Nel Turuphant
Born on the island of Menphina's Breath, Nel grew up with her sister and parents. Her father ran a successful shipping company. However, due to a few things beyond her control Nel's family unfortunately met an untimely demise. As a result she was forced to flee the island and eventually she made her way to Eorzea. It was here that she first discovered the adventurers League. Taken under their wing she was finally getting each answer at redemption. It was here and she made her first real friends and met her future wife.
After a while, she parted ways with the Adventurer's League and committed herself full time to the Everwatch. A mercenary company under the employ of the Twin Adders to directly assist with the protection of the Twelvewood. There she learned how to be a trainer and how to manage inventory among other skills.
With Dalamud's decent and end times in sight, she gathered whom she could and parted ways to her home island in an attempt to escape the calamity before it struck. They were successful for the most part and would return half a cycle later to the mainland.
Usually a very easy going and caring individual, Nel is however quick to anger and will relentless defend those she is close too. She has had in the past major issues of trust and as such is hard pressed to believe people quickly anymore. She is especially quiet about her past ever since having it finally dealt with.
Major Organizations
The Adventure's League of Eorzea (Former Member)
Everwatch (Company disbanded)
Corvus Cinis (Part time member)
The Celestial Forge (Owner)
Crystalline (Pending Creation)
Direct family
Aura Celestine (Sister, spirit lives in her blade)
Isilme Turuphant (Wife)
Ilyanna Turuphant (Daughter)
Torvald Levoie (Very dear friend, first love, Father of Ilyanna)
Close friends
Eva Ianeria (Best Friend)
Manari Onai (Sworn Sister)
Keisuna Hidae (Close friend)
Shiro Turuphant (adopted clan family)
Miya Sha
Shienne Mimieux
Alothia Starkwood
Rhio Aldul
Xenedra Ambreaus
- Many more to be listed **
Other Notes
Example of Nel's Strength compared to an above average fighter.
Nel's Current Themesong for when she is serious.
Theme song for Nel's ship. The "Shining Hope"