Corelyn Rosefire

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❧ Corelyn Rosefire ☙

♫"Perfected strategies, applied technologies."♫
♫"A brighter future for a darker age."♫




Corelyn is truly a curious young woman. While a bit short for a woman claiming to be of Highlander descent, she still resembles a Highlander much more readily than she would a Midlander. She's a veritable genius in many fields, magitek, machinistry and magic among them, though she professes to having no workable skill in the latter. She boasts incredible talent with learning all manner of things with great speed and alacrity, and is a veritable encyclopaedia on many and more topics. She wastes very little time, taking only time she feels she needs to rest in order to do all she can in order to not only make her life worth living, but to make sure, in her own way, that she can make some kind of difference with her work, be it for herself, or all of Eorzea.

"Ask me all the questions you like, but don't get upset if the answers aren't what you expect."
"If there's knowledge to be had, I will have it."
"Don't ever tell me 'nevermind,' and expect that to stop me."


Corelyn is a medium-height, somewhat stocky girl in her late twenties. Though she is apparently of Highlander descent, she is a bit short and pale for it, which seems to leave her standing out in a crowd of her peers. She wears black eyeliner and lipstick, and her slightly dishevelled blonde hair is tipped in black, the rest bearing similar dark highlights, bangs kept just long enough so as to completely obscure her forehead. She does not appear to have any tattoos or markings of any kind, save for a small, half-inch scar on either temple. She has various piercings up and along her ears. A pair of elegant, rimless glasses always perches atop her nose, her teal eyes gazing studiously forth from behind them, perpetually analysing her surroundings, as if de-constructing everything around her down to numbers and figures.

She keeps to modest clothing to avoid unwanted attention, hiding a more protective layer of light armour beneath to protect her in her travels. She is never seen without a tome, grimoire, or other such book, as well as multiple writing implements kept safe in a satchel at her waist.

While very seldom seen, she also possesses a number of different firearms, including more than one gunblade, many of which are salvaged and repurposed. She also keeps what she calls a "ceruleum battery pack" for use in various magitek and machinist implements - a stark contrast to Skysteel Manufactory's own Aetheroconverter which she uses in combination with her various gadgets and weapons.
Aspects That Stand Out:
Often wears glasses.
Hair appears to be dyed much darker than is her natural colour.
Often carries some kind of odd, blank book.


Name - Corelyn Rosefire
Pronounced - (kor-EL-inn ROHZ-fyer)
Race - Hyur (Highlander)
Age - 29
Height - 5' 9"
Weight - 153 ponze
Name Day - 19th Sun, 3rd Umbral Moon
Deity - Unknown
Orientation - Pansexual
Status - Single

Alias: None Known
Citizenship: Limsa Lominsa
Occupation: Machinist, Researcher
Voice Claim: Billie Piper
Hair color: Blonde (dyed dark with black)
Eye color: Teal
Complexion: Fair
Piercings: Several in each ear
Marks or tattoos: Vague scars at either temple
Alignment: Neutral Good
Key Items: Gunrapier, Unmarked Book(s), Machinist's Tools
Favorite Food: Almond Cream Croissant
Favorite Drink: Eggnog
Favorite Color: Emerald


Corelyn is a scholar, researcher, and machinist who is particularly secretive about her means and her beginnings. She has many secrets and only those she truly trusts know the half of them.

===== Template is from Abelia's Template ! =====