Kyosuke Hayashi

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 Kyosuke Hayashi
Co-Captain of the Steel Wolves

Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Hayashi
Citizenship Hingashi
Age 23
Orientation Straight
Class Monster Hunter/Ronin
Alignment Chaotic Good
Residence Shirogane, Ward 9, Plot 47


Once an orphan and pickpocket that terrorized the streets of Kugane, Kyosuke was taken in at an early age to be adopted by the Hayashi clan. With no children to call their own, the lord of the clan focused his attention on grooming Kyosuke into a proper heir. He was given a proper education in both eastern and western teachings, introduced to the lords and ladies of the upper class, and given an inheritance that was nothing to scoff at. For whatever reason, none of this seemed to satisfy the young miqo'te, and at the age of 16 he disappeared from the lands of Hingashi, presumably to make his own way in the world.

Little is known as to what occurred during the time he was gone, but as Doma's war with the Garlean Empire came to a head, the fighting seemed to draw the wandering miqo'te back to eastern shores. But whether he has returned to claim his title or for some other reason entirely remains to be seen.


Hair: Soft black hair, long bangs, a thin ponytail in the back.

Eyes: Light blue.

Body: Perhaps slightly taller than most miqo'te, his body is toned and muscular compared, especially in the arms and legs.

Skin/Scars/Tattoos: Tan skin, two tribal tattoos under his eyes and one on his left shoulder, a few scars here and there.

Scent: The sea, pine, freshly cut wood.

Clothing: Whatever's comfortable and form-fitting, just so long as it's black.

Standard Equipment

  • A bag of holding.
  • A tantō usually hidden somewhere on his person.
  • A linkpearl.
  • A bag of snacks, usually some kind of dried fruit.
  • A deck of triple triad cards.
  • A Flask of Frost (keeps anything in it cold).

An almost perpetually laid back, relaxed, easy-going kind of guy. More on the quiet and introverted side, but likes talking with people and will easily open up when approached. Loves anyone with a good sense of humor or a sharp wit.

This all applies to combat as well, as he'll almost never seem to take anything seriously unless he's forced to. He could have an arrow stuck in his arm and he'd still have a grin on his face.


  • He believes that the kami are in all things, and so everything must be respected in its own way.
  • He also believes the kami have a sense of humor, so it's okay to screw around a bit and have some fun.
  • Your life is yours to do with as you please, so you should do what pleases you.
  • The ascians are a threat and must be stopped no matter the cost.


  • Adventure
  • Sexy girls
  • Swimming
  • Fighting


  • Sailing
  • Cards
  • Hunting
  • Carpentry


  • Food: Sushi
  • Drink: Milk
  • Color: Black
  • Hangout: Shirogane, Kugane, Quicksand


  • Ascians
  • Primals
  • Moogles
  • Not having fun


  • Self-centered
  • Undisciplined
  • Bit of a flirt
  • Overconfident


  • Failure
  • Being unloved
  • Paissa
  • Necromancy

Weapon Training

  • Skilled: Katanas, Archery
  • Training: Daggers, Hand-to-Hand


  • Skilled: Acrobatics, Survival, Perception, Stealth, Deception
  • Training: Arcana


  • Carpentry
  • Blacksmithing
  • Goldsmithing


Hayashi Nobukata – Lord of the Hayashi Clan, he agreed to adopt Kyosuke after some persuading from Tsuna and provided him with a better upbringing than most could ask for. A stern and strict man, he and Kyosuke never really got along.
Hayashi Tsuna – Kyosuke’s adopted mother, she died from sickness only a few years after Kyo had been brought into the household. He still holds her fondly in his memories and will send a prayer to her when he can.


Nyx Altus – Kyosuke’s brother-in-arms, best friend, and co-leader of the Steel Wolves. Having met sometime during Kyo’s travels abroad, the two are unnaturally in-sync and nothing but trouble whenever they’re together.
Kyren Xangai – Kyosuke’s mentor. It’s not clear when or how the two met but it seems Kyren was the one who taught him how to wield a sword. Kyo will still occasionally make trips out to the Steppe to seek his council.
A’shara Venai - A member of the Steel Wolves, A’shara is a Seeker that joined up with Kyo and Nyx after they went hunting for a chimera at the bottom of some ancient ruins buried beneath Thanalan.
Nara Ejinn – Originally a dancer in Kugane, Kyosuke purchased her contract and proceeded to hire her on as a member of the Steel Wolves, helping to put her talents to more deadly uses.
Hatano Asuna – An aspiring Sword Saint that wandered Hingashi seeking to hone her skills with the blade, she decided to join up with the Wolves after Kyosuke beat her in a duel.
Gyoten – A Namazu that helps run Aetherial Antiquities while Kyosuke’s off adventuring. He’s currently attended 37 fire safety training seminars.
Unknown – Kyosuke can at times be seen off in the distance, talking to someone on his linkpearl. No one except Nyx seems to know who that might be.


