Lillith Cale
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Lillith Cale is a fierce, and driven woman of Gridanian origin. She is well known for her talents as an archer, and strives every day to become better than the day before. She is friendly, carefree and knows how to have a good time, but she is prone to bouts of bitterness. While a good ally and loyal friend, the cat is very driven to succeed in her own goals, and lets nothing get in the way of her desires. Currently, the Mi'qote makes a living as a mercenary, traveling the land and taking odd jobs with her closest friend, Meta Xi. Lillith makes a comfortable amount of income in her profession, and while she sticks very firmly to working on a for hire basis, she had been know to make exceptions for the Twin Adders, often answering a calls of help from friends within their ranks. While the Mi'qote herself is no longer an Adder, it is clear that her loyalty still lays with them.
♦ History
Birth and Adoption: A wailing from deep within the woods of the Black Shroud drew the attention of two Elezen, husband and wife, who were quick to investigate the cries. Following a path that led deep within the north forest, the pair were taken by surprise to find a Miqo'te baby shrieking amidst the moss. Picking up the small child, who was surely no more than a few months old, they find no indication of how a young babe could have found itself in such a dangerous location. With no clues, no trails, no notes or tracks to reveal the fate of the feline's parents, only one conclusion could be drawn: She had been abandoned. The couple looked down upon the little girl, their hearts aching at her plight, cries beginning to ebb as the man rocks her in his arms. They could not leave this little one to perish here in the shroud, defenseless and alone. Taking it as a sign from the Twelve, for the two Elezen had never been blessed with a child of their own; they decided to adopt the little Miqo'te and brought her back to their small home outside Bentbranch.
Early life: Lillith's younger years were full of much merriment and training. Though she had come to realize she was adopted, the young feline took no issue with this. Her Mother and Father treated her like blood, they accepted her and taught her of their culture and talents. From her Father, Lillith began to learn Archery, and from her Mother she took up Leatherworking. Even at such a young age, it was seen that the Mi'qote had a natural skill for the bow and arrow, and leatherworking fell into being more of a hobby. The girl loved everything about the art of archery and dedicated herself to it daily, even making the trips to Gridania proper to visit the Archery Guild. It was here that Lillith began to feel the first stings of being ostracized. Though her parents treated her no differently, other Elezen, not all but enough, did treat her as am outsider. Some talked down to her, others snubbed her abilities. But Lillith did not let this get her down, instead she resolved to simply become so great, they would have no reason to look down on her. It was at this point that she began the hard and rigious training required to join the God's Quiver.
Falling in Love: During the training camp for Quiver hopefuls, Lillith met a young Elezen boy named Daelmont. The two struck up a fast friendship and a playful rivalry began to develop between them to see who could get top marks on every test and challenge presented to them in training. The result was a close friendship and each scoring the highest of their respective units, though neither ultimately became top of class. Through the years, as their training continued and they were moved into the lower of the Quiver ranks, Lillith began to develop feelings of affection for her Elezen friend. The Miqo'te had kept her feelings close to her chest for some time, waiting for the moment where she felt it would be appropriate to reveal them to Daelmont. One night, while a warm summer breeze brought fireflies buzzing lazily through the hallow were the two relaxed, Lillith confessed her love for him. But unlike the romantic fairytales often told in books, the fellow soldier had no confession to return. In fact, his initial response was an awkward silence as he looked to the cat with a soft frown. Finally, as her heart raced with fear and hurt, his lips parted and her world shattered. He apologized to the young girl, he told her on that night that while he would always consider her a close friend, she was not someone he wished to have a life with. He preferred Elezen women and simply did not see her in that light. Heartbroken, Lillith merely nodded before taking her leave. It was not long after that the Miqo'te received word Daelmont had started dating the head of their training class, a beautiful and talented Elezen named Meloette. Bitterness bloomed within her heart that day, the seed having been planted long before by the dirty looks and disparaging remarks of other Elezen calling her outsider. At first her resolve had been to become an Archer of renown within the Quiver, someone to be respected. But now? Now Lillith was determined to become an archer so great, all of Gridania would see value in her, she would no longer suffer from being 'not good enough' in their eyes. Then Daelmont would love her, she was sure of it. It was then that Lillith left her position in the God's Quiver and joined with the newly reformed Twin Adders.
