Pechi Lazhli

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Character profile for Pechi Lazhli




Pechi was born to two Mi'qote in Limsa Lominsa, her father being a sailor and pirate while her mother was a maiden who spend much of her time working in one of the local pubs. She has one sibling- an older half-sister a few years her senior: Lapis Lazhli, who is an Au ra that came from the union of her father and his previous, late wife, whom he had met in Gridania.

Pechi spent most of her time growing up running about the decks of Limsa with her sister. The two made friends who they went on small "adventures" and "voyages" with together now and then.

Once old enough to do so, Pechi was given the chance to go out to sea with her father, temporarily joining the crew he had been part of on their ship. That voyage helped her really appreciate all he did when he was away, and gave her more of a love for adventure and the stories she'd heard growing up.

Though she's the younger of the two, Pechi quickly became the one to set out on her adventure into Eorzea, wanting to have more of her own adventures and become a well-renowned dancer and bard by making friends she can travel with and later recount their stories. She may get into some tight spots and trouble here and there with her curiosity, but her reliance on her friends seems to pull through for her in the end.


Hair: Light, powder blue

Skin: Pale Eyes: Bright pink Height: About 5'0"

Build: Slender, slightly toned
Aspects That Stand Out:

Name - Pechi Lazhli
Race - Mi'qote
Age - Early 20s
Name Day - 9th Sun of the First Umbral Moon
Deity - Menphina

Alias: TEXT
Citizenship: TEXT
Occupation: TEXT
Hair color: TEXT
Eye color: TEXT
Complexion: TEXT
Piercings: TEXT
Marks or tattoos: TEXT
Alignment: TEXT
Key Items: TEXT
Favorite Food: TEXT
Favorite Drink: TEXT
Favorite Color: TEXT
Template made by User:Abelia Kir Armiger and free for use!