Leonnaux Altoix

Leonnaux Altoix is a self-taught Duskwight arcanist born in the Shroud. A bit self-centered, he studies tirelessly in search of answers regarding a condition he's had since the eve of the Calamity (declared ‘aether sickness’ at the time, he knows it now to be the Echo). Dissatisfied with his lack of progress at home in Gridania, he fled from home after discovering that his mother and brother had been destroying his research in the express interests of hindering his studies. As a result, he fled to Ul'dah, where he set down roots as both Leonnaux and a shadowy figure known as Crow who operates in the Ul’dahn underground and was Leonnaux's primary source of income (via dealing in information, which has earned him a reasonably-sized network of contacts within a network now known as the Ebonguard) prior to dedicating himself more formally to academic pursuits.
Standing at 6'2 (six fulms, two ilms), Leonnaux is on the shorter side for a grown male Elezen and is rather thin on top of it. While he is a Duskwight, he is rather fair in complexion and has a bit more color to him than most; he can easily pass for a Wildwood so long as his surname does not come to light (a luxury certainly not shared the rest of his immediate family). Unfortunately, this gives way for the dark circles that form under his eyes on a regular basis due to poor quality of sleep to be quite prominent.
He's built lean in general, but due to his poor habits he typically borders more toward just being thin and at times even gaunt, though his weight fluxuates greatly depending on his mental state and how hard he's been hitting the books, with healthier habits reflecting a healthier-looking figure. He's made out of sharp lines and angles for the most part, though his face retains just enough roundness from his youth to reflect the fact that he's not as old as one might presume otherwise. While much of the baby-fat around his cheeks has been lost, his jawline isn't as strong as his more masculine counterparts, nor are his cheekbones as pronounced.
His eyes are bright blue, though unless they catch the light just right they appear darker than they really are, and despite his round glasses he seems to always be slightly squinting perhaps in an effort to make himself appear older or because he really just can't see all that well even with the glasses. If the former, then the fact that he doesn't seem to pay much attention to his hair at glance works against him more than for him; the mop of black hair on his head makes him look younger rather than older (as told by most people who meet him in person) -- but despite his somewhat disheveled appearance, he actually brushes it fairly frequently and it's pretty soft... Not that he'd welcome any attempts to touch it.
His mode of dress varies, but he is usually overdressed for occasions. Leonnaux is the kind of person to feel the best when he looks his best, barring his health habits or factors outside of his control; he has more casual clothes for when he is hard at work behind his desk or just lazing around, of course, but he has a certain fondness for nice clothing.
Notable Possessions
Last Updated: 03/26/2017
A list of worldly possessions that Leonnaux has either on his person or stored somewhere safe and immediately accessible that are notable or special in some way.
- His grimoire, bound of black leather and containing exceedingly crisp transcriptions of various geometries and theorems necessary for performing arcanima. Very obviously not his own handiwork.
- A quill, fashioned from a large black feather, usually securely tucked into a handy sleeve in his grimoire's back cover.
- A small, green multi-aspected crystal.
- A peculiar ring made partly out of silver and partly out of the horn of an antelope, always worn on his right index finger when he has it with him. The name ALTOIX is carved into the inside.
Born in the Shroud, this Duskwight always had a bit of trouble coming to terms with his lot in life; his father (presumably) left his mother when he was still young, and so he was raised primarily by his mother and his older brother. He took to academic pursuits early, his mother teaching him to read and do basic arithmetic and his brother teaching him the very basics of archery, although this was never a discipline he readily pursued since at the time he had more of an eye for crafts than combat. He came to find that he was 'blessed' with the Echo at the age of thirteen, but he didn’t know precisely what it is; his first few visions came in rapid succession and rendered him ill for the next few days, but to this day he hasn’t had an episode as bad.
His passion for academics became less of a passion and more of an obsession shortly after the calamity and as he grew older. More and more of his reading material came to involve the manipulation of aether – which he found he was rather adept at in time due to his focused study of arcanima, cumulating in him teaching himself how to conjure a Carbuncle companion – and the different afflictions that one can suffer having to do with their aether. Through these studies, he came to the conclusion that he had some form of aether sickness and became determined to find a way to cure it or, if he must live with it and his case didn’t prove fatal, learn to wield it to his advantage. Through his study of alchemy (which started as a passing fancy, a mere side-show to his dream of one day designing for Fen-Yll) and aether, he hopes to unlock the ability to have one of his visions on demand so that he can study his ‘sickness’ more closely.
His family did not take well to this mounting obsession, however, and continued to smother him as they grew more and more concerned for his well-being. His journals were often thumbed through and some of his more questionable entries were removed while he was asleep or otherwise not studying, most notably the entries making note of his own mortality and many of the entries concerning his visions. While they appeared outwardly supportive, they attempted, for the most part, to quell Leon’s obsession with his condition by destroying his notes and making light of his accomplishments, believing that if he became discouraged enough then he would fall back in line with how he had been prior to falling ill. However, Leon took notice of the smaller changes and took his studying elsewhere, but quickly found that 'at home' was his only real option and came to be a bit of a recluse. His frenzied ramblings did not quell his family's worries, to say the least, and they escalated to removing more and more of his research and then denying it, making him believe that he was mentally ill.
He started saving gil where he could and kept studying; however, he fled from home earlier than he had intended when he caught his brother burning his notes. After attacking his brother, stealing the ring that for years served as the brothers' only momento of their father, and hastily packing what worldly possessions of his that he deemed important, he fled into the night with little idea of where he would go, but after several weeks of surviving on a relatively transient lifestyle, he managed to make it to Ul'dah by way of returning to the desert city-state with a Lalafellin merchant on his way back from the shroud by the name of Ririsifo. He introduced himself as Crow at that time and later, Ririsifo became one of his most important contacts in his network while he was surviving on his own.
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