L'remazh Aurum
Composed by Conor Adams <tabs plain style="width: 850px; margin-left: 0px; font-size:12px; font-family:Trebuchet MS; text-align: justify; line-height: 1.8; color:#43413d; font-size:12px; font-family:Georgia; letter-spacing:0.2em; text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px silver;"> Standing here is a petite little Seeker, not even reaching five fulms with her ears standing upright. Despite her lithe build, she walks tall with confidence. Her piercing blue gaze meets any that would look her way, even if those sapphire orbs are shadowed beneath her unruly golden mane. Scars & Markings: There is a scar on her left cheek, that runs from her jawline up to below her left eye. Voice: Smooth - the easiest way to describe Rem's voice. While her words seem to run into one another, the sound isn't harsh or unpleasant. Clothing: She isn't overtly picky with her clothing - she's confident, and enjoys showing off her slender frame. For colours she seems to prefer reds and blacks. Scent: Rem smells of the sea, even if she isn't near it. She's a seacat through and through.
(THIS IS FILLER > You can ignore the Lorem ipsum and skip to below. This section will be filled out eventually!) Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse ante urna, efficitur nec odio eget, pretium feugiat arcu. Integer feugiat eu magna faucibus venenatis. Nunc tristique accumsan orci, nec dapibus metus feugiat vel. Donec orci justo, rhoncus sed massa vel, sagittis laoreet tortor. Maecenas non rhoncus nibh. Aenean mauris ante, laoreet porttitor pretium non, venenatis ut metus. Suspendisse elementum, nibh vel elementum fermentum, erat libero volutpat risus, vitae egestas magna justo vitae libero. Nulla facilisi. Donec pulvinar in purus sit amet pellentesque. Nullam vitae magna justo. Nulla efficitur, felis sit amet pharetra finibus, nisl purus vestibulum mauris, nec elementum arcu dolor eget est. Sed tincidunt, urna ac eleifend dictum, diam enim porta sem, at efficitur neque justo eget mi. Praesent nulla urna, rutrum id tempus ac, mollis at mauris. Sed risus ante, aliquam a aliquet in, ultrices a justo. Mauris dui purus, tincidunt ultrices ipsum non, facilisis placerat mi.