Kasai Arulaq

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<Under reconstruction> .


Kasai Arulaq or Kas , as she prefers to be called ,quite on the smaller height for an Auri,

her long raven black hair hangs usually lose over her shoulders , framing her pale skinned face perfectly into a picture. Her Ice cold eyes always very aware of everything that goes around her and are mostly adored by a decent layer of dark eye shadows. Her face itself is unharmed by any scars or other damages , her nose straight and somewhat small giving her an almost cute look to it. While her cheekbones are round and set high giving her a lovely yet strict look to her. Born in Doma under the Rule of the Garlean empire which left her under a rather lot of hardships before she took the chance to head towards Eorzean shores. Her body shows the ways she took to adjust to this life , having trained it to the limits of her ability, her narrow shoulders show that she is more then just used to swing weapons , from sword to Axe. Lining down her arms she has a few nicks here and there , yet nothing worth being called an actual scar. The worse case of scars would be found at her abdomen , a good couple of thin lines barely visible under the fine and defined netting of her very toned body. Received after multiple stabs and accidents on her travels through life thus far. Kasai's leg stand form and strong as foundation to her every craft , showing barely any damages to them whilst most of her body's capability lay in extremely flexibility and bendy-ness. All over her body , from neck to legs , run red tattoo's fed with Aether running freeing over chest back and rear like a wave casting snake.

By now she made it herself a focus to improve on her magical capability's , already being a rather huge force to be reckoned with if it comes to white magic. Even if she would never so admit herself , leaving most of her focus right now on her studys of the Ancient ruins of Mhach & Amdapor , always having been a 'nerd' for the past and the like. One of her most recent interest got peaked to be the mysties surrounding the remains of Allag scattered across the lands.
Aspects That Stand Out:
Has a fierce glare in her eyes.
Snow white skin , extremely cold.
Mostly carries a fox-mask with herself.


Kasai is more or less rather bubbly and sarcastic most of the times.A very cheerful and loudmouthed person the other times, yet always very protective of her own, specially her wife and sister.Yet her mind is a fragile one , smaller setbacks driving her into a deep hole of self doubt far to easily.


Research & Archaeology. A good about of things, from books to her study's about Allagan Technology and their Culture Down to cooking and learning more about the Doman culture.
Cooking & Eating. Food , lots of foods , mainly sweet things with berry's , such as strawberry shakes , cakes and things along the long of such.


Touchy People. In her words: " People who want to touch my stuff. "
Birds 'n Other threats. All over threats to her loved ones.. Noisy people.. Racist behavior and just about every bird in existence that is not a Chocobo.


Gathering Knowledge. Her greatest hobby is her curiosity towards the remains of Allag from reading to trying and find rig-sites of ancient Allag ruins , if there is something to learn. She needs to be there.
"House-Keeping" . Other then that , it grows harmless , cooking , reading , eating. Spending time with her wife and friends alike while enjoying the smaller things in life.


Stubbornness. Kasai herself would never admit to any of her strengths , but they are mainly set in her high endurance and tolerance to pain , she is all over a person that refuses to give up when it comes down to people that mean something to her..
Sharp Mind , flexible body.. Added to her stubbornness she is a rather smart cookie , learning a lot about the Allagan , alchemy and Scholary magics and Conjury.To that , her body is fairly flexible. She is extremely bendy due to most of her physical training.


Paranoia & Depression. her biggest weakness is her mental state , th fact that the smallest set back can utterly destroy her confidence together with the fact that she annoys about everyone she interacts with is more then enough to break her mentality for a while. Sending her down into a more depressed state in life.


Promises - Her main motivation is promises she makes. She is very proud that she doesn't break any of them...Her main goal. Give her wife her home back - Ala Mhigo.

