Faye Maimhov
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Born to Coeurlclaw bandits she no longer remembers, she was raised in an orphanage in The Black Shroud.
Faye has no memory of her parents, both having been killed by Woodwailers when she was three. Being the daughter of a pair of Coeurlclaw bandits, she was left in an orphanage in the Black Shroud quite removed from Gridania, lest she stir trouble when she turns into a thief no better than her parents. There she met the only other Keepers, really the only Miqo'te at all, Lunha and Sennah. They bonded instantly, the three year old gravitating to the familiar forms of the other Miqo'te. Eventually they decided to take the surname 'Maimhov' together as a symbol of their bond. The rest of the children picked on her, most of them knowing her parentage and not taking kindly to a thief, or the daughter of thieves. Lunha and Sennah proved to be her only comfort.
The matron of the orphanage, Camilla Eliesoux was kindly enough, but much of the staff took similar opinions, but mostly displayed their displeasure with cold indifference. To this day, Faye holds great distrust to Elezen and Hyur.
This was her status quo for ten years, until the Calamity happened. In the chaos following the falling moon, Faye was separated form her surrogate sisters and hid in a cart and overcome with terror. She didn't know if she fainted or was rendered unconscious, but the next thing she knew was the cart moving briskly through unfamiliar territory. One of the staff had snatched the cart and fled the orphanage, not knowing young Faye was in the back and hiding under a bag of oats that had just been brought from the markets.
Refusing to turn around so she could find her sisters, he eventually made it to Black Brush Station and dumped her. Alone, the thirteen year old eventually made her way into Ul'dah proper and fell into a desperate game of survival. For six years, she lived in a sheltered alcove on Pearl Lane and more often than not, scrounging her meals from the trash of the nearby Potwatch.
Then the malnourished Keeper was approached by a local gang and at first sweet talked with promises of clean beds and ample food, all in exchange for free use of her body. When she refused, they resorted to attempting to simply take what they wanted by force. They had never faced a cornered Miqo'te before. She fought hard, but was over matched. Enough damage was dealt that they no longer desired her body, but her life. The leader managed to strike a grisly blow, ripping the left eye from her head and leaving her face a ruin. They left her broken in the alley, figuring she would simply bleed out.
Somehow she survived. Wrapping a dirty rag around her head, she stopped the worst of her bleeding.
Dragging herself back to her alcove, she curled up in agony and simply waited for the death she knew awaited her, the only distraction being a small frail kitten that shambled over.
She survived the night, and flush with fever, stumbled through Ul'dah, kitten at her heels. Bumping into the strong body of a woman in the road, she bounced off and collapsed into the dusty road. She didn't even try to rise, knowing her death had finally come. She smiled and greeted the apparition come to shuffle her from her mortal form. The only oddity of this being taking the form of her adoptive sister Lunha appearing as an adult, and the shock and horror on her face.
It didn't matter, though. She had found peace...
Faye is a closed off, sometimes hostile, Keeper. The hardships of her life have left scars both physical and emotional. The only trust she has is for her adoptive sisters. Anyone else she treats with cold indifference. Elezen and Hyur tend to draw her ire quicker than most, left over anger from her treatment as a child.
Camilla Maimhov: Formally Lunha, and the middle 'sister' of the Maimhovs, Camilla was quick to come to Faye's defense as children, and also the one to save Faye after her near fatal wounding on Pearl Lane. The Keeper racked up a good amount of debt in order to seek immediate medical attention for her dying little sister.
Sennah Maimhov: The eldest of the trio, she comes across as stern, but cares deeply for her younger sisters, offering almost motherly comfort when they need it most. She arrived in Ul'dah only days behind Camilla, and immediately found the pair, taking over the remaining healing of the youngest's wounds to prevent further debt being accrued in Camilla's name.