Taedrinnar Ashmorrow
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"Is it the part where you plead for your life yet? That's going to be funny. And in vain. But mostly funny."
Taedrinnar Ashmorrow | |
![]() | |
Gender | Male |
Race | Elezen |
Clan | Wildwood |
Citizenship | Wanderer |
Basic Info
- Full Name : Taedrinnar Ashmorrow
- Aliases : None
- Namesday : 10th Sun, 6th Astral Moon, year 1550
- Age : 28
- Marital Status : Single
- Current Residence : Wanderer
- Occupation : Bard/Assassin
- Taedrinnar grew up an orphan on the streets of Ul'dah. He's not really sure where it was his family had fled from, or what happened to them. All he really knew is that when his group of refugees reached this massive city, his parents were already nothing more then a memory. He was attached to a group of people who barely knew him, cared for him only out of a feeling of obligation. Taedrinnar often found himself an outcast among outcasts.
- It is no surprise, then, that when the Syndicate bruisers came looking for recruits, the young male eagerly signed up. A warm bed, three meals a day and the occasional coin were things he had only dreamed about before, so whatever he had to do to get them must be worth it. That is how, at such a young age, his life of crime began. First learning how to steal, then how to fight, and finally how to kill.
Before Dalamud's Fall
- Taedrinnar had spent most of his childhood learning everything he needed to be a skilled assassin. His weapon of choice was the bow, as it allowed him to take out targets from much farther away, people he might never be able to get to with a blade. It also gave him a head start when it came time to run away. Soon, however, his kills began to drawl notice. He always used Ashwood arrow shafts, believing them superior in strength and weight, which helped his kills to stand out a little.
- This notoriety was drawling attention his Syndicate Master's didn't like. In particular, a few Noble kills had drawn the attention of the Sultansworn, including an up and coming knight named Ser Crofte. As Ser Crofte began to close in on more and more information that could lead back to them, the Syndicate gave their assassin two choices, disappear on his own... or with help. Taedrinnar packed up over night, fled to Limsa, and signed up on the first Pirate Ship he came across, the Raven's Claw.
After Dalamud's Fall
- Life as a Pirate was rather interesting, and a skilled archer with no morals fit in well with the crew. He found himself at home here, enjoying the new life and the sense of adventure. After some time, he met one of the crew, a silver haired Seeker who called herself "T'Lehia." He was sure that wasn't her real name, but it served well enough for him.
- Their relationship quickly grew heated and passionate, and after a few weeks there wasn't a night they didn't spend together. For the first time in his life Tae was starting to feel things like love and hope. Life had finally decided to make up for the short straw he had drawn at birth. Here was what he was always meant to have.. a loving, passionate mate, an exciting job, a sense of belonging. No longer an outcast, no longer alone.
- It lasted shorter then he would like. Later that year, the Raven Claw got caught in a storm, and though the ship made it through to the other side, T'Lehia did not. He would re-live it in his dreams most nights, and it would all seem so real, right back in the moment again. The scream of terror as the wave picked her up, panic in her eyes as she reached out for him; just out of reach. He'd hear her call his name as she was swept away...
- After that, he just could not stay. He took the coin he had saved from his share, and once more found himself in Ul'dah. This time, however, he wasn't a refugee. He wasn't a Syndicate man. He was free. Still, a bit of coin only lasts so long, and a life of piracy and killing doesn't leave one with much in the way of domestic job skills. So he took up the old life. No longer working for just one boss, his talents were available for anyone who had the coin.
- Posing as a bard by day, working as an assassin by night, he began to build a new life, until one job went awry. Double crossed by an employer, and then interrupted mid job by a patrol, Taedrinnar had been forced to seek help from the one place he was forbidden to go: the Sultansworn. He had donned a mask and slipped a note to Ser Sadowyn, warning her of a plan to kill several citizens. In the end, it worked out to his advantage, but the knight just would not let his identity go. Finally, in frustration, he had yelled to her, 'Your going to make me do it, aren't you? Your going to make me think up some ridiculous, fool of a name, like 'Ashen Assassin' or 'Lethal Arrow' or something."
- The knight had finally dropped the question, yet when next he needed to contact her, he couldn't help signing the letter in jest.. "The Ashen Assassin.. or something..." and, much to his chagrin, the name had stuck.
Recent History
- Shortly after helping the Sultansworn foil a plot to kill several people, including himself, the assassin vanished. No one knows where he went, or why. Rumors and theories claim he was arrested on other crimes, or died during the riots in Ul'Dah. That was the last anyone had heard of the Ashen Assassin, or Taedrinnar....
- He had gone abroad, studying the art of the short blade, learning and honing his talents for Murder and Song, letting the memory of his crimes dull and fade. However, like before, his purse began to empty, and his boredom grow... and soon enough his feet landed once more on the stone streets of Ul'dah...
Character Relations
- ■ Father: Unknown
- ■ Mother: Unknown
- ■ Wife: None
- ■ Child: None
Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to message me rumors you've heard! ◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)
- Character Comparisons: Final Fantasy Characters: Edward (IV), Zidane (IX), Golbez (IV)
- Other Similar Characters: Hawkeye (Marvel Comics), Megamind, Gajeel Redfox (Fairy Tale)
- Theme Song: "This Means War" A7X; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRG-1gg8ePY
- TV Tropes: Possible Heel-face Turn
- Template credit goes to Arianne Beaudonet, visit her wiki for further credits