Nhago'to Bajhiri

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Nhago'to Bajhiri

Age 33 Gender Male Race Miqo'te Clan Keeper
Class Black Mage Height 6'2" Orientation Bi Name Day 15/1



Nhago'to is taller than the majority of Miqo'te at 6'2". He has a broad frame and is well toned, having had to haul crates and heavy objects by himself nearly every day for the last year or so. His hair is white with a tint of purple, parted down the center and grazing the top of his shoulders, contrasting with his cool tawny skin tone and deep amethyst coloured eyes. He has quite a handsome face that, along with his shoulders, is covered in freckles that resemble a leopard's spots. Like other Keepers he has long ears, a silver earring on each, large fangs and a long thin, scruffy tail that is crooked at the base.

Defining Features
Nhago'to has several scars on his body as a result of years of hardship, one on his right shoulder from being struck at with a meat cleaver and his most prominent, a large burn scar that covers the area on the right side of his body from his thigh up to his chest and up his right arm. He has another smaller scar between his brows. Another noticeable feature is the dark freckle on the middle of his bottom lip.

(Reference for scarring, edit by someone.)

Misc. Details
Patterns and geometries sewn crudely, with aetherally-charged rose gold thread, into the inside of his coat. Used for enhancing the channeling of Aether and for protective/healing magic.
Wears rings on his right hand; index finger: silver inset with a purple fluorite gem, middle finger: a band made of antelope bone. These are worn at all times and are used for channeling aether when he does not have his staff to hand. He also wears a silver band on his small finger, part of a matching set of three, the other two gifted to his two children.
Wears his soulstone, tied to a thin strip of aldgoat leather, strapped to his belt, just hidden out of view from prying eyes.


Chaotic Neutral | ISTP

At first glance Nhago’to would appear to be a rather sullen and solitary character, preferring the company of whatever bottled substance he has in hand at the time and uninterested in what is going on around him. However, once people have taken the time to engage with him they will find that he is quite perceptive and quick-witted, having a tendency to make snide comments. This coupled with his quick temper can make him particularly vicious at times, especially to those certain people who take pleasure in pushing his buttons.

Sometimes, if left unchecked, his ego can get the better of him. He has a tendency to overestimate his abilities in some areas but severely underestimate them in others.

Deep down Nhago’to is really quite a compassionate and sensitive person, who is prone to wearing his heart on his sleeve and feeling a great sense of shame and guilt. He can be caring and considerate when the time calls for it and has a tendency to get too attached to people despite his better judgement. Many of his past experiences have made him feel the need to create a colder and more dismissive persona to protect himself from getting hurt any further and to try his best to keep people at a distance, although this is difficult for him to maintain and at times his more sensitive side will break through.

His left ear twitches when he is lying.
His tail curls when he is thinking or is plotting something.
Runs a hand through his hair when stressed.
Has an alcoholic drink of some sort on him the majority of the time, even if he doesn't get around to drinking it. (Taking solace in the fact that it's there if he needs it.)
His writing is a lot more formal than the way he speaks, so much so, that people could be forgiven for thinking that his letters are written by an entirely different person... If they are able to decipher his handwriting.

Likes Dislikes Hobbies
Grilled Trout. A rare treat.
Aldgoat steak.
Any strong drink. Helps keep his thoughts at bay.
Elezen. With some exceptions.
Being compared to a cat or any other beast.
Being called Nhago. That is his mother's name.
The smell of Moko grass smoke/smoking in general. It reminds him of his older brother.
Looking after his fish.
Strengths Weaknesses Interests
Hunting. Thanks to his upbringing.
Has a sense of compassion. For all the grumbling and complaining he will do, he can’t deny a person in need.
Romance. Wears his heart on his sleeve and often lets it override his better judgement.
Guilt. Prone to feeling a great sense of remorse for his past actions.
Known for being snarky, arrogant and somewhat abrasive when provoked.
Magic in all forms. His main motivation for leaving the Twelveswood.
The Void/voidsent. His interest in the Void piqued, as a teen, when he heard rumour of a girl possessed by voidsent in the Central Shroud.
The practical and theoretical application of Aether in Black Magic.


Nhago’to was born to a small tribe in the South Shroud and grew up with his eight siblings, hunting and trading pelts for a living. Despite being adept at Archery from a young age, Nhago’to had always had a yearning to learn magic and so he taught himself to read and write in the hope of one day being able to study it.

At the age of eighteen, he left the Shroud for Limsa Lominsa, where he joined the Arcanist’s Guild and spent the next two or so years studying. About half way through his study he met a Tia from the Z tribe and fell in love. They spent a year and a half together until his boyfriend was killed in a tribal dispute. After which, the pain of losing him caused him to give up his studies and he turned to crime to be able to keep a roof over his head, eventually ending up on a pirate ship. He sailed around Vylbrand for close to three years with the crew of the Navigator’s Harpoon, raiding other ships for supplies and causing general mayhem, until they struck riches and the crew went their separate ways as soon as the loot had been split.

Feeling displaced, Nhago’to decided to start anew in Ul’dah, joining the Thaumaturge’s Guild and spending his fortune on gambling, the services of men and women, alcohol and other addictive substances. He soon fell into debt and once again fell onto the wrong side of the law in an attempt to make enough money to ward off debt collectors and avoid imprisonment. A day spent looting nearby ancient ruins yielded a curious purple gem, upon which was engraved the symbol of a meteor, Nhago’to would later find out that this soulstone had once belonged to a Black Mage. He decided to keep it, intrigued about the practice of black magic and spent most of his free time studying and honing his new skills. An incident involving the capture of a few close friends and a misfired fire spell left him with severe burns up the right side of his body and arm and took him months to recover from. Things came to a head in Ul’dah when, desperate, he took a job to assassinate a member of the Brass Blades, killing seven guards in total and fled from the city, horrified by what he had done.

