Shiori Higurashi
Height: Tiny, even for her kind
Weight: Underweight/Skinny
Figure/build: Shiori has a slender build, although she has some muscle, the way she holds herself makes her seem quite frail. She has a quite long slender tail, and her horns caress the sides of her head
Hair colour: Light, light blond with purple highlights
Hairstyle: With the help of an astetician she currently has her long hair back again. She varies how she keeps it, but mostly as in the drawing on the side that will be changed soon
Eye colour: Blue, with ligher blue limbal rings
Skin colour: Tanned, spending most of her time outdoors.
Scars/distinguishing marks: Her entire body seems to have scars on it, apart from her face. Smaller ones and bigger ones decorate her skin where she doesn’t have scales to protect her; even some of them seem to have been damaged. The biggest scar she has on her right leg, it goes from her hip, down to where her little toe should have been. Her scales were for a long time colored black by her masters, but have recently been cleaned. She is slowly getting used to the idea of what she is.
Unlike most female Aura, her scale pattern on the back covers it much like many males, at the top, the scales almost branches out like wings, connecting with the ones that are on the top of her arms.
Frequently worn jewellery/accessories: A small heart shaped pendant hanging on a golden chain. (Stolen in recent events) She now has jewlery type ring around one horn, and a new necklace: They seems to be both made of white gold in similar shade to her scales and decorated with purple crystals in same shade and similar style to the old pendant. Engraved in the white gold are even more delicate nature motives, tiny leaves and flowers, even the pendant chain is stylized into nature design of vines and leaves
It’s quite hard to know what is Shy's actual personality, and whats simply her training. Around most people she doesn't know, and also to an extend around the people she now does know she simply uses her training to her advantage and says and acts how she believes people would like her to act. Around a select few people, some of what could be seen as her actual personality has started to show. She is also willing to go to extreeme lenghts to keep those around her happy.
Common Appearance: (see screenshot above)
Voice: Very quiet
Clothing: It's clothing, its good
- Beeing free
- Stargazing
- Quiet places
- Animals
- Generally males
- Confined spaces
- Raised voices
- Frost/cold weather
Over several years she had many masters as she was traded around like any other goods. After a while she thought she was Xaela forgetting all about the original color of her scales. At her second master, she was taken under the wing of his preferred slave. She thought her all about how to please your master, and she took this wisdom with her when she was traded once more. This probably saved her life several times during her life.
Her life varied with her master, from the almost kind to the cruel and she couldn’t even count on two hands how many times she had wished that they would simply have killed her. Even if she did her best, some of her masters would beat her to an inch within her life, cutting her skin and her scales just because they could. At a point she tried deliberately to make one of her masters kill her, but even that she managed to fail at. After several years as a slave she no longer remembers her own origin or her name.
Her life finally changed when she was traded to an elderly master. He was kind to her, had her checked by healers, and treated her more like a daughter than a slave. Nothing was expected off her, but she found it best to keep to her ways, and started trying to make a potion that would help her masters bionic leg heal. When he noticed this, he encouraged her, helped her, and read her different things from books so that they together might be able to find a cure for him. They also talked about Eorzea and how he would like to go there with her. All in all, her year with him was the best year in her life, at least to her memory. Sadly before they could leave to Eorzea the old man died, and she found herself free, and alone.
She knows how to survive pretty much the most horrible treatment you can imagine. She also has a deep knowledge in herbs and how to make them into medication.
• Breaks bones easily (being a slave you eat what you get, leaving her mineral/calcium deficient. Almost every bone in her body has been broken at some point in her life, most have healed on their own and often not quite right
• Seems generally weak, she has very little muscle left after several months on her own, with even less food that normal
• Issues with sight due to treatment over the years
• Her right leg is weaker than her left leg, due to the damage the deep cut did. This also leads to her right leg beeing painfull when used. The more she uses it, the more it hurts. Resulting in her mostly leaning all her wight on her left leg
• Cronic headache. On some rare occasions she can be headache free, but its more common for her to have them. Some from untreated bad eyesight, the rest is from damage done to her over the years
Izayoi Higurashi ( ♥✖ ) - Mother
Position: Died from an attack many years ago
Hiro Higurashi ( ♥✖ ) - Father
Died from an attack many years ago
Grumbling Behemoth ( ♥ ) - Friend
Innkeeper: Friendly grumbling giant, letting her sleep in his room. Someone she enjoys beeing around, and that seems to care for her
Nebula Stardancer ( ≈ ) - Aquaintance
Person at the inn, seems odd, has a cat
Mackenzie Hawk ( ● ) - Friend
A lady that visits the inn often, and someone she looks up to and now sees as her friend
Flynn Rosenberg ( ● ) - Aquaintance
Mack's Husband, and therefore okay in her eyes
Common Rumors
PC Rumors
Hard Limits
* ERP (It will not happen)
Hooks & RP Favorites
* Small group RP
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