Tai'lita Durise

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Gridania-transparent.png Tai'lita Durise
Tailita Page Icon.jpg
Birth Name Tai'lita Duris
Pronounced TAI-lee-tah DOO-reese
Age 24
Nameday 14th Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon
Race Miqo'te
Clan Sun Seeker
Alignment Neutral Good
Citizenship Gridanian
Guardian Nald'thal, the Traders
Height 157cm (5’ 2” or 61.9in)
Weight 50kg (110 lbs)
Hair Light Green
Eyes Light Blue
Skin Pale
Noteable Features Stripes on face and forehead
Occupation Healer/Adventurer
Combat Style Healer
Non-combat FSH, CUL, WVR, BTN
Skills Healer, Noncombat skills
Transportation Chocobo
Username silvermoonwings
Time Zone -7:00 UTC MST
Server Ultros
Tumblr https://una-xiv.tumblr.com
Additional Characters Una Watanabe, Kyoko Miwa

**Infobox template adapted from: Infobox-TMI by [MoenMoen]


-Bright and Cheerful; loves laughing
-Over-eager and mildly reckless, she sometimes doesn't think everything through before charging ahead
-Protective of her friends, she initially starts in the Conjurers' Guild, thought quickly moves to learn other skills as well. Working towards a White Mage Job Specialization will suit her very well.
-The type of person who probably needs glasses, but rarely ever wears them. This doesn't help her recklessness, and sometimes she'll walk right into inanimate objects.


-Cuddling and affectionate gestures
-Dancing and cheering. Supporting her friends in the most warm, friendly, and loud way possible.


-Failing at something that was her idea
-Being embarassed/teased by others excessively
-Wearing her glasses
-Rain. Other bodies of water are okay, but she really really really hates rain.


-A bit on the short side, and fairly thin
-Her green hair and tail set off her brighter blue eyes, and her rounder face showcases the stripe war-markings on her face.
-Has freckles and a small scar across the bridge of her nose.


-A part of the Seekers' of the Sun clan, she likes to lay about in sunny spots for cat naps and relaxing times.
-Her parents were somewhat lax with her, probably contirbuting to her carefree personality.
-Has a half-brother named S'alem