Jidan Skyborn

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Ishgard.jpg Jidan Skyborn
"We rob the rich of their ill gotten gain and make them kneel."
Basic Information
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Ishgard
Age 27
Height 5 fulms 7 ilms
Weight 130 ponze
Nameday TBD
Character Alignment Chaotic Good
Occupation Thief, con artist, actor, liar, gambler, writer, poet and pilot of the [AIRSHIP]
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Jidan Skyborn is the principled and silver tongued captain of The [AIRSHIP], a Garlean airship written about in story books. A self proclaimed thief and con-artist, he devotes his life to his cause and leaves little time for much else. While being completely inept in most forms of combat, Jidan is an expert marksman and makes use of an array of firearms—though only when absolutely necessary

Appearance and Personality

Jidan’s age is hard to place—being small in frame and youthful in the face he is frequently confused for someone much younger than he is. A fact of which he is well aware, as he utilizes it frequently in his confidence games. His skin is fair, his eyes a medium blue and his hair a long, light mousy blonde. And while he is both short and thin, his body does have a decent muscle tone, which could be attributed to his skill in acrobatics, climbing and free running. Despite the danger of his profession, he appears to be completely unscarred—though this could be simply because he’s never taken a blow to the face.

Jidan dresses in garb that many might expect from a man ‘hailing’ from Limsa Lominsa. Flamboyant coats trimmed in white frills with showy vests and bold scarves are accented by ears wearing small hoops of silver and fingers bearing rings accented by assorted gemstones. His most recognizable accessory is arguably his belt buckle: a large silver lion’s head matching the roaring metal figurehead on the front of his airship.

Jidan’s language is very particular—he occasionally speaks as though he were a story book character, with a deep accent to give it merit. His words are usually very formal, hardly ever making use of slang or street terms. In casual conversation, he doesn’t often make use of foul language, though when provoked or upset they typically begin to fly. He is obviously a well educated man.

Jidan has never stayed in one place long enough to build a reputation. At least outside of seedier circles. For as long as anyone can remember him he’s been an energetic man with charm to spare and a silver tongue that he frequently employs to keep him and his brother out of (or, as is the case with most women, deep in) trouble. He considers himself a man of principle and lives by a code that often makes him come across as extreme—which isn’t far from the truth. He does most everything full throttle, so he has a hard time viewing things in anything other than black and white (despite living in grey, himself).

Jidan is incredibly opinionated and is fairly certain that he is always right. He doesn’t hide this from those closest to him, so when things get heated he’ll often come across as childish, stubborn and a bit of a brat. He can be argumentative, temperamental, selfish and closed minded…though he usually comes around after he’s cooled off. He’ll never apologize and hardly ever acknowledge the accomplishments of others. He’s mastered beating around the bush to get his point across. To the public, he can often appear calm, cool and collected but spending any length of time with him will reveal a number of flamboyant eccentricities that some find endearing while others find strange. He prides himself on out thinking his opponents,always working twenty steps ahead before they've even figured out their first. At the end of the day, it wouldn't be a stretch to call him a high-functioning sociopath.

Once you get passed all of the quirks and the charm and the occasional slew of undesirable qualities that creep up all at once and disappear just as quickly…you’ll find a man that has a very big heart. He cares deeply, all the time about most everything and everyone. And though he has a hard time showing it in the traditional sense, he expresses that empathy through his devotion to his work. His life is all about the job…and that job is making things better for those who have little hope. If he considers you a friend, he will go through all seven hells and back for you. He’ll bleed for you, lie for you, take a sword for you. To say that he is fiercely loyal and equally protective would be like calling the ocean a puddle. He sometimes curses himself for it, though.

Likes, Dislikes, etc.


  • His brother
  • Reading
  • Cats
  • Flying
  • Expensive Bourbon


  • Absentee fathers
  • Those who gained their wealth and status off the suffering of others
  • Bullies in general
  • Missing details
  • Not being in control or in charge
  • Overcooked meat


  • Frequently makes theatrical gestures
  • Has to face the entrance of a room when eating
  • Carries on conversations in his head


  • Losing his brother
  • Overlooking details
  • Being wrong

Skills & Abilities

Combat Skills

  • Musketeer
  • Corsair
  • Archer


  • Incredibly agile
  • Deft sleight of hand
  • Expert marksman

Physical Weaknesses

  • Very little physical strength
  • Completely inept at all forms of combat outside of firearms

Crafting Skills

  • Fishing
  • Leatherworking
  • Goldsmithing

Misc Skills

  • Excellent people reader
  • Infallable liar
  • Nearly unparalleled lock charmer
  • Intimately familiar with Garlean technology


As far as Jidan would have anyone know, he is a merchant sailor descended from a great line of merchant sailors that dates back to some distant time in the past where nothing memorable happened. He lives and works with his younger brother, Trysten, typically as a general goods merchant or a late-night story teller at Inns and taverns. What he does when he’s away from prying eyes is anyone’s guess. But it certainly has nothing to do with running confidence games on the Garlean empire and those with ill gotten fortunes in Eorzea’s free city states. No, not at all.


