Ehcah Rhumo

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“Knowledge resembles a statue of marble which stands in the desert and is continuously threatened with burial by the shifting sands. The hands of service must ever be at work, in order that the marble continue lastingly to shine in the sun.” –Albert Einstein (Out of My Later Years)




Ehcah Rhumo was born in Gridania, daughter of Xahjih and an unknown father. She's the oldest of four girls. Her mother is a minor member of the God's Quiver, but Xahjih's daughter never showed the aptitude for the bow that she did. Instead, Ehcah devoted herself to her studies, particularly mathematics and science. She stayed with her mother as long as she could bear before her thirst for knowledge lead her away from the Shroud to Limsa Lominsa and the Arcanist's Guild. Today, she studies the mathematical side of arcanima, along with dabbling in numerology. She hopes to figure out how to enhance the power of summoned Carbuncles through geometry, as well as making them better at specific tasks rather than general martial use.


Coming in at a sort-of-even 5'1" and a obviously not-huge 95 ponze, Ehcah Rhumo is about as average as a Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te gets. Her skin, a dusty lavender, was designed to blend into the forest's shadows in the Shroud where she was born. Though Ehcah is rail thin, she isn't without some lean muscle. Athleticism was still in her blood, and even though she was a scholar at heart, her studies took her into the deepest and furthest reaches of the world, where such skills come in handy. Running, jumping, climbing trees - this caused definition in her forearms and thighs especially (the later also enhanced by her many travels on foot across Eorzea).

To complement her light grey-purple skin, Ehcah's hair, unlike many cats of the Shroud, is a shockingly bright purple with pink highlights. It was rod straight, even in the humidity of Shroud thunderstorms. Chopped at ear length or kept in a braid - she wants it no other way. This, combined with her pink-purple eyes, has given rise to the idea that her father might have been a Seeker of the Sun. None of her siblings or her mother had hair or eyes such as these. Whether genetic anomaly or cross-tribe relations, it didn't matter much to her. Ehcah stood out, there was no avoiding it.

Ehcah wore glasses, unusual for a Keeper as young as she was, and had since she was ten years old. Her mother noticed her reading difficulties and sent her to the Hearers, who reported back their findings. Every since, Ehcah has kept only two pairs of glasses on her - one for reading, and one for day wear. She wasn't much of a collector.

Her most distinguished feature is more a lack of - the stripes that usually grace the face of a Shroud Miqo'te are faded, as though someone tried to scrub them off and failed. It wasn't much of a difference to anyone who didn't know Keepers very well, but to most Keepers, it was painfully obvious. In order to counteract that, Ehcah took the usual mark of a Keeper on her forehead, so that no one would be able to deny her heritage.

Ehcah is constantly covered in little bumps, bruises, scrapes, and scars. It's a hazard of living in the wild, and of sometimes not paying attention while in said wild. In particular, she's missing the pinky and half the ring fingers on her right hand, due to a wayward encounter with a Couerl. The healers who treated her were amazed she was alive. This didn't slow her down any, except for needing to relearn how to hold her book in that hand during battle. The injury was recent enough that she still sometimes misses a hold while climbing and nearly slips back down the rocks. The wounds, too, ache the cold, which makes traveling in snowy Coerthas that much more unpleasant.

Her clothing was kept intensely practical ever since she finished her apprenticeship in the Arcanist's Guild. A pair of pants, the color of a Gobbie's bag , reached halfway down her calves. When she departed Gridania for Limsa Lominsa, Ehcah's mother furnished her with a pair of sturdy, mud-brown boots. The most embellishment her clothes had was on her shirt - blood red with swirls of darker red patters, with a matching half-cape that reached down to her mid back. Slung around her waist were many bags, filled with potions, ethers, echo drops, and all manner of writing and calculating instruments. A gold book clip finished the look, holding a Maelstrom-issued Picatrix, which was white with inlaid stained glass patterns.

Ehcah does wear makeup a lot, though she enchants it so that it will not run off in water or with sweat and dirt. It was an interesting trick she picked up from another woman in the Arcanist's Guild when she was still in training. Her lipstick is a dark purple and her eyeshadow, a reddish pink.
Aspects That Stand Out:
Always wears glasses, as her eyesight is poor.
Her brightly colored hair stands out in any situation.
While her pink eyes aren't as bright as an Au Ri limbal ring, they certainly look glowing.

Name - Ehcah Rhumo
Race - Miqo'te, Keeper of the Moon
Age - 23
Name Day - 16th Sun of the 1st Astral Moon
Deity - Menphina, the Lover

Alias: Echo
Citizenship: Lominsan
Occupation: Mathmatician
Hair color: Purple + pink
Eye color: Pink
Skin Tone: Dusty lavender
Piercings: Two piercings in each ear
Marks or tattoos: None
Key Items: Arcanist's tome, spare paper and ink
Favorite Food: Raisin muffins
Favorite Drink: Sweet tea
Favorite Color: Toss up between purple and pink
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