends to mess with things along her face, fixing her glasses, poking her cheek, brushing her hair. These are typically signs of stress or gestures of deep thought. She in general tends to be very expressive with body language and it can even betray her true motives from time to time. She loves taking the lead in whatever she does and will typically always strive to walk before others when going to places, or seizing the initiative whilst allowed.
- Intelligence: Barbarccia had thus far three major influences on her education. In her youth she was trained in how to be have, the ways of the world, and how to be spiritual. She was always rather bright, but her intellect made her rebellious. Once she had relocated to Ul'dah and was taken in by the Militia she was thought of the world around her, how to tend to weapons and gear, and how to survive and be useful. To this day she does not forget who she was and how it had shaped her. It was only once she had become a squire to her Lord Father that she was officially taught in a scholarly fashion. She was introduced to a wealth of knowledge and pressed quite firmly in all manners business so that she may one day become the man's successor. Her own interests always laid in the world that could not be seen and the logic behind it all. She is naturally inquisitive, and is insightful enough to be able to piece things rather quickly, she does tend to lack the wisdom that most other people would have.
♦ General
- Style: Barbarccia has no love for combat and tends to try to avoid it entirely. She prefers her weapon to be her word play and to stab with the sharpness of her tongue. If all else fails she will allow people to come to her assistance and ultimately bail her of combat.
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- Specialization: With a well rounded knowledge in deceit, feints, and how to weasel herself out of combat. She is certain to try whatever she can to avoid confrontation, even fleeing.
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- Strengths: Barbarccia fights with her wit and can be rather convincing. Any fight that can be ended before it begins is a win her her book. If all else fails bring superior numbers.
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- Weaknesses: She heavily relies on her diplomatic strategy. If her opposition is completely opposed to negotiation or if they have the intent to kill, she will often be left with no choice in the matter.
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- Armour: Barbarccia makes use of her very formal attires and flair and typically hopes to look rather unassuming and untrained. The bulkiness of her clothes allows her to hide her form and generally leads to her opponents underestimating her or otherwise disregarding her. If she is able to prepare, she is known to wearing a light yet mobile mail armor seeking to have a defense against small light weapons while hoping to the twelve that she can be fast enough to make her escape before someone gets a lucky shot in putting her down for the count. She for the most part is /never/ in armor, and if she is, it's because she is expecting trouble.
♦ Family
- Father : Unknown - Status : Unknown - Dusky skinned, and of dark hair, barbarccia never met her father, as such she has no ties to him. She heard musings from her mother from time to time that her father was a kind man. In actuality, the man was firm, and son of a wealthy family within the sept. He was set to marry by /his/ mother's hand. He was with his wife for some time before they had four children. Shortly after the birth of Barbarccia he left the tribe for reasons undisclosed.
- Mother : Zho Valridah - Status : Alive - Matron of the sept, Barbarccia's mother was destined for greatness the moment she was born. She was pampered and trained from the moment she could walk. Her teenage years were filled with much strife and a few attempts at her assassination. She grew to be firm and wise and by the time she could marry, she happily accepted her fate. Someone people would call a benevolent ruler, she had high aspirations for her children and sought to use them to make her sept grow.
- Sister : Meiya Valridah - Status : Alive - Daughter of Zho, Eldest Sister of Barbarccia. She the first born, mothered by a very young Zho. Her early life was seen by much strife, and as such she grew to be wholesomely independent and favored the hunt over the politics and bureaucracy involved with her family. She was quick to find love unsanctioned with a young miqo'te male within the tribe. Although approving of her decision, her mother understood and she herself was married and soon had two kids of her own.
- Sister : Lehn Valridah - Status : Alive - Daughter of Zho, Elder Sister of Barbarccia. Lehn's life was one of blissful luxuries. By the time she was born, the young couple had already established themselves within the Sept and they had already begun to do well from themselves. Lehn was by all means their little princess, and she was wholesomely pampered all her life. Her elder sister would oft take care of her during the slow days and as such Lehn was quite beloved. She was set to wed by the time Barbarccia had left the tribe.
- Brother : Barbardos Valridah - Status : Alive - Son of Zho, Elder Brother of Barbarccia. Born a mere six years before Barbarccia he was born and received with some delight by both of his parents. They trained him from a young age on how to be an excellent husband with the keen intent of having him be married off to a influential family. He was quite intelligent, and well rounded, deemed to be quite the looker. He happily accepted his responsabilities and has been quite happy ever since.
♦ Player Character Standings
- Note : The list of people is prone to changing as situations arise. Be mindful that these standings to not represent the player's OOC standing. If you wish to be added to the list feel free to inform the player in game.
- ♥ Romantic Interest ♥ Sexual Desire ♥ Platonic Love ● Good Standing ● Neutral Standing ● Poor Standing