Kahn'a Ohditra

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“Oh, revolting nature! Criminal fiends!
Draining bones of their marrow,
Painting their faces blood red.
The plague of the Twelveswood?
Why, it bears their well-known name!”

— Gridanian citizen on Miqo’te

Gruff complexion and pale manners, such is the lot attributed to many Miqo’te coming from secular ancestry. They have long dwelled in the deep forests of the Black Shroud, and for most known history of that period, have been at war with its other inhabitants. Poachers, murderers, savages. Such were names common folk rallied against in their effort to establish civilization.

Now, by the Elementals' leave, only rare skirmishes are allowed in the Twelveswood. Some Miqo'te folk walk amongst the other races, winning their kindness, though rarely their trust. Others, like Kahn’a, do nothing to improve the consideration of his peers. Old ways die a slow death.

Template created by Kahn'a Ohditra