The Battle of Carteneu: As the threat of the Garelean Empire continued to grow within Eorzea, the cry for arms went up across all nations, and the Grand Companies of yore returned to answer. Lillith was swift to apply for a position within the company, finding herself quickly accepted due to her background within the God's Quiver. Here, the Miqo'te found herself less ostracized than before, but to long had the shadows of bitterness and resentment festered in her heart, leaving her a cold, distant solider who cared only for one thing: advancement. When the time came for what was set to be the final battle against the invading nation, Lillith was ready to march to Carteneu, seeing it as a chance to prove her skills and garner glory for herself. At least that was the plan, until her Mother begged her otherwise. Her Father had also answered the call for able bodied soldiers and despite his graying hair and aging body, would travel with the Adders for the battle against the Empire; this brought her Mother an untold amount of pain, whom feared losing her husband to the conflict. With a grip surely tighter than that of the dead, she held onto Lillith's arm and begged the young cat to remain in Gridania as part of the home guard, tears running down her cheeks as she told her Daughter that her heart could not bear the loss of both Child and Spouse. There was no way that Lillith could refuse, not when it came her parents and her mother's pleading eyes. So Lillith remained in Gridania the day of the Battle of Carteneu stationed, to her discontent, among previous Quiver mates that included Daelmont and Meloette.
At first, all was calm, tidings from battle came slowly but seemed generally positive. Of course, all eyes turned the great moon Dalamud with apprehension and fear. Would it fall? Would they stop it? Or would Eorzea be laid to waste beneath it? Lillith was traveling by Chocobo to the northern shroud, sent there to check on the villages in the outer most areas. All villages and surrounding towns were being evacuated as part of a worse case scenario plan, and the cat found herself happy for the solitude. She didn't know how much more she could take of watching Daelmont and Meloette trade subtle touches between each other while working in the strategy tent. What brought her from her bitter reflections was a bright flash, reminiscent of lightening but tinted crimson. Turning her head upwards, her dichromatic eyes grew wide in disbelief as the moon began to break apart, shooting flames and debris across the sky. Even as her Chocobo ran forward, Lillith could not look away, transfixed by the horrifying sight of the great beast emerging from Dalamud like a butterfly from a cocoon. Soon the sky was on fire, streaks of orange and red burning against the inky blackness of the night, raining down across the shrouds and surely other areas as well as the creature flew through the air, roaring in the wake of its freedom. A chunk of debris crashed into the ground inches from her mount, and the miqo'te was thrown from her chocobo. She laid there for several long moments, gasping for the breath that had been knocked out of her before opening her eyes and rising from the dirt. Her chocobo, the ever faithful Kainami, limped around her, letting out his monotone kweh of concern as he nuzzled her cheek with his beak. Fire and twisted, heated metal continued to rain from the sky and the Adder spent no more time watching the catastrophe unfold, she needed to get to the village and make sure it was evacuated. With Kai injured, the rest of the journey was done in a sprint, the pair having thankfully been close to the village before the moon had exploded to reveal the elder primal.
Lillith's heart sunk as she arrived at what was once a small town, the entire area set ablaze, no doubt having suffered a direct hit by one of the many fireballs that now poisoned the sky. Amidst the roaring flames, she ran along the path that wove through the village, calling out for anyone who could possibly hear her. By the grace of the Twelve, it seemed like the village had already been evacuated, such a thought comforting to her mind. But the peace of mind did not last long as her left ear twitched and eyes narrowed in concentration--it sounded like a cry was echoing from further up the path. Breaking into a dash, the Miqo'te let herself be lead by her ears, jumping over burning trees and dodging falling structures. Just a head she could see it, a cart that laid overturned, one of the wheels starting to catch fire from a burning house that had collapsed onto the path. That was where the crying was coming from. Lillith was thankful she had Kainami for despite the bird's injury the pair were able to push the cart up high enough for the Adder to reach beneath. What she saw shocked her, bringing the Gridanian pause. Here, beneath the cart was a small Ixalian child, feathers blackened with char and eyes wide with fear at the sight of the solider. For a moment, Lillith questioned what she should do. Should she leave the child here to burn? It would be one less Ixali in the world... but as soon as the thought crossed her mind, her heart shivered and her stomach twisted. This was a child, a defenseless, frightened child and it being an Ixali should have no bearing on doing what was right. Besides, what if her parents had let the same pregidous influence their choice? She herself would have been dead in the woods long ago if the Elezen had not recued her. With no further hesitation, she reached into the wreckage of the burning cart and pulled the child free, holding the fledgling bird close as it shook and squirmed, clearly fearful for its life. It was during this moment, as the small child struggled and the larger woman held onto it, trying to soothe it through soft coos, that the little Ixali caught Lillith across her cheek with one of its claws. Both were surprised as the blood began to run down the Adder’s pale skin, and perhaps out of sheer shock of having caused the injury the child began to grow calm. For her part, Lillith held nothing against the frightened Ixali, even though the cut would one day heal into a scar she would bear for the rest of her life.
