Suo Moks

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— Suo Moks —

" The stars shine bright for you, never forget that. "

A soft spoken woman who seeks peace rather than the violence her tribe has grown accustomed to over the years. Always seeking an easy resolution that doesn't regard fighting, her voice is often unheard within her tribe, but she is always there to patch them back up with care.

Race au ra
Clan xeala
Age early 20's
Nameday 24th Sun, 5th Umbral Moon
Deity Lltmyaen
Marital Status single
Occupation healer and unsung voice
Height ~4 fulm 11 ilm
Weight ~100 ponz


Thanks for many hours of the Steppe's and the Western Highlands sun, Suo is a fairly tan individual. With long dark brown hair that meets her mid back, she often keeps it free of accessories save for a simple white headband she wears on occasion. Her face bears many freckles, and her eyes tend to shine bright as the stars.


Ever since moving back from the Highlands to the Steppes, Suo often wears lighter garbs of clothes as she is not used to the warmer temperature quite yet. Often leaving her legs bare and light boots, she carefully picks cloths of various colors to cover herself in.


Suo's voice is often very soft, with a mid-to high pitch and an extremely contagious laugh.


Suo is very kind and open, always offering an open ear to her tribe. She keeps herself honest with her opinions of how the tribe continues to operates, and wishes she could assist Dagasi further in salvaging themselves from their previous ways. Often Suo is tending to the wounded, and voicing her concerns of the endless amounts of violence she sees daily. While she finds comfort in helping others get to better help, she dreams of the stars and what lies beyond that.


honest people


endless fighting
unnecessary arguing


Alignment: neutral good
Faults: clumsy, oblivious, stubborn
Favorite Flavors: salty and sweet
Favorite Color: turquoise

Backstory ☢

Suo was born in the Azim Steppes to the tribe "Moks"; a harsh and generally violent tribe that often got their answers through fighting. Their tribe remained here for a few years, before being exiled out, where their current leader, Semsochi, brought them to the Western Highlands to seek a new power. Suo was around five when this move happened, and never quite understood why it was forced upon her and her family until much later. It was around this time that Semsochi insisted that Suo began learning black magic, something that the young girl had no interest in. She'd rather watch shooting stars at night and wished to be back in steppes picking flowers.

When Suo was roughly 12 years old, Semsochi finally found the power she was seeking, but at the cost of her own life. At this point the tribe was already on edge, fighting with one another to prove who was stronger and Suo was still stuck learning dark magic. Secretly, she had begin learning what she could of Astrology, with the help of one of their newer tribe members, Hisa. Upon Semsochi's death, her daughter, Khashii was forced to exile the tribe by her own father Dagasi in fear of her stirring more trouble, and not knowing what dark matter was infested into his daughter.

Without the fear of Semsochi hurting her to continue her black magic studies, Suo abandoned it and began furthering her knowledge of astrology, hoping to eventually become one (and a healer) for her tribe in the desperate time of need. Dagasi welcomes this idea, offering his support and guidance to Ishgard as he leads their tribe to a much safer and warmer place. All the while trying to overcome the tune of violence their tribe once knew and welcomed with open arms, to a more civilized and gentler atmosphere. However, this ends up angering some people rather than relaxing them, causing another conflict in their tribe that leads to a long winded fight resulting in far too many casualties.

Furthering her studies, Suo aids Dagasi in easing their tribe into a more peaceful way. At 18, she's forced into a regretful goodbye to her best friend, Hisa, who has her own journey ahead of her -- only to hope that one day she'll be able to see her again. And it is then that Dagasi decides on moving their tribe back to the Steppes, in hopes that they can find their place once more, without the all the violence.


UPDATED; Now back in the Steppes, Suo continues to aid Dagasi in their tribe's needs. More often than not, she is bandaging up any and everyone she can, hoping they can have a safe recovery from their wounds. While continuing her studies with astrology, Suo secretly seeks out finding Hisa, only now realizing the deeper feelings she has for her. Without a clue of where to start, she instead stays, assisting Dagasi where she can, and hoping she can find his daughter, Khashii, to help the tribe prove their worth at the next Naadam.


(easy to overhear)
"The poor girl wouldn't even hurt a fly!"
"She's a sweetheart, sure, but have you seen that bust?"
"I bet she has a thing or two for Dagasi-- she's always with him."


(moderately difficult to overhear)
"Heard her parents got what was coming to them, always tryin' to fight an' all..."
"If she wasn't so damned into those cards, I bet she could pack a serious punch."


(very difficult or rarely overheard)


(rumors from the characters of other players)

Notes ☢

NO: Fetish or underage characters.
Plot is nice. I'm basically open for anything, including dark themes.

In-Game ☢

Behemoth Server
CST time
Discord is available upon request.

Template Bancroft Gairn
Layout reference D'lyhhia Lhuil
Other fiddling Misik'a Rahsi