Rinha'li Dhavha
◆ AGE early 20s ◆ RACE Keeper of the Moon ◆ HEIGHT 5 fulms 2 ilms ◆ WEIGHT scrawny ◆ TEMPERAMENT Nervous ◆ ORIENTATION interested in men ◆ MARITAL STATUS contentedly married; non-monogamous
Rinha'li speaks with a peculiar accent -- the soft lilt of a Lominsan intellectual laid atop the sharp hiss of someone who grew up speaking a native miqo'te language in the deep Shroud, punctuated by a pronounced stammer that gets worse when he's anxious but is never quite under control. Soft-spoken and quite literate, Rinha'li does not usually make a strong first impression; he dislikes talking about himself, preferring to turn the conversation outward -- even to the point of being rather nosy at times. Shy and conflict-avoidant, Rinha'li can come off as cowardly and easy to order about. Currently residing in Ul'dah with his legal spouse, the eccentric magister Saerdha Dhavha, and a mysterious half-elezen boy known as Atlan Lanning. Rin operates a freelance investigation business -- Quill & Eye Inqiuries -- out of the basement of the cozy coffeehouse Sumac & Saffron, as well as working as a scrivener from time to time.
◇ ROLEPLAY LIMITS Please do not try to inflict permanent harm on my character without OOC discussion. I am also very selective about who I RP romantic/sexual themes with. ◇ CONTACT Feel free to request my discord tag/tumblr if we have interacted! ◇ CURRENT SERVER Balmung |
ExpandROLEPLAY HOOKS - Feel free to use any of these as the basis for a walkup! |
ExpandSECRETS - PLEASE remember that these are IC SECRETS! |