Myavar Hla'rahel

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This page will be a WIP from this point forward for the duration of Myavar's existence within the world of Eorzea.

Gridania-transparent.png Myavar Hla'rahel
Gender Female
Race Elezen
Clan Duskwight
Citizenship Gridania

Myavar Hla'rahel grew up beneath the shady boughs of the Twelveswood. Despite a lifetime of prejudices against herself, and her family, by the more commonplace races of Gridania, Myavar always does her best to treat her neighbors with respect and civility. She can usually be found by herself contemplating various aspects of life, studying within the Conjurer's Guild, or visiting the amphitheater to enjoy as many concerts or performances as she can. Occasionally she'll venture a short ways out from the Blue Badger gate to practice her skill with a longbow on a helpless haystack target.



  • Given Name: Myavar Hla'rahel (My-ah-var; Lah-rah~el)
  • Aliases/Nicknames:N/A
  • Current Residence: Old Gridania
  • Marital Status: Single. Currently has no intentions to the contrary.
  • Sexuality: Hetero


  • Height: 6 fulmz
  • 'Wight:~'135 ponz
  • Body: On the small side for her race, Myavar is very petitte with a soft figure. While her legs are slender with attractivly soft curves, her upper body has a fitness to it from her archery exercise. Her arms, if anything, boast a lovely muscular structure while her core is firm and fit without any extreme muscle definition.
  • Complexion: Her skin is grey-blue, and very soft. She doesn't venture out of the city very often, so she has regular opportunities for baths and skin treatments (yay bath milk!).
  • Face: Her mother always told her she was a lovely girl who would grow into a beautiful woman, though Myavar herself never considered it to be true. Her almond shaped eyes have light gold irises, her lips are delicate and softly rounded, her face is heart shaped and gracefully curves into her neck.
  • Hair: Her silver-blue hair flows down to the small of her back when lose, though it is typically kept braided for practicality's sake. Her hair natually has blue highlights on the ends, and around the roots, and because of this her mother never wanted it cut for fear that the beautiul blue streaks would never grow back.
  • Fashion: She is commonly found wearing robes or gowns made from light cloth, and always in various shades of blue with silver. Typically she wears knee high, or thigh high, boots, preferring them over standard shoes or slippers. Jewelry of silver with lapis accents are her absolute favorite, and she'll stare for many an hour at a jewelers wares for lack of gil to purchase her favorite shinies. "Someday those lovelies will be mine!"~


  • Voice:
  • Demeanor:
  • Quirks:
  • Intelligence:



  • Style: 
  • Specialization: 
  • Strengths: 
  • Weaknesses:
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  • Father: Idrisvar Hla'rahel IdrisvarHlarahel.png

  • Mother: Myane Hla'rahel MyaneHlarahel.png


  • Saeldur Ar'Naerin



Miscellanious Information