Nalin Frostclaw
Forged in the fires of combat, Nalin is a man who is usually all business and seriousness with very little pleasure. He's blunt and straightforward about most things; and almost never does he sugar coat his words and this usually gets him in all sorts of trouble as he's normally not afraid to tell someone off. He's cold and distant by nature, seeming to have an instinctive reaction of pushing people away or never letting them fully into his life. Constantly his guard is always up, and this personality trait is reflected by the fact he is rarely outside of his armor.
Though he comes across as rather standoffish, that isn't entirely the case. While he is direct and bold, Nalin can take part in casual conversation if he's approached. Beneath his cold, dark exterior; he is a kind person at heart. He looks out for others, especially those who are seemingly too weak to defend themselves, and does his best to be polite, though more often than not he struggles with such a concept; as being an ass and fighting is basically all he knows how to do. Nalin also has a great sense of justice, and does not like when people abuse their authority over others; regardless of strength or political status. He will fight if it means to protect or help another; no matter the foe.
One of the most iconic personality traits that Nalin possesses is his inability to deal with friendships, family and most of all: Romantic advances and flirts. He does not know how to handle relationships of any kind and it takes a person with a great deal of patience to put up with him, which is more or less the reason why he remains with his free company; as they have been the only people thus far that are capable of handling this troublesome dragoon for extended periods of time. While he is very blunt most of the time, when it comes to people he cares about(Or when it comes talking about love or friendship) he struggles. Greatly. And will stutter, sweat, lie and make excuses to dance around the subject of his true, inner feelings.
However, those who managed to gain his friendship and are willing to put up with his distant, cold and blunt behavior will uncover and find they have a friend in a loyal knight who only wishes to protect those who matter most to him. And he will rush to their aid or side if they should call for him and he will defend his friends with his life.
Standing at a massive six foot ten; this man is built like your average dragoon. Possessing strong, fairly muscular legs to help him perform great jumps and travel far distances; and a muscular upper torso capable of carrying heavy lances and wearing chain and scale armor with ease. His skin is extremely pale and marked with battle scars both old and new; with deep gashes across his face being the most notable. His hands are rough, fingers calloused. He has the build and shape of a man who was made for war and battle.
His hair is a deep, rich purple naturally highlighted with a pale, icy blue. The length falls to his shoulders, but he normally keeps it tied up and out of his face in a messy and lazy attempt of a ponytail. His eyes are a strange silvery white, which adds a cold fierceness to his gaze even when he's relaxed. And like most elezen, his face is sharp featured.
His outfits mostly consist of armor and more often than not his face is constantly hidden behind his helmets. But if you're lucky, you may just catch this man in casual clothing; which usually consists of various types of leather and long coats.
Misc. information
- Nalin is a chef! He loves to cook for people and likes to keep bellies full! He will go out of his way to feed someone if they happen to be hungry as he dislikes hearing the sound of growling stomachs. It is also not uncommon to find him mumbling or muttering about food or recipes out of boredom, or if someone brings up the idea of food to him. It should also be noted that, should his dish come out a failure or is disliked, he will become heavily depressed.
- He likes to clean his free company's house and design the interior decor. Who knew the bitter, angry dragoon enjoyed house keeping?
- Has Photic Sneeze Reflex, also known as Sun Sneezing. He will randomly sneeze due to the sun or other extremely bright light sources. This reflex is 90% of the reason he hides his face behind his helmet(Or, more rarely, a pair of sunglasses); as it shields his eyes.
- Has an extremely high resistance to the cold and enjoys cold places a great deal. On the flipside, he cannot stand being in hot places for too long and it causes him to become rather lethargic after a while. He hates taking jobs in Ul'dah for this reason.
- The ruby earrings he wears all the time belonged to his late mother, they were her favorite.
- Has basic level reading skills, enough to read signs, letters and important documents. Anything more advanced causes his brain to fry.
- Secretly has a huge fanboy crush on Ser Aymeric.
Nalin has two fighting styles; lancer and brawler.
With a lance, Nalin fights like a dragoon. His attacks are graceful and very precise, he is quick moving and light on his feet; either using short or long jumps to get about the battlefield. He moves about quickly as to make up for the lack of any proper defense and for his slow swing time. He dodges, rolls, leaps and hops to avoid attacks and to find openings in his opponents.
When disarmed, his entire posture changes entirely. He will charge his opponent, fists and feet flying. With his armor nearly donned at all times, he will use the spikes and sharp edges to his advantage and attempt to impale his enemies with them. There have even been times he has attempted to bite down on his targets with his bare teeth. He will do and try almost anything to take down whomever opposes or threatens him, and will refuse to give up even if the odds are against him. In all out honesty, this type of fighting isn't exactly a style and more survival of the fittest.
In both forms of combat, Nalin has only one thing in mind: He either wins or dies fighting.
Nalin's lance. A custom painted replica of the Gae Bolg. While these replicas are standard issue for the dragoons of Ishgard; Nalin did not exactly gain this lance from an Ishgardian Blacksmith.
Salvia is a cursed weapon, one tied with the soul of a bloodthirsty voidsent. While out on a job for his company to deal with some crazed cultists who were using items to tie voidsent to the mortal world, Nalin unwillingly received Salvia upon picking her up during a fight with said cultists. Now he possesses this insane lance that wants nothing more than to slaughter as many people in Eorzea as possible to consume their souls. She is mentally linked with Nalin and can only speak to and be heard by him.
Her curse: She is the only weapon Nalin is able to wield now, and he is often forced to do her bidding due to the mental link they share; which can cause the wielder of Salvia immense, mental pain should she wish it upon them. Nalin does not speak of this curse, nor of Salvia's existence, to anyone. Lest he risk angering the demoness who he struggles to control.
A young female Sylph who can sometimes be spotted following behind Nalin. Though there is very little information about Nalin's past history, it can be safe to assume that Nalin had, at some point, reached a friendly status with the Sylphs; allowing him to gain Calixia's friendship and trust. The two of them share a deep sibling-like bond and cannot be separated by any means.
Calixia, like the rest of her species, is a prankster at heart. And she demonstrates this side of her quite often, especially toward Nalin, as her pranks are her own special way of showing affection. She also affectionately refers to Nalin as "Stupid One" or "Slow One". This usually will spark a short argument between her and the dragoon; but the arguments are always very mild and feelings are never hurt.
Calixia is extremely special to Nalin, and he will go through great lengths to ensure her safety and happiness.
Nalin's faithful Chocobo. At first glance, Kenji appears to be a very standard Chocobo. But upon closer inspection... He's still a very standard Chocobo. The only thing significant about this large ball of feathers is that he is not exactly the brightest bird in Eorzea; and sometimes finds himself running into walls and chasing after various creatures for fun, much to Nalin's dismay... As a majority of the time, Kenji does these things while Nalin is riding him; thus making an already long journey last even longer.
While Kenji often frustrates Nalin to the point of walking to his destination; he cares for his bird and takes care of good him and Kenji cares for his owner immensely.
Kenji is also nest brothers with Caoimhe's chocobo, Derek.
Battle theme: Spear of Justice - Undertale (Cover by RichaadEB)
Character theme: No Plan B - Manafest
Annotations/OOC notes
Long time MMO-player and RPer here! I'm usually IC all the time; unless you catch Nalin standing in the middle of a city with mismatching armor, then I'm probably alt-tabbed or afk and may not notice any IC approaches. So my apologies for that!
This is the first time I've made a wikipage ever so I'm tweaking it as I go along.
Thanks to R'tali_Tia for the template!