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Hello everybody! I am a brand new addition to the RP community here at Balmung. I think it's only fair I make myself known so that everyone can better understand who I am!

OOCly I like to spend a lot of my time dungeon crawling for glamour, it's my ingame hobby. In my downtime I like to also do mining and botany to earn money to buy stuff from the markets. My personality is very fickle unfortunately, so I like to change it up a lot. This means I like to change my look, and in the past I was notorious for name changing all the time because of my dissatisfaction of my RP character's name.

I am very easy going ingame and I like to hang out with just about everyone. I stand up for myself if someone says something hurtful, and I won't be afraid to speak my mind.

I have been taking care of several kittens that I rescued, they take up a lot of my time but they are well worth it. I love animals, and if it gives you any hint to how big of a wimp I am, I felt bad about killing the puppy in Sastasha normal mode. Either way, I'm sure I'll make plenty of friends here, have a great time everybody and I hope to see you soon!