Rinha'li Dhavha

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Rinha'li Dhavha
{ Flustered Voidmath }



NAME Rinha'li Dhavha | Rin

AGE early 20s

RACE Keeper of the Moon

HEIGHT 5 fulms 2 ilms

WEIGHT scrawny


ORIENTATION interested in men

MARITAL STATUS contentedly married; non-monogamous


▶ An unassuming figure usually swallowed up by his oversized robes, luminous green eyes peering out from behind a pair of pince-nez spectacles. Fluffy hair and equally fluffy fur. Rin's tail is kinked halfway down and partially paralyzed, presumably from an improperly set break at some point in the past, but his fur is long enough that it can be difficult to tell. He often looks as though he has not slept.

Rinha'li speaks with a peculiar accent -- the soft lilt of a Lominsan intellectual laid atop the sharp hiss of someone who grew up speaking a native miqo'te language in the deep Shroud, punctuated by a pronounced stammer that gets worse when he's anxious but is never quite under control. Soft-spoken and quite literate, Rinha'li does not usually make a strong first impression; he dislikes talking about himself, preferring to turn the conversation outward -- even to the point of being rather nosy at times. Shy and conflict-avoidant, Rinha'li can come off as cowardly and easy to order about.

Currently residing in Ul'dah with his legal spouse, the eccentric magister Saerdha Dhavha, and a mysterious half-elezen boy known as Atlan Lanning. Rin operates a freelance investigation business -- Quill & Eye Inqiuries -- out of the basement of the cozy coffeehouse Sumac & Saffron, as well as working as a scrivener from time to time.


ROLEPLAY PREFERRED Adventure/plot-focused preferred, but I also like slice-of-life. Mature or dark themes a plus!

ROLEPLAY LIMITS Please do not try to inflict permanent harm on my character without OOC discussion. I am also very selective about who I RP romantic/sexual themes with.

CONTACT Feel free to request my discord tag/tumblr if we have interacted!


ExpandROLEPLAY HOOKS - Feel free to use any of these as the basis for a walkup!
◆ Rin is a frequent sight at libraries, book vendors, curio shops, and various other venues in Ul'dah and Limsa Lominsa, where he is known to have a taste for peculiar items. You may have seen him around, or sold to him before!

◆ Rinha'li is an arcanist and is extremely passionate about the art, constantly chasing after new cutting-edge theories and pipe-dream innovations. Do you want to debate aetheromechanics, commission an arcanima working, or test an ambitious new theory?

◆ Quill & Eye Inquiries, Rin's unusual investigation business, is known for taking on all manner of strange cases -- especially those that carry the hint of the supernatural. It is also an open secret that he makes a (purely academic, of course) study of the Void and its creatures, and is always looking for new information in that area. Maybe you have a mystery nobody else can solve, or something haunting you...? No question too obscure!

◆ Rin is often found tromping around where he isn't supposed to be, whether it's the restricted section of an archive or a haunted ruin deep in the wilderness. Perhaps you'll run into him mid-adventure (or misadventure)...

◆ Residents of the southern Shroud may recall a reclusive clan of Keepers who lived deep in the swamps, close to where the city of Amdapor once stood. They were secretive and had strange ways, and they guarded the cursed ground of the White City with their lives. All of them were marked with white-tipped ears, just like Rin, but no one has heard from them in some time...

◆ Do you study the War of the Magi? Have an interest in the lost civilizations of Eorzea? In particular, do you possess an Amdapori artifact, or some knowledge about the lost city of white? Rin's interest in Amdapor, its civilization, and its fall borders on the obsessive.

I'm open to all kinds of ideas that aren't on this list! Don't hesitate to contact me if you want to RP and we can work something out. I love establishing prior connections!

ExpandSECRETS - PLEASE remember that these are IC SECRETS!
◆ Rin keeps his neck and wrists covered in public to hide the scars there -- scars which seem to be from a botched execution.

◆ Rin was disowned by his family and clan -- however, they are almost all dead now. Rin's role in this debacle is dubious at best, and he clearly does not like his family. He will sometimes refer to himself as "cursed" or a "black omen", or allude to having been born somehow "wrong".

◆ Rinha'li's arcane grimoire is marked by smoldering claw-marks on the front of it, and it carries a subtle but strangely persistent void taint. Sometimes, spells he casts from it are streaked with black and red, like ink dropped into clear water. He keeps a detailed record of his dreams in a small notebook strapped to the inside cover of his grimoire, with fevered sketches and half-remembered notes. It is clear something haunts him -- some dark specter from his past near the ruins of Amdapor, perhaps.

A door into darkness, and the sound of black wings

CREDITS This is a heavily edited version of D'lyhhia Lhuil's template.