Klynk Wiltkoel

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Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Klynk Wiltkoel
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keepers of the Moon
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Age 20-21
Marital Status Single
Occupation Unemployed ex-Pirate
Marital Status Single
Orientation Gay
Alignment Chaotic Ridiculous

Basic Info

Klynk is a shortstack brat. He’s loud, brash, thick-skulled, probably has more complexes than he could count (even using his fingers) and a death wish to round it all out. He’s a mess but he is trying to be better. He has a long road ahead of him.


His Axe
A good story/song


Being called ‘short’ or any variation of
Having to sit still for too long
Oppressive Authority


Doesn’t know when his nameday is
Can read. Slowly but surely
Favorite Food: Free
Favorite Drink: Alcoholic
Favorite Color: Blood-spatter red


Just shy of 5 fulm he measures up at 4’11.5”. A good portion of that is muscle, though it’s been diminished somewhat thanks to a few years of poor nutrition and little exercise while incarcerated. He’s working on fixing that and getting back into top axe-swinging shape.
His hair is platinum blonde and shoulder length, it could probably be pretty nice if he put a comb through it once in a while. He’ll usually tie it back before fights. His skin is pale, shows marks and bruises easily but he doesn’t seem to carry any permanent scars. One eye is sky blue while the other is sea green.
Currently his fashion is ‘nonexistent’. He wears what he can find and it tends to be ragged and threadbare. He’s trying to scavenge enough for a decent set of plate armor but he has a lot of debts to pay off first.


Klynk in Warrior Gear
The Good:
  • Loyal. To those who have earned his respect. Whether through battle or other actions
  • Protective. Subconscious desire to be a part of a crew leads him to put the safety of that crew above his own
  • Determined. Once he’s set his mind to something he doesn’t give up easily
The Bad:
  • Thick headed. Stubborn. Takes a lot to change his mind once it’s made up about something
  • Excitable. Tends not to think things through. Rushes into situations without having all the facts
  • Short fuse. First solution is to reach for his axe to settle most disputes or problems
The Ugly:
  • A bully. Will take advantage of those he considers weaker than himself
  • Disrespectful. Some serious authority issues
  • Selfish. Puts his own needs first and foremost. Will take food from the hungry or coin from the needy if it means he survives another day.


Klynk didn’t pick up an axe until he signed on with his first pirate crew. He took to the axe like a fish to water and was trained in the hard-brawling style of the Marauder. With a decent chunk of steel in his hands he can carve a path through just about anything. Unfortunately, he doesn’t currently have a decent chunk of steel. He has a bit of warped wood and a dented blade. He makes do.
When he’s lost or forgotten his axe he fights with fists and feet. His trademark attacks are aerials to make up for his lack of height or headbutts to take advantage of his thick skull.
On a few rare occasions Klynk has blacked out during a fight. His anger and desire to win won out over any survival instinct and he threw himself into the fight with total abandon; tearing victory out of the grasp of opponents that should have been able to cut him down without breaking a sweat. He doesn’t know how it happened or how to make it happen again, but he suspects if he could master it he could become nigh unstoppable. (Berserker)


((OOC: None of this is public knowledge. It’s presented for the sake of understanding some of the motives and reasons behind the character’s behavior. Some exceptions can be made but ask my permission first.))
Klynk was born as Ki’zi Jahan to an impoverished Keeper family trying to modernize and adjust to town living. The youngest of far too many siblings there was never enough to go around which led to competition for such simple things as food and clothes. Needless to say, he left as soon as he was able to find a living elsewhere. He was around thirteen when he first started working the docks. Running messages and errands until he was strong enough to help with loading and unloading. From there he turned to sailing on the ships he had formerly been loading and unloading, traveling around La Noscea.
Around his sixteenth turn (not entirely sure due to not knowing when his nameday is) the cargo ship he was sailing on was attacked by pirates. The Captain was pleasant enough, allowing the crew to keep their lives in exchange for whatever the ship was carrying. Most took her up on her kind offer. Ki’zi tried to headbutt her overboard. Luckily, she seemed to find that funny rather than offensive and took him on as part of the crew.
The crew sailed for some time, terrorizing trade routes right up until the Calamity struck. They weren’t able to return to port in time to heed the Admiral’s call to arms and were marked as traitors. Things turned sour quickly aboard the ship as several of the crew held the Captain responsible. Being a bit dense Ki’zi believed the whispers and when cries of mutiny rang out he grabbed his axe along with the rest. The Captain relinquished the ship without a single drop of blood being spilt, allowing herself to be thrown into the brig… less than a sun before the newly reorganized Maelstrom caught the ship in a blockade and arrested everyone on board.
The Captain managed to convince the arresting soldiers that she was an innocent captive in all of the going-ons. She now sails as a privateer for the Maelstrom, harrying Garlean ships off Vyldbrand’s shores. The rest of the crew scattered across Eorzea and beyond. Ki’zi served several years in Limsa Lominsan brig for piracy, treachery and inciting a mutiny (a great sin even if it was aboard a pirate ship) after the rest of the crew pointed their fingers at him. His sentence was never finished.


Another Good Fight
Klynk’s short-term goals are a nice axe, a decent set of armor, food and someplace to sleep. Probably in that order.
Long-game goals are acquiring obscene strength, unimaginable wealth, revenge and a glorious end that preferably includes explosions and probably lots of alcohol.

OOC Notices/Warnings

The character is aggressive. He won’t get along with everyone. It is no reflection on you or your character.
Big fan of OOC communication. If I have a problem with a RP’s direction or a suggestion to improve it I will let you know. I expect the same in return.