With the help of an Ala Mhigan friend he managed to escape back to Limsa under a fake name and penniless he took to stealing and pickpocketing to keep himself alive between the numerous odd jobs he took for little to no pay. In Limsa he met a Seeker woman who he fell in love with, despite his better judgement and within a few months she fell pregnant. Just as Nhago’to was beginning to get used to the idea of becoming a father, she vanished. At this point, he began to drink more heavily, letting his addiction take hold of him. He tried and failed many times to obtain employment and all but lost hope until he discovered that he was listed as the sole beneficiary to an old crewmates will. He came into possession of a small import company and its assets, which included, to his satisfaction, a small library of books, one of which contained information about the void.

Eventually finishing the book and wanting to research the subject more, his quest for more sources of knowledge on the void led him to a small shop in the Black Shroud called Thaliak’s Obscura, owned by a woman young woman named Hananashi Okumura. They clashed immediately but over the ensuing weeks Nhago’to found himself becoming more and more infatuated with her, much to his discontent, using the excuse of purchasing her Morbol Vine wine to see her on occasion.

Nhago'to had been contacted by his twin sister, Sahja, requesting that he return to the Black Shroud to attend a matter of importance.

After the death of Hananashi, Nhago'to fell into a deep depression, increasing his alcohol consumption and choosing to turn his back on his job at the Society that had failed to protect her (as they had offered in return for her services). He spent a considerable amount of time in the Sagolii desert, staying with his ex's tribe and spending time with his two infant sons.


Family Involved Romantic Platonic Physical Friend Acquaintance $ Business Deceased Positive

Negative Neutral Unsure

Sahja Bajhiri [] - Sister (twin)


Hananashi Okumura [] - Deceased Lover

At first strictly business, their relationship set off to a rough start with months of animosity and attempts to cover up emerging feelings but after a night of drunken arguing they slowly realized that there was no escaping the fact that they had fallen for each other.


Having gone missing for a good few days, Nhago'to became increasingly worried, culminating in a frantic mission to look for her but in the end his search was fruitless and he was unable to locate her whereabouts. He later learnt that she had been arrested by the Ul'dahn authorities, tried and executed for past crimes, devastating him.

A'yhafsa [] - Ex-girlfriend

Nhago’to’s ex-lover, who, after a passionate few months together, fell pregnant with his child. During their preparations to move to Kugane she seemingly disappeared without a trace, leaving Nhago’to heart broken. By chance, they encountered each other once again at Forgotten Springs where they settled their grievances and Nhago’to found out that he was to be the father of twins.

Boo - Chocobo (Old)

Nhago'to first crossed paths with Boo not long after he had returned to Limsa, at the Drowning Wench, where the horsebird had strayed during a storm in search of food and shelter. The ensuing commotion had caused the arrival of several Storm officers on the scene and in fear of getting arrested for previous crimes Nhago’to had fled. It wouldn’t be until a couple of weeks later that Nhago’to noticed the chocobo wandering by himself outside the Tempest Gate in Lower La Noscea. Upon closer inspection, the bird was deathly thin and caked in grime, not the murky grey colour that Nhago’to had first observed, but snow white. He tempted the bird over with a cake he had pilfered from The Bismarck earlier that day and from that day on a bond started to form, the two sticking with each other through thick and thin. Nhago’to decided on the name Boo, as in his first memory of him, he seemed no more than a ghost.

Due to recent events and not being in Limsa as often as he would like, Nhago’to had regrettably had Boo stabled as he pursued business and personal obligations, feeling guilt at having all but abandoned the bird.

RP Hooks

Under Construction

Trade/Smuggling -
Somnus -
Aether -
Brass Blades -
Monetarists -
Ishgardian guards -


Art (Mouseover for credit.)

Commission by http://kollapsar.tumblr.com Commission by http://omoshiro-i.tumblr.com
Commission by https://svensationalist.tumblr.com/ Commission by https://svensationalist.tumblr.com/
Commission by https://ashlenhart.tumblr.com/




Nhago'to will not mention the fact he is a Black Mage unless he has complete trust in the person he is confessing to. If asked about magic he will only admit to Thaumaturgy.
Although Nhago'to chose to leave his birthplace at a young age, he is still very guarded about his heritage thanks to the relentless bullying he faced from his Gridanin peers as a child.
Nhago'to's father (deceased) was of mixed Miqo'te/Elezen heritage, explaining why he and his twin sister are unusually tall for Miqo'te. Neither Nhago'to or any of his family have any knowledge of this.
Nhago'to is blue-yellow colourblind (a condition exacerbated by his alcoholism). There are certain colours that he cannot see so, for example, he may refer to his soulstone as being black instead of the purple that it is.


My character is currently on Mateus server on the Aether data center.
I mainly RP on Tumblr but I am also open to RPing in Google Docs. I'm taking a break from RPing in game at the moment.
Please do not confuse me for my character in anyway. IC≠OOC, my character's intentions towards your character ≠ my intentions towards you. If you have an issue with something my character has said or done, then please feel free to talk it over with me.
I mainly MRP. Blood, gore, dark themes are fine. However, I will not RP themes such as rape, domestic abuse or abuse of a minor.
Even though my character is sexually active, ERP is unlikely. I have to be able to totally trust the person behind the character and for them to understand that what happens between our characters is just between our characters. Mentions of our character's hooking up are fine, I'm just not totally comfortable with actual ERP.


Layout made with my crappy CSS/HTML skills. Relationship colour key stolen from here.