Miryn Lecuyer

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 Miryn Lecuyer
Gender Female
Race Elezen
Clan Wildwood
Citizenship Ex-Ishgardian
Age 32
Occupation Sellsword
Guardian Halone, the Fury
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Having trained as a knight from a young age, Miryn’s build is lean and well-muscled. Her body is littered with scars from past battles, the most prominent of which runs down her left eye, sealing it shut. Though soft-spoken, Miryn carries herself with a steady stride. There is steel in her posture, stone in her stare. It isn’t often that she shows outward signs of pleasure, but when she does, Miryn’s smiles are soft and mirth becomes evident at the corner of her eye.

She is proficient with the sword and the lance, taking after the combat styles common in her home nation of Ishgard. She treats her shield just as much a weapon as her blade, and utilizes her lance for both defense and offense with equal skill. She is less adept at hand-to-hand combat, though perfectly capable of disabling a rowdy drunkard if needed. While serving as a squire, Miryn received training in basic conjury techniques, sufficient for patching light wounds but not much else.


Early Life

Miryn was born Marnette Lecuyer, daughter of vassals to the minor noble house of Fioralba. Seeing that his daughter loved to watch the squires train in the yard and often asked about war stories at the dinner table, her father arranged for her to be taught in the martial arts, with the hope that she would grow into as fine a knight as her predecessors had been.

A skirmish with Dravanian forces when she was 16 stood as the first test of her mettle, nor would it be her last. The fighting proved fiercer and bloodier than she ever imagined, but bolstered by her family’s lineage and her unwavering faith in Halone, Marnette proudly drew her sword against whatever foes Ishgard commanded of her. Some years later she would throw herself between her lord’s son and a charging aevis, earning her a few broken ribs and the loss of her left eye. The act earned her much respect and honor, and she was knighted at 23.


Impressed by her devotion to House Fioralba, the lord assigned Marnette to be his daughter’s personal guard. Emmalie was 13, a thaumaturge in training, and painfully shy of men; he hoped that Marnette would be more agreeable company for the young noblewoman. Marnette took her duty very seriously, never straying from Emmalie’s side except to march onto the battlefield during those periods when the war against the Dravanians escalated. In time, Emmalie came to regard Marnette as an older sister rather than a guard, though any attempts to spark conversations that real sisters might engage in – romance, for example – usually resulted in a frown of disapproval from the knight.

As Emmalie progressed in her studies and came of age, she insisted on lending her talents to the war effort more and more. Her father disagreed, unwilling to throw his daughter at the same horrors his knights endured. If Emmalie understood her father’s protectiveness, she didn’t show it. Marnette spent many an afternoon in Emmalie’s quarters listening to the young woman lament her inability to help.


On the heels of the Calamity came a surge of general unrest as the people turned desperate. Marnette spent three long years away from home answering reports of bandits and pillagers, with clashes against the heretics filling the days in-between. During that time, Emmalie’s frustration at being left behind reached a breaking point and she secretly began to research the summoning of voidsent.

By the time Marnette returned, Emmalie was changed. No longer bright-eyed, her demeanor had become as dark and cold as the fields of Coerthas. Marnette assumed her charge was depressed by the recent troubles that plagued the realm and gave Emmalie her space.

However, trouble soon reared its ugly head close to home. Some of the castle’s occupants reported screams and strange laughter echoing through the halls. Others could not shake the feeling they were being watched, even when alone. Servants began to disappear. It was enough to bring the Inquisitors’ attention onto House Fioralba. Marnette was not present when the Inquisitors arrived, though she would hear the terrible details later – voidsent manifested in the courtyard and attacked, killing several and injuring a great many others. Despite her lord’s pleas of innocence, the blame fell on his shoulders and he was taken away. The rest of House Fioralba was to be judged in short order.

Blindsided by these events, Marnette would have quietly obeyed whatever fate the Inquisitors passed, but Emmalie convinced the knight to help her escape Ishgard. Marnette clung to the idea as a drowning woman would a length of rope; in her mind’s eye, by ensuring her lady’s safety, perhaps she could still retain some fraction of her honor as a knight.


They fled into the Black Shroud, but not very far. Exhausted by their flight, when bandits fell upon them the two could not put up much of a fight and they were dragged back to the bandit’s camp. Marnette was injured in the struggle and could only lay half-lucid, cursing under her breath while Emmalie was brought to the bandit’s leader.

Her darkest expectations were not met. Over the next few days, her bonds were loosened and she was fed and cared for while she recovered from her wounds, though she was not allowed to venture outside the camp. Emmalie was rarely seen without the bandit leader’s company, nor did she seem particularly upset by the arrangement. Marnette could not fathom what the young woman might be thinking or planning, but she was determined to fulfill her duty as guard, so she behaved herself and even helped with chores around the camp.

This continued for three weeks with no signs of change. Finally, Marnette cornered Emmalie alone in her tent and asked when they would be leaving. Emmalie declared that she had come to like the bandits and had no plans to leave. Furthermore, with House Fioralba fallen into ruin and their own status as fugitives, there was no need for Marnette to stay and watch over her. The knight was released from service and could do as she pleased from this day forth.

Horrified and heartbroken, Marnette attempted to take Emmalie out of the bandit camp by force. In response… Emmalie summoned voidsent into the camp, laughing madly. Marnette was made to understand exactly what had happened: Emmalie was possessed. The monster that now occupied her lady’s body was responsible for the slaughter at House Fioralba and had sunk her influence into the bandit’s leader. Removed from the Inquisitors’ eyes, she could make the bandits into her thralls in peace. If Marnette caused a fuss, then her usefulness as a pawn had come to an end.

Marnette narrowly escaped with her life. Even then, she most likely would’ve died if a passing Wood Wailer patrol didn’t come across her collapsed form. She was taken to Gridania and nursed back to health. When questioned about her circumstances, Marnette claimed to be a simple traveler, explaining the gouges on her body as caused by wolves. She felt she didn’t hide her Ishgardian accent as well as she could’ve, so at the first opportunity, Marnette left the Shroud, intent on putting as much distance between herself and her former homeland as possible.


It has been a little over a year. Her skills with a blade are all she has to offer, so Marnette – now Miryn – has been living as a mercenary, fighting whatever her current employer wishes fought for the promise of coin, or even just a hot meal and a warm bed. She thinks on Emmalie and her family often, but has no course of action beyond simply surviving the next day. Miryn is very much a hound who does not know how to live without a master.


Serious to a fault, there are few things Miryn does not measure against the tenets of honor, valor, and justice. Even now as a mercenary, she considers herself responsible for upholding the code she swore before Halone’s altar so many years ago. She is generous where she can afford it, will do no harm to those weaker than herself, and puts others’ safety before her own. However, recent events have challenged her outlook and at times she’s had to make the distasteful choice between obeying her code or earning enough gil to fill her belly. Miryn’s resolve may be fractured, but she clings to her principles as best she can, as they are one of the few remnants of her former life.

She works best with a clear goal in mind, even better when under someone else’s command. Serving others sharpens her mind and fuels the protective tendencies that run strong through her being. To have a friend spill their blood before hers is a personal failure, in her book. Miryn has little talent in the ways of subterfuge, intrigue, or grand schemes, instead preferring a straightforward approach, sometimes to the point of being blunt or tactless. She does have a dry sense of humor, but usually keeps it to herself.


None yet.

Other Notes

Miryn’s status as an Ishgardian fugitive is obviously a secret. That said, secrets have a way of being found out sooner or later, so if you have any questions or ideas for RP regarding her past, please let me know!