Disglair Wynter

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Ishgard.jpg Disglair Wynter
Gender Female
Race Hyuran
Clan Unknown
Citizenship Ishgardian
Server Twintania

Having spent the whole of her life beneath the imposing shadow of the Pillars of Ishgard, Disglair Wynter harbors a complicated relationship with tradition and the ofttimes looming protection of authority. That, and her time amidst the scholars of the Arcanologicum, has crafted her into a careful creature concerning superstition, be it for better or worse. Despite her distaste for much of its history, Disglair cares for Ishgard and its people; their well-being is not something she turns a blind eye to.

Though her mannerisms can be construed as rude or hypocritical at times, she nevertheless enjoys pleasant company and that especially of witful charm. She has a deeply passionate heart that fears less of the mortal world than it ought, and will not suffer itself to go untold. Ghosts often haunt her, grudges are fervently held and those she holds dear will never want for her loyalty. At the worst of times, this results in sharp words and an uncompromising fortitude in her own convictions, though she has been in known in rare instances to be tempered with reason. At the core she is a good soul with good intentions, simply burdened with a fiery spirit that she has little desire to master.

In appearance, Disglair is a specimen of hyuran descent in likeness and form—if a little tall. She bears a porcelain complexion from days spent indoors or under snowladen skies, for her reverence of the stars bade her spend her nights beneath their silvery brilliance. Such is, in part, reason for her elusiveness. Her dusky hair is usually pinned back and out of amberous eyes, and she is fond of plaiting it in fashionable styles.

Today, she maintains a small home in the Foundations of Ishgard. The burgundy curtains behind the windows have lately remained drawn closed.