Ryker Lockehart

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Sharlayan.jpg Ryker Lockehart
Archgnosi of the Reclaimers
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Sharlayan
Age 33
Sexuality Heterosexual
Relationship Aireiel Dotharl
Affiliation The Reclaimers

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Height: 6 Fulms
Weight: 200 Onzes
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Green
Skin Color: Tan
Piercings: Silver earrings all along both ears.
Tattoos: Mark of the Sage on left cheek. The words "Be Not Afraid" on inner left forearm. "Corruptio Optimi Pessima" in small black letters beneath his left collar bone. Small "Hear" behind his right ear. "Feel" across his right fingers beneath the knuckles. "Think" on the back base of his neck.
Scars: Several on his face. Different sized scars across mostly chest and arms.


Ryker was born in the Old World. He spent most of his childhood there with his mother, Lenorah. His mother was a complicated woman who had problems that Ryker would only begin to understand years later. In an attempt to gain his mother's love and attention, Ryker studied hard to be accepted to the Studium at a young age. However, Lenorah took her own life when Ryker was still a young boy. She left him a sizable amount of funds, but it would only be given to him if he continued his studies. So he continued on, living by himself and obtaining funds from the company that his mother had left her assets with. He was accepted into the Studium and he continued working hard despite his mother's absence. She had always wanted to see him receive the title of Sage, so young Ryker used it as a motivation to continue and combat his crippling sense of loneliness. His gloomy nature made sure he made no friends as a boy. Ryker spent his days studying alone, then at night he would use his living funds to eat at various restaurants throughout the city. He had developed a taste for foreign cuisine, so the bland nature of most Sharlayan food never quite satisfied him. Because of this, he would find whatever tasty foreign foods he could, no matter the cost. Using food to fulfill his emotional needs, Ryker became overweight before he had even hit puberty. He was deemed sloppy and gluttonous by most, so they left him to his fate.

When Ryker was 16 years old, he began seeing and hearing strange things. This seemed to have a major impact on him, because it was then he began to change his lifestyle. He devoted part of his study time to reading about different martial techniques from across the world. He began a self imposed fitness routine and started to shed all the extra weight he had carried since a boy. A few short years later, he became strong and confident. His success in academics grew and he decided on his specialization, andraetherial metamorphology.


Key: -Romantic Interest -Family -Friend -Neutral -Enemy -Disliked
§-NPC -Deceased

Aireiel Dotharl

Ryker's girl. They met while Aireiel was living with her tribe in Othard. She nursed him back to health after a conflict with the local wildlife. Later, after she left the Steppe, Ryker saved Aireiel from Thavnarian slavers. He took her on as his research assistant and they've been inseparable ever since. Wherever he goes he takes Aireiel with him.

Lenorah Lockehart §

Ryker's mother. The two lived together in the Old World until she took her own life. Her influence is still evident to this day.


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Hard to Hear
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