Family Involved Romantic Platonic Physical Friend Acquaintance $ Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure
Yasei Arulaq, . - Her Lioness and Wife.
Character's Thoughts:" Yasei is my Lioness , my inspiration and my reason to fight.. She's all I need and want in life. And I will crush those seeking to harm her." - Kasai " ."
Yasei is Kasai's wife and her one and true love and inspration. Kasai would do just about everything and anything for her , keeping always her highest priorety to keep her save and at health.
Lirastaria Keller, . - Her sometimes silly Lizard Sister.
Character's Thoughts:" Lira is a ... Lira is special. <She chuckled.> I love her. She is silly , but one of the bravest and nicest people I've had the pleasure to meet in my life. And I am glad to be called her sister." - Kasai " ."
Lira is her Sister , not by blood. But my heart , sharing a lot of bad experiences together as they both desire to keep their loved ones save and sound..
Neku Qualli, . - The silly Lizard's Wife.
Character's Thoughts:" Neku huh..? She is... Well.. I never had much interaction with her. But She is married to Lira and she is nice enough!" <Kasai smiled> - Kasai " ."
Neku is her sister in law , married to Lira. Kasai thinks Neku is quite fun to be around , even if they never had that much interaction.
Von Sayrillont, . - Ex-Commander and former Friend
Character's Thoughts:" Von... Oh Grand Lord Commander Von , or however it calls itself by now... Is a stain on the world who in my humble opinion , has no right to remain on it. " -Kasai " ."
Von , used to be one of Kasai's closest friends , yet in the end after a splitting in their Shared Company , she learned to not trust her. The former friendship gone and turned into a pure hate for everything Von is and stands for.



Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"Joined the Drakensguard as a low life thug and pirate , only to grow into a respectable and caring person? Yeah.. No."
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"Some people may think they have seen on the Brass Blades wanted posters...Used to have quite the big bounty on her head , didn't she?"
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
" Formally Vil'jas Silverrage is wanted for a number of crimes, including manslaughter, theft, arson, destruction of property, trespassing, cannibalism, public indecency, and profanity. What happend to her bounty? Why did she change her name? "


Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Some of these are more rare than others!
"She's a butt. Despite that I adore my sister." — Lirastaria Keller.
"Rumor." — Rumormonger.



Player Note
Kasai is a character that I take seriously. A large amount of my time has gone into developing her into a more organic and 'real' person.
Personal RP Limits
Now I love roleplay, but like most people I have my limits of things I enjoy and do not enjoy. Here is some do's and do not's.
I will play Comedy roleplay, Bar interactions, Realmsward roleplay, Small group roleplay, Small talk.
I won't play ERP, Character Death, Large group roleplay, Gore.
Little Tidbits.
I tend to lean towards comedy roleplay. So don't be surprised by this. I happen to start silly situations from time to time and highly enjoy sillyness.


Potential Plot Hooks
There are indeed some hooks to get into roleplay with me so lets drop some that may work.
Realmsward - I am a part of the realmsward Initiative. so anything to do with this is a valid opening for roleplay.
Doman-Refugees : May have seen her interacting a lot with their people. Talking , helping and learning.Not a true Doman herself , yet she sees the Doman people as her own and would do most to help them.
Mercenary Work - Kasai does do mercenary work from time to time. Ask her about work and you'll have an in.
Character Lore Adherence
I tend to stick with Kasais personal lore rather closely. But I'm open to most form of character lore yet I will NOT bend or break my characters behaviour to suit annyones style..

Name - Kasai Arulaq
Race - Au-Ra - Xaela
Age - 25 - Twentyfive
Name Day - 28th of the 6th Umbral Moon
Deity - Rhalgr

Nicknames / Alias: Kas or Nom's - Viljas Silverrage
Citizenship: Limsa Lominsa - Steppes
Occupation: Freelancer - Private Secretary of Yasei , Officer of CORPS
Hair color: Ravenblack, yet her dye varies
Eye color: Yellow
Complexion: Pale and soft.
Piercings: A few visable ones , a few hidden ones. Other then those , she has ear-rings , a naval and a stud in her nose.
Marks or tattoos: Her left side of her torso to upper tight she has red tribals.
Alignment: Neutral > True Neutral - Staggering between Chaotic & Lawfull.
Key Items: Her wedding Ring & a red heart choker.
Favorite Food: Strawberry cake & Doman Dumplings
Favorite Drink: Rum & Milk
Favorite Color: Sky Blue
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