Niamh Chalahko
Niamh Chalahko [ˈniːəv ˈkaləˌkō] is an enterprising junkmonger tentatively affiliated with operations such as Rowena's House of Splendors and the Skysteel Manufactory. She is found in edifices abandoned and dilapidated, ransacking memories of technological eld for profit. Among her sundry wares, she is known to purvey anything an Imperial war machine may have within its chassis.
Niamh was born in the West Shroud about a decade before the Calamity. She was raised as a traditional Moon-Keeper by a clan of hunters, with the most notable quality of her childhood being the absurd amount of relatives she recounts in conversations. Many of these relatives are now missing or presumed dead, but the few yet living remember their cousin as passionate if not a bit of a firebrand.
Niamh witnessed the Battle of Carteneau and the Fall of Dalamud, albeit from very far away. Discerning the path to the event wasn’t difficult, as every person not clad in armour had a common direction their backs were turned to. The difficult part was finding a clandestine route to viewing, which they managed by scrambling up the cliffside and establishing a vantage point in a relatively comfortable crevice.
She can’t say she remembers much of the battle–clashing waves of soldiers, too small to make out as distinct figures of nationhood; magitek armours that appeared to the youngsters as creatures of Goliath proportions; pops of light from magicks performed, beyond the wildest imaginations–but as the distance closed between Dalamud and the land, a feeling of existential dread awashed her that is still palpable to her this day. Beyond that, the memory is eclipsed in light.
Appearance & Personality
Niamh is on the skinnier side of average for her race. She has a leanness about her that reads of a strenuous, dogged way of life; where meals are missed if you lack the wherewithal to capture it. Her eyes seem starved of something too – of the quench of some answer that alludes her, or the satiation security brings. She doesn't smile much, and if she does it's your canary in a coal mine; her natural countenance moves like clockwork between unabashed curiousity and disconcerting vacancy.
Her ears look average; her tail is long, but not the longest. Her lunar markings hug below her cheekbones, and extend longer than the Keeper norm. To ask of their permanency seems impolite, but they are in fact not permanent – only an inky salve applied primarily to negate the sun's glare. She has the proportions and carriage of someone who ought to be very graceful, but due to her perceived sense of infallibility, she tends to bet poorly on matters that affect maneuverability, such as wearing showy, vision-obscuring hats. On the up-side, she's the top contender for most crashing-intos of Eorzeans. Bring her to Hingashi, and she's likely to be the front runner there, too. WIP
Niamh grew up in a family where you did as you wanted, when you wanted, and where falling for a lie was worse than telling it.
- Rowena's House of Splendors - Niamh occasionally works a stall, or a corner under some stairs like Cristiana, but more likely she'll be out in the field, snooping around for new trifles to sell. Plus the gloom in Mor Dhona makes her aether-sick and it's stifling to always wear a mask. To keep up with her contractual agreement with Rowena, Niamh splits her spoils among a few of the merchants to ensure she makes profits, even with the loss of working through an intermediary.
- Skysteel Manufactory - She hasn't been caught at it yet, but she poaches commissions she overhears through the House or around town and tries to be the first to supply the Manufactory with mechanical odds and ends. She's hoping to at least get an experimental aetherotransformer through this extracurricular.
- The Women of Rowena's House Show text
Other Notes