Sali Malqir

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 Sali Moks

Sali Avatar1.jpg

Biographical Information
Birth Name Sali Malqir
Guardian Nhaama, the Dusk Mother
Birthplace East Azim Steppe, Othard
Born 1554
Nameday 12th Sun of the 6th Astral Moon
Race Au Ra
Clan Xaela
Tribe Malqir
Physical Attributes
Hair Hickory brown
Eyes Green
Height 5'9"
Career Information
Occupation Healer
Rank Expert
Out-of-Character Information
Time Zone GMT-5
Server Mateus
Profession Conjurer
Job White Mage
Known languages include Moks sign language, Standard Auri, and Common.


Life is a game. Every move must be thought out precisely. When a mated pair of Malqir broke away from the rest of their tribe during a trade agreement to wander the One River, they hadn't anticipated the results of their move. Their son, Sali, was but seven summers when he came across a basket in the river, cradling a drenched and exhausted Xaela girl within. Unsure of her whereabouts, they took in this wild card. All they knew of her at the time was that her name was Ilakha and that she would be Sali's younger sister.

The siblings grew close, studying together to become udgan. Sali was chosen to be under specific training to compete in the upcoming kharaqiq tournament, of which determined the next khan of the tribe. Ilakha had no interest in such things, spending most of her time studying her adoptive tribe's literature. Their particular clan was known for the scrolls they carried with them throughout the Steppe. These scrolls assisted them through keeping their literary traditions alive through the recently crafted writing system of the Xaela.

When the Adarkim came, it was not the scrolls they were after. The Malqir, knowing they would be overpowered, opted for negotiation in surrendering a number of their populace. Sali, having lost the previous kharaqiq tournament, was among them, when Ilakha was only eleven. Torn for the loss of her sibling at the hands of her own tribe, Ilakha was forced to obey her parents' wishes that she'd never approach the outskirts of the Steppe alone.

Once Sali was hauled back to the center of the Steppe, he was rounded up with others captured by the Adarkim for presenting to Sdarkim khan. For the first year, he was set under constant guard to work at their makeshift infirmary, having restrictions for his use of herbal remedies lest he plot sabotage. For survival, Sali had to prove his loyalty. This worked in his favor once he falsely pledged to forsake the Malqir, allowing him to work as a field medic. Over time, his prowess in combat - particularly in the Naadam - granted him several priveleges over the other slaves. He was not proud, but he was grateful that his manipulation had gotten him so far. In fact, he was selected to be among a band to head for the Dawn Throne, following a pact made with the Oronir. Armed with a bow to utilize his talent as an archer, he would serve as a guard for the next couple years for the males granted breeding rights with their selected Oroniri maidens.

In due time, for his healing abilities, he was reassigned by an esteemed warring leader of the Adarkim, Sukhbataar, to a band bound for the Nhaama Desert with the aim of recovering some caches of the Mierqid, tracking their movements for retrieving supplies on their expedition. Their leader, Toqta, was a former tribe member of theirs and an unexpected fatherly figure to Sali. He managed to keep his distance with enough with the leader to forge a disingenous friendship, though Toqta's tales being raised as an Adarkim boy still linger in Sali's mind. The trust was enough to allow him to send out a falcon, supposedly to the Dawn Throne, but he had forged a code on the parchment based in the Malqir language. Thankfully, his younger sister Ilakha had found it when she moved to the Sea of Blades.

Six moons into their expedition, the band of Adarkim was only interrupted by a group of Oroniri diplomats that initiated a 'slave trade', only later that evening revealing themselves to be Ilakha and her allies in disguise. She had arranged the meeting with her brother over letters, perfectly coordinated their escape right down to drugging the airag of Toqta and his head spearman, the loathsome Muunkhtuur. After witnessing his fellow Adarkim udgan fall, the group boarded a flock of bonded yol before setting off over the mountains the bordered Yat Khaal. A tearful reunion was marked by the rise of the Dawn Father's rays, warming the waters of the river around them. From there and beyond, a new beginning awaited.



A fondness for serenity and unity between leaving things is what makes life meaningful to the Xaela. However, having such seemingly naive goals in life doesn't mean he wouldn't valiantly and almost aggressively defend it. Amicable, though not easily convinced, he abides by his personal law that everything comes with a price. What appears to be good luck may be an omen of unfortunate events, but just the same, the sun rises again after storms. As oppose to spreading them, he guards his views passionately, harboring a stubborn and sarcastic nature. Typically cool and calm, he holds a serious demeanor when it comes to his work as a healer. The son of a veterinarian and a midwife, he utilizes magicks he's inherited from his udgan mother in much of his duties. Considering battle more of something to be avoided if possible, even a nuisance, his pursues more domestic interests in his career, particularly as a medical botanist.


Initially seeming aloof to most strangers, both his past as an Adarkim servant and his true tribe has contributed to his slowness in opening up, much less trusting others. His typical neutrality has simultaneously attracted and put off others. Still he shows a gentleness to his allies that repays the loyalty, even if it seems to outsiders that his own is fickle. While usually quite patient, everyone who has ever worked in a branch of customer service would understand how this can wear thin. Especially when your most frequent guest is a homeless person who often shows up for free food and alcohol, or just to borrow the couch for slumber, primarily since they're now wanted in some obscure part of the country.


Though one to keep to himself, he's used a stern outlook to help persuade his allies to act out in what he believes is their best interests. A gentle side is portrayed only to close friends, yet his worry is never concealed. It is not so much out of inability to communicate them, but rather a subconscious habit where he tends to keep quiet about his own opinions. Unless he's particularly emotionally tied to a situation, his 'best' way forward is grinning and bearing it. Unless it's a certain herbalist.

Notes & Trivia

  • Much of his Common was learned during his time at the Dawn Throne.
