Berude Dotharl

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Berude Dotharl
Berude Dotharl

Alias... The Crow
Birth Name... Berude
Age... 28
Gender... Female
Race... Au Ra
Clan... Xaela
Orientation... Pansexual
Marital... Single
Deity... Dusk Mother
Story and Personality

Berude was among those that suffered the most from being born in the Dotharl tribe. She used to be a very sensitive and empathetic girl now broken in an harbinger of Despair through years of indoctrination, abuse and slaughter. She have been stripped of most of her emotions in order to make her the killer the tribe needed for it's raids. The constant dwindling numbers requiring even the youngest to take arms and learn to fight and get trained to be numb to survival instincts.

After the great exodus from Othard, Berude is now deprived of purpose and guidance. She spread this Despair by bringing misery to others, in hope to either create or find others that are the same as herself in an agonizing search for a new family.

Her gaze is often absent, laughing at the most inappropriate things or indulging in the darkest humor. Despite her carvings and defective morality, she wont attack people randomly yet she is easily provoked. A dangerous creature without anybody to keep the leash.

Even by Dotharl standards, she is quite insane. Nobody can tell if there is anything left of the girl she once was as none tried or managed to explore that far into her psyche.

Sharp claws able to cut through skin and flesh.
Many scars across all of her body.

The Dotharl Tribe

Wiki made by D'lyhhia Lhuil. Base layout taken from Atreus del Alumet.
Character created by Zhu.

Updated as of 13/09/2016