Ascians - While their primary goal seems to be hunting monster and other various mercenary work, it seems many of their jobs always take them into areas and battlefields where there are rumors of an Ascian presence.

Usual Gossip

  • “He’s one of the leaders of that mercenary group, right? The Steel Wolves?”
  • “I thought he was the owner of that antiques store down the road…”
  • “Heard he and his group one-upped the confederacy and put down that giant sea monster.”
  • “They say he ran away from home and traveled the world. Must have not found much if he’s already back.”

Tavern Whispers

  • “All I know is ever since he returned to Kugane his father refuses to even see him.”
  • “I heard he was trained by one of those savage Xaela. No wonder he’s so wild.”
  • “I always knew he was a no-good thief ever since he was a boy. Don’t know why Lady Tsuna even took him in.
  • “Seems like he’s willing to piss off the Garleans if he fought against them at both Doma Castle and the Battle of Ala Mhigo like people have been talking about.”

Information Broker

  • Hearing a certain broker had information on the heir of the Hayashi Clan, you agreed to meet at a discreet location to learn more. Upon arrival, you find nothing except a few drops of blood splattered against the far wall.

PC Rumors (Add your own)

  • 1555: Kashim is born to Sarnai Dotharl
  • 1560: Kashim meets Excentius Validus, a former gladiator and Garlean slave. Under his tutorship, Kashim begins to learn his education.
  • 1563: Sarnai dies of sickness, leaving Kashim to fend for himself.
  • 1565: Discovering Excentius's secret workshop, the old hyur begins Kashim's training in runecraft.
  • 1568: Excentius Validus dies. Kashim takes the surname Validai in memory of him.
  • 1569: Kashim is accepted into the Thavnairian Royal Guard, begins training.
  • 1571: Kashim is thrown out of the Thavnariain Royal Guard for using forbidden magicks.
  • 1572: Returning to the Steppe, Kashim meets Altun, Sokhor, and Jetai, saving their lives and helping them complete Bardam's Mettle. Receiving a vision from the Dusk Mother, Kashim learns a number of powerful Xaelan runes and forges his first runeblade. Unknown to him, his vision was received the same moment as the Calamity.
  • 1573: Leaving the Steppe, Kashim and his new companions travel to Hingashi. Encountering a master of the blade, Kashim decides to further his studies by becoming the wandering ronin's student. In order to pay for lessons, he begins plying his trade as a Runecaster.
  • 1577: Leaving Hingashi, the group travels to Eorzea. Ripe for picking with ancient ruins and eldritch secrets, they begin adventuring on the side.
  • 1579: At the whisperings of a coming war, Kashim & co. head north. Arriving in Anyx Trine, Kashim begins learning the dragontongue, taking the next year to learn what he can of their culture, traditions... and runes. As the Dragonsong War begins, the group help defend Anyx Trine from attacks by the Horde.
  • 1580: Kashim discovers the Great Gubal Library. Basically spends the next year there. Occasionally has tea with Matoya to keep her company.
  • 1581: As war stirs in Aldenard, the boys return to the far east for the Naadam. At the Garlean invasion of their lands, they set upon the imperials with a fury, driving them from their lands. By the time they stopped fighting, Doma itself had been freed. Staying in Doma, the four decide to help with rebuilding the Enclave. Kashim uses some of his coin to buy a house in Shirogane.
  • 1582: Now fully dedicated to the fight against the Garleans, Kashim, Altun, Sokhor and Jetai decide to head for Dalmasca. Their resistance could likely use a runecaster, and it would be a new region and new culture which would provide a new opportunity for new avenues of learning ancient secrets. Taking a ship from Kugane, they run into a fierce storm somewhere off the western coast of Dalmasca that destroys their vessel. Shipwrecked, the four xaela find themselves on an uncharted island, which they soon discover is inhabited by a mysterious tribe of Viera. Unintentionally swept up in the internal politics of the island, the four almost wind up as sacrifices for primal goddess of the island when Kashim receives another vision, this time of a coming calamity as the Echo awakens within him. Using this newfound power but not understanding what is happening to him, the four resolve matters on the island and head back to the mainland, this time searching for answers as to what Kashim's vision meant...
  • Server: Balmung
  • Timezone: MST
  • Character Inspirations:
    • Spike Spiegel (Cowboy Bebop)
    • Dante (DMC3)
    • Soul (Soul Eater)
  • Voice Claim: Micah Solusod
  • Notes: Feel free to say hi if you see me in-game. I occasionally leave the game up in the second monitor while I’m work so sending a /tell is usually safer than random walk-up RP.