Junia Ryholt

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Garlemald Flag.jpg Junia Parastor
Gender Female
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Garlemald
Age 9
Occupation Magitek Engineer Apprentice

Basic Info

Junia is a young girl currently living in the Goblet of Ul'dah. She is regularly seen skipping around town on a couple "safer" streets (as safe as you get in Ul'dah...) with at least one of many dolls, candy, and sometimes even magitek odds and ends.


Junia is tall for her age, with an average weight relative to her height. She has very light blonde hair and blue eyes. Her clothing is ... Neat at the start of the day, and varying amounts of mess depending on what trouble she's gotten into that particular day. On observation, her manners shift regularly between those of a well taught young lady... And those of a very mischievous girl.


Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
Junia has an apprenticeship with a local Ul'dahn chapter of the Ironworks.
Junia is the daughter of Zelenha Parastor (PC, ign: Zelenha Kiel), the owner of a Zel's Bakery which is located in the Goblet.
Junia loves dolls. She has an extensive collection of them.
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
Junia makes "Eikon Cookies" on occasion, and delivers them to family and friends. They are sugar cookies in the egi-shape of the various primals, with appropriately colored frosting. No sprinkles.
Junia is highly talented with Magitek.
Junia often calls miqo'te "cat people" and lalafell "dwarves", the latter of which she will then correct herself that it is "a rude word". She also talks about "fixing" both races on occasion.
Sometimes, Junia will show up in a ridiculous costume.
Junia has a variety of studies inflicted upon her by her mother and Aunt Cait. She particularly hates studying reading and writing.
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
Junia knows very few other children, and will sometimes complain of missing other girls her age to play with.
Junia owns a gunblade. So do most of her dolls.
Junia speaks several languages.
Junia's dolls are nearly all models of Garlean soldiers and generals of note (and a few invented "soldiers of note"). Some of her favorites, including her most prized Eryn sans Algus collector's edition, are distinctly of Garlean craftsmanship. Her non-Made In Garlemald dolls (usually princess dolls Made in Ul'dah) have some custom made accessories such as gunblades, shoulder pads, and visors to turn them into "Garlean Princesses".
Junia used to live somewhere else. She never seems to name it, but it very clearly involved an all girls boarding school that was very strict.
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)
PM me to have one added! Or add one yourself if that's an option somehow!


I do not list private/OOC information, so you'll just have to find anything else through RP. Everything here can be found ICly without knowing the character especially well - except that she uses a fake last name. Her Garlean last name is Ryholt (as you see floating over the character's head), but you will only ever hear Parastor IC. While she won't say she's Garlean too publicly (Mom saw to that quickly!), it is very easy to figure out.

Do not contact me for ERP, specifically not with this character. If you do so in regards to this character, you will earn a place on my blacklist, as well as have your name circulated around on a list-to-Blacklist.


Original template by Bancroft Gairn. Heavily chopped by me.