As the world continued to turn to fire around them Lillith moved forward, intent on getting out of the village before it turned into a ragging inferno. She knew that towards the far North was an Ixali encampment, and there was a good chance she’d be able to see the child safely to her kin. Luck seemed to favor Lillith on her journey, as it had since the moment she’d like Gridania proper, for as she trudged through ash and flame, a loud shrill, bird-like call, reached her ears from the path above. Continuing along slowly, it was not long before the form of an adult Ixali seemed to materialize like a ghost from the smoke that billowed through the trees. It screeched in surprise, immediately drawing a curved dagger, though Lillith was quick to bring her free hand upwards, palm out showing she meant no harm, in her arms the child cooed softly. There was little doubt that the adult Ixali before her was a relative to the young creature she held, why else would it be standing in the midst of the burning shroud, calling out in such a manner? The Miqo’te continued to stand still, doing her best to show with her body language that she meant no ill against it. It did not take long for the creature to read the cue, and with a quick motion the Ixali sheathed their blade and began to move towards Lillith, arms open to receive the child. As soon as it was back in the arms of its parent, it let out a happy chirp, nuzzling its beak against the adult’s chest as it hugged the little one in turn. Lillith couldn’t help but smile at the small scene before her. Even as everything in Eorzea seemed to burn, there was this one moment of happiness, and that brought a warmth to the solider that had nothing to do with the flames consuming the forest. Soon the Ixali was jogging away from the solider and her chocobo, but before the bird disappeared into the smoke once more, it turned to Lillith and bowed its head, remaining like that for several long moments before it was off and running, hopefully returning to a safe haven that would see them through the blaze.
Lillith did not linger long in the North, taking to the back of her Chocobo once more. Even with his injury, traveling via Kai would be quicker than running and the Miqo’te knew that she needed to get back to Gridania. If this shroud had seen so much devastation, then how much worse was it back at home? What had been that creature that broken free from the moon? Was it a new war machine of the Garelean Empire, or something much worse? Dozens of questions danced through Lillith’s mind as her mount bore her through the flames, but at the fore front of it all, her concern was if everyone she loved had survived this tragedy, Daelmont included. When she finally arrived back at the Adder camp just outside of Gridania, she was greeted with utter chaos as soldiers ran about trying to put out fires, others screamed in pain, holding broken limbs or burned flesh, and there were those who didn’t make any noise at all, lost either to death or unconsciousness. She didn't pause to ask for new orders, nor did anyone try to stop her, there were too many people panicking for those higher in rank to maintain a structured approach. Just a head Lillith could see it, what used to be the tent that housed the various maps and pieces of parchment that held enemy intelligence; it was crushed beneath a giant shard of metal. Slowly she moved around it, eyes scanning the area as her heart threatened to tear itself from her chest with every beat. Soon the searching orbs found the familiar form of Daelmont relief flooding her system eve as a frown began to form on her lips. Her mind finally began to make sense of what she was seeing. The man whom had once been her closest friend was kneeling on the ground in a puddle of dark, almost black liquid. He was rocking back and forth with his head bowed and something held close against him. At first, it was difficult to tell what it was amidst all the blood, but with a jolt Lillith realized that Daelmont was cradling the upper half of what had used to be Meloette.
Happiness suddenly swelled within her, her eyes growing wide as it did. She was dead. Meloette was dead and Lillith was not. Now…now Daelmont would have no choice but to love her! Just as those thoughts danced through her mind, the Elezen looked up. His face was pale and splattered with blood; tracks left in it by the tears that streamed down his face. His lips were twisted back in an expression of grief as his eyes stared into hers, a look of sheer desperation and horror painted within them. Suddenly, Lillith hated herself. It bubbled up from her stomach, rising like bile that soon left her leaning over the side of her Chocobo and spilling the contents of her stomach onto the ruined ground. What was wrong with her? How twisted was she, how demented, that her first reaction to the horrific death of a comrade, was happiness? Happiness at what? Daelmont losing the one he loved? At him having to pull her broken body from the wreckage of the burning world, to see her injuries and be consumed with so much hopelessness and despair that all he could do was cling to her dead body like a child holding a stuffed animal? Had Lillith’s desire for his love truly left her so warped, or had the Miqo’te been like that from the beginning? If that was the case, the young Elezen man had been more than right to rebuff her affections. The Adder was left reeling, a sickening feeling settling deep within the core of her soul as she snapped the reins of Kai’s barding and escaped from the scene before her. She told herself she was going to get help. That she was going to find a healer, or one of the Padjal who had remained behind. But the truth was she was running, and Lillith didn’t know if she would ever stop.
The Five Years:
Assault on the Praetorium:
Facing Leviathan:
Continuing as a Mercenary:
♦ Appearance
♦ Personality
♦ As a Keeper of the Moon
Lillith does not fulfill any type of role, or follow any customs, regarding her heritage as a Keeper of the Moon or her race in general. The Miqo'te seems to have no interest in her culture as a whole, and those who bring this up often find themselves on the receiving end of an abrasive response. Lillith does not do this to be rude, but the simple fact of the matter is, she was raised in Eorzea, brought up as Gridanian in an elezen home, to her, that is the culture she has inherited and the one she wishes to live